The Bassist's Effects Line Up

It's the super reflective cum fingerprint collector ISP Decimator pedal.
Noise gate is important since I have 3 Overdrives.
Colarndo: nice board, any reason why u run the DI on the left and into the TS? (as compared to the last pedal into the amp/direct into soundboard) ?


afraid the moogs ain't mine. i only have the lowpass. its really cheesy sound effects. weird and wacky, but in terms of nailing that sound, really no where else to look for. gotta pay a premium price for it though.

same goes for the bms. not many applicable uses in everyday rock bands, but its a different story once you head into experimentland.

imho the moogfoogers are actually mini-moogabots split up from godmode moogakingbot. sorta like the constructicons forming up to be devastator. :)
HI .. I am new here and also a beginner in bass playing. Just like to ask for advice on bass effectors. Currently I don't use any. Which single effector should I get first, if I can only get 1 right now? Which is the first effector you guys get??
Hehe just got a new toy...
KORG G5 huehuehue very fun to play around with and the effects on tap pretty cool and useful. I have setup envelope filter, basic fuzz and octave fuzz and previously the owner has a setup that basically has muse hysteria written all over it huehuehue.
Am using it with my Mesa V1 2 effects thats it so far though am thinking of getting a looper for the g5...
I use the TS 9 Re-Issue to pump up the 12AX7 tube mids(which i swapped for a JJ ECC 803 S GoldPin cos stock tubes sux) as the Valvedrive's Mid control is rather weak. I dun use the B.D.D.I as a D.I out as it would spoil the fun of having a pedalboard if it were last in chain. I use the slight tone coloration along with boosted highs(which are sweet) and pumped lows(curse of low end loss at TS-9)
Bass Xciter to "correct" the sound of crappy amps. ISP Decimator to "clean up" after those pedals, giving a nice no noise signal to the compressor(which amplifies any noise in the circuit).
Hi Dreamgear,

Hey, welcome to bass playing world.

Would recommend that you stay out of the realm of effects FOR NOW. I think it's best especially for beginners to nail down their basics and foundation of bass playing etc. groove, practice and finger dexterity and theory for now.

After a while when you're comfortable with your bass playing, then branching out into effects and stuff would be good. Usually bass players don't require as much effects as guitarists do, though you would find that some bass players DO have as much effects or even MORE than guitarists ... hahaha ....

So for now i think it'll be good if you would gear towards more practicing and finding out more about the instrument .. =)
Hi exin,

Ok.... Thanks for the advice... will do my homework first... BASSic 101 ... smile.....

exin Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:34 am Post subject:


Hi Dreamgear,

Hey, welcome to bass playing world.

Would recommend that you stay out of the realm of effects FOR NOW. I think it's best especially for beginners to nail down their basics and foundation of bass playing etc. groove, practice and finger dexterity and theory for now.

After a while when you're comfortable with your bass playing, then branching out into effects and stuff would be good. Usually bass players don't require as much effects as guitarists do, though you would find that some bass players DO have as much effects or even MORE than guitarists ... hahaha ....

So for now i think it'll be good if you would gear towards more practicing and finding out more about the instrument .. =)
i actually think the "quote" button is a good idea so long as not the ENTIRE msg is replicated (specially if it's a super long msg).

In a super long everylong thread like this, the quote button does make it easier to address ur msgs to a specific forummer, encourages more interaction too..

jus my thoughts
Colardo :
>>I dun use the B.D.D.I as a D.I out as it would spoil the fun of having a pedalboard if it were last in chain.

i see.... care to elab abit on why u reckon so?
just curious tt's all, there's no definite right or wrong in these situations...

Paperback: but most people are too lazy. haha

anyway. i need me a compressor. wonder when i'll actually get down to look for one.
If I really wanted the BDDI sound, I would not run a whole setup of pedals into it just to blend in its unique coloration. Like that, I would rather use it as a stand alone pedal.
Also, it would defeat the purpose of having a Valvedrive if I were to having a solid state tune emulator pedal at the end of the chain.

Compressor should be at the end of my chain, if I put BDDI after it, the signal will not be compressed as a whole if I simply blend in the sound. It would be compressed overall pre-BDDI signal+BDDI sound.
Having a D.I at the end of the chain is no big issue as I only require a line level signal. Of course this is my jamming studio configuration.
Colarndo: how's the bass xciter? are you able to get good tones outta it?

And does the sansamp help rectify the ts9 low-end loss convincingly?

Nice setup you have there... the way you explain things, it's like every pedal is utilised fully. got any demos played through this rig? share share share
Yup, every pedal is turned on..haha
But I never push them to OD though I have 3 possible Overdrives there.

Sansamp=Varaiation of tone amp modeller sounds. Overdrive adds "fake" tubewarmth. My version for the "cure" of the TS 9. of course blend is 50% to ensure a little rawness of my bass to come through. Too processed if overblended.
Boosted Highs & Lows=Mid Killer.

Ibanez TS-9 Re-issue=Super Mid booster, also low end killer. Smooths the tube in the Vavedrive slightly. (Sansamp sorts of balances the TS-9 low end loss out)

Valvedrive=Only purpose is to provide tube warmth. Mid knob on that is weak(so was the stock tube) hence the need for TS-9 and tube swap. Modern setting provides slight growl and more refined bass sound...

Bass Xciter=used to remove the "blanket" on amps to make certain frequencies more clear...not really an EQ pedal as it doesn't overload the headroom.

ISP Decimator=what they say about compressors amplifying noise levels are true hence the noise gatre in the chain. True about substain getting cut off at the level you set, but I want a tight sound not something that lingers on too long.

Punch Factory=good enough for a subtle transparent pedal compressor as I need to compress the tubey sound, but I'll take my rack mounted Alesis 3630/nanocomp over it anyday for the flexibility.

I do not play with time based effects as things will get more complicated then.
My ideal tone is a clean tube sounding well compressed sound.
Sorry, no demos...maybe one day when I get that Presonus firepod someday.