The Bassist's Effects Line Up

I think it sounds interesting because I have very limited knowledge in the field of effects. :oops:

On a serious note, the Fish N Chips is more than adequate and customising my tone as I do not boost my lows as they are sufficient as they are and I use it to precisely control my mids and highs, which brings out my beloved string attack of my P-Bass.

I think a likely way I would re-order my set would be :

P-Bass> Big Muff > Fish N Chips > Bass Attack > LM-2B > Chorus > Amp .

Any suggestions regarding the revised order? :)
No right or wrong la whatever sounds good to you!

But if it were up to me ...

The Hartke Bass DI is great for tone shaping. I would leave it on all the time after tweaking. Don't bother with the "drive" section. Horrible plastic sounding thing.

If you find yourself needing to slap once in a while, perhaps you can engage the EQ as your "slap channel instead: cut the mids and boost the highs abit.

The LM-2B is not too bad a compressor. You can try putting it right in the front to even out your playing.

So anyway ... try this

Bass -> Limiter -> Hartke Bass DI -> EQ -> Fuzz -> Chorus
hi guys! i'm lookin for a clean boost overdrive for bass.... is there such a pedal? the ODB-3 is a gain overdrive boost ya? lastly, if there is, any reccomendations? Thx alot! Wink
tobias bro your compressor goes before all your other effects; because it needs to work on your raw signal ;)
i put my compressor after my preamp and drive pedals.
because i want my drive pedals to get as dynamic an input as possible. then squash with compressor to control levels
I find it works best after drive. My Big Muff needs some compression or it goes out of hand and needs a good spanking :twisted:
hi guys! i'm lookin for a clean boost overdrive for bass.... is there such a pedal? the ODB-3 is a gain overdrive boost ya? lastly, if there is, any reccomendations

umm.... is there a mistake in my qsn? or does nobody wanna reply?
You can try looking for something like the catlinbread Picaso.

other than that, try any clean boost type pedal that is made for guitar... its essentially the same thing
clean boost overdrive? overdrive makes your sound distorted,which is not clean in the first place...hmmm.... :lol:
the muff is a fuzz. check out the RC Booster by Xotic, i think they came up with a range for bass too so you don't need to get the guitar ones.

why do you need a clean boost anyhow? a pre-amp or EQ should let you add more bass or treble where necessary, and offer some volume parameters as well.
ibanez pd7 has three modes, clean/OD/Dist . Clean can be used as a clean boost, OD gives overdriven sound, Dist give heavy distortion. The pedal got a 2 band eq.