The Bassist's Effects Line Up

Actually it's not a major issue whether you have a D.I in your chain.
Unless you don't trust the sound company's/recording studio's D.I box which your 1/4" cable goes into.
Some mixers have instrument input which has a higher resistance(High Z) than the standard line level input. If not there's always the pad button.
i notice the bass di+ somewhere in the middle of the chain, i'm assuming the citrus is the start of the chain? anyway thinking of it in the practical sense, a di would be more useful at the end of the chain, because wouldn't it be better for the wet signal to go to both the FOH and PA?

FOH and PA are essentially the same thing. I think you're referring to FOH/PA and monitor.

If i'm not wrong, his DI is essentially an EQ/tone shaper. Plus it also has a distortion channel which sounds better before the chorus and microsynth. I don't think the DI in the chain is being used as one. If there is a need to go thru a mixer, the chain probably has to go through another DI.
aye.. i used to have the MXR M-80 in the middle of my chain for drive and EQ purposes, but due to practical purposes, i've been using it at the end of my chain for DI purposes.
pedalsssssssssss to put up pics here?...aiyah..well to pedals are...

Sadowsky Bass preamp/di -
Boss DD20gigadelay -
Digitech Bass Squeeze -
EHX MetalMuff -
Ehx Big Muff(Russian) -
Boss(MIJ) Octave -
MXR Microamp -
Digitech Whammy -
Mooger Fooger Low pass filter -
Moog Expression Pedal -
Ernie Ball Volume Pedal -
Planet waves Pedal Tuner...all these sits on top of my Pedal train Pro 2 room oleadi..i still want more!...a gd phaser would be nice!
mine's some really simple stuff

MXR Bass D.I.

no more liao... want me to add my tuner?

anyway suggestions where i can pimp my tone and effects?
to forpyned, i know who you are. Haha. Remember Aidil's friend that tagged along to your jamming last fri? Haha. And great gears and one more thing. Brownie is hot.
heh pedal lineup has been changed drastically due to my constant bickering and sometime fickle mind...i've sold a great deal of i present u my new and hopefully last pedal setup!

Sadowsky bass preamp/di
Big muff (Russian)
Line 6 DL4
Line 6 FM4
Mooger Fooger low pass filter
Korg tuner
Boss bass chorus
Jim dunlop bass wah
2 one spot to power them all
and all these are on my newwwwww pedal board..heh..but still no idea hw to put up the pics lah...

Thx for complimenting my brownie. she has a new friend now, a japanese 78 telecaster..gorgeous!

for the moog, think if you share power supply with other pedals, there'll be a wheeeeeeeeeeeee sound. it'll stop if you dedicate a power supply on its own.
hii guys,im kinda new with effects. now using a boss eq20, boss bass chours, and a aw3.considering adding a distortion pedal.after reading so much thread about bass distortion, still im so confused about distortion pedals.can anyone help me clear my mind pls? :(

any dist pedal u guys recommend?

thx :)
What kind of distortion do you want. Heavy or light. Or medium?

You got to specify because there's a lot of good distortion pedals out there with different characters and prices.
thanks ahkiatt.i nit heavy distortion more.i heard that russian big muff can be used for both bass and guitar?is tat true?didnt really hv a chacne to try them out.sigh :roll:
Yeah Muffs can be used, but muffs aren't exactly heavy sounding. Fuzzy... you can consider mxr blowtorch(i'm not very sure about this one) or odb-3... err... who do you want to sound like.
what's your budget like...they are a few that might suit you (depending on your budget) - Homebrew Electronics Hematoma, Tech21 Comptortion, Landmine Distortion. Only heard clips of the Hematoma and Landmine so I'm judging based on that. The Blowtorch sounds interesting too. Not a big fan of the ODB-3 though. Thought it sounded like crap.

The best advice I can give you is to try out the pedal first to see if your like it/if it's what you're looking for.
yeah lo,i wanna try as many pedals as possible be4 making my decision,odb3 is really much mroe "affordable"contrast to other budget is around 100,how to judge whether guitar distortion can be used for bass?
your biggest problem will be loss of low end, you'll start sounding like you plugged in your bass into a guitar amp. 100 bucks will be... odb 3 or second hands...