The Bassist's Effects Line Up

where is ebenex? where did u get your sb7 from? is it possible to get hysteria sounds from a syb 5 or an sb7?

not mine, but i hope it will be! weird sounds weird sounds and my back is gonna be broken.


thankkewt yew bro pathein bro and mr cat! my love and shout out is to yew guys! :D
Went into citymusic with my girlfriend to do some setup on her martin.. trooped in intending to get an FBV Express..

damn, no stock.. so how? I got the next best thing..


More pics...



And now, the bass pod complete..


hopefully the gas will go away now..
The effect used to record 'Coffeeshop' was not the EHX bassballs. Flea initially wanted to use it, but couldn't get the same sound he previously achieved with it in the studio. Frustrated, he smashed it and used a Boss AW-3 instead.

The EBS Octabass is about one of the best out there.. I'm using a Boss OC-2 which does the job fine, but I'm still waiting for the $ for an Octabass.

And a Moog LPF :(

Zvex Woolly Mammoth -> Korg DT10 -> Goosoniqueworx Citrus Comp -> Boss OC-2 -> Modded Boss BD-2 -> Barber LTD -> Custom 1-loop (Ibanez SB7 -> L6 Echo Park)
price reduced alot already, now surely buyable lah. i only used it for 30mins and straightaway put back into box, now sitting there showcase man.