The Bassist's Effects Line Up

well i don't know if you've heard the regular big muff but to me this one sounds more muffled than the USA Ri. i don't exactly know how to describe the sound of a fuzz but to me it sounds like a broken speaker. even on the lowest sustain setting it sounds brutal to me (good kind). i don't keep the tone and sustain knobs above 10 o'clock. doesn't work well in a band context above that.

anyway as for the sound, the lows retained but a lacks a certain clarity to the sound. i've tried but i can't get a dirk lance sounding distortion out of the box. it could be due to the fact that i'm using a humbucker styled atk with the box. the way i run the lil big muff is big muff into ibby pd-7. i find this gives me the most flexibility. the hi and low bands on the pd-7 allow me to shape the sound of the big muff so that i get a nice defined note with all that crazy fuzz that the pd-7 can't get. it sounds something i would describe as muse-like.

i don't think it's a very good review. don't have alot of experience with fuzz pedals. will try to record something la. to give you guys a better idea.
exin said:
5stringedsoul said:
any of you guys got reviews for an EHX Big Muff Pi?

check with 3notesAbar ... i remember him having one of that before ..

I only had the Russian (green) one. Killer pedal. Sold it cos it looked like a WWii bomb detonator and didnt need to compete with my guitarist in terms of sound.
slapadelic said:
hey super kicky... if i am not wrong, u used to have a sansamp BDDI right? Now i see you are using the aguilar... in general can u explain the difference between them?

Yup I did... the BDDI coloured my tone a lot, which wasn't really what I was looking for. However, it's a very nice colouring suited to a lot of styles; just don't turn up the knobs too much or you'll get lost in the mix. I was looking for a cleaner sound, especially because I've got a Fulltone Bass-Drive and Modded Blues Driver now, and an extra gain stage would be a bit ridiculous for my use.

Also, the Aguilar is more of a "proper" preamp in the sense that when you open it up, it's essentially an OBP-1 onboard preamp housed in an outboard chassis. The same 18v operation and pots, except for the volume knob which has 10 detents in it for more stable volume control.
superkicky said:
slapadelic said:
hey super kicky... if i am not wrong, u used to have a sansamp BDDI right? Now i see you are using the aguilar... in general can u explain the difference between them?

Yup I did... the BDDI coloured my tone a lot, which wasn't really what I was looking for. However, it's a very nice colouring suited to a lot of styles; just don't turn up the knobs too much or you'll get lost in the mix. I was looking for a cleaner sound, especially because I've got a Fulltone Bass-Drive and Modded Blues Driver now, and an extra gain stage would be a bit ridiculous for my use.

Also, the Aguilar is more of a "proper" preamp in the sense that when you open it up, it's essentially an OBP-1 onboard preamp housed in an outboard chassis. The same 18v operation and pots, except for the volume knob which has 10 detents in it for more stable volume control.

hey! can book out already!!!??
exin said:
hey! can book out already!!!??

Nope... but there's a song that starts with "A is for Attend C"..


MC for the weekend and I book in 730 monday morning.

BTW I got the LS-2 in already; I'll be swapping out the expression pedal for a volume pedal and adding a footswitch for tap tempo on the PH-3 :D
superkicky said:
exin said:
hey! can book out already!!!??

Nope... but there's a song that starts with "A is for Attend C"..


MC for the weekend and I book in 730 monday morning.

BTW I got the LS-2 in already; I'll be swapping out the expression pedal for a volume pedal and adding a footswitch for tap tempo on the PH-3 :D

i'll learn that soon enough ..

cool stuff ...

i'm looking for a compressor now ... been eyeing the MXR Dynacomp for a while .. or Supercomp ... EBS Multicomp really out of my budget even as much as i want it .. =P
godchuanz said:
What is so good about the EBS Multicomp?

Anyway, what attack/release settings do you guys use for bass?

anything EBS is good stuff .. anyway they have 3 different modes of compression and an adjustable low-high compression threshold ...

i think for a good attack would be around 20ms ... release i can't remember .. i think 15ms? ... most of the compression i do would be in studio .. but just presets lah ... if you can find a -3dB to -5dB cut in the volume after compression it'll be good already ..
Found this one on Talkbass:


i got a nice fretless emulation sound from combining both my EBS octabass and BOSS CE-2B together ... Z3r0_G heard it man ...
Hi fellow bassists. I would like to revive this thread again to discuss the "new" EBS ValveDrive product which is currently out of stock at Davis.
(I know cos I got the last reserved one in that batch)
I know many ppl are eyeing
I noticed that on "Vintage" mode with high gain(past 12 o'clock) the overdriven sound gets fuzzy. Even playing with the EQ failed to get rid of the fuzziness.I left all EQ settings flat. Is it the tube's characteristic? Any recommended settings? Before I get tempted to swap the stock tubes out.
On the manual, it says that the vintage setting has a unique "voice" of its own. Indeed....
However, before getting overdriven, it gives a nice decent warm tube sound(more hi-fi tone).

That aside, the "Modern" Mode is great. it gives a great CLEAN processed standard modern rock tone you heard on records. It's a safe tone.
However the tube coloration is rather subtle compared to the "Vintage" Mode. The Overdriven tone is fanatstic and beats the SansAmp hands down.
It's a very versatile product though, I'm thinking of selling off the SansAmp.
The tube saturation of the Slventa tube is pretty good on the modern mode
No lag between switching betwwen Modern and Vintage settings, but EQ settings will need to be re adjusted all over as the 2 settings are very different.
If it came with 2 channels with seperate EQ, it would be great.

And it has little tube hiss/noise. Even with max gain presented no inherent noise from the unit.

The EQ controls are rather strange(no numeric labels)
Low 80Hz: 0db-15db
Mid 400/500 Hz: 0db-12db
Treble 6khz: 0db-6db

So you can really pump out the lows, but for the highs you don't have much range to cover. Extreme turning of the knobs was needed for noticable change in EQ.

The casing(ventilation) for the single tube is quite good considering it doesn't have a fan. I wonder why they didn't use two tubes as the casing has space for two tubes. (Resembalance to Mesa's V-Twin pedal)

For me: Warm tube sound=Vintage Mode+increase Mids, Max Gain before it gets overdriven to fuzziness.
Rock/Punchy Tone= Modern Mode+Increased Treble and Lows. Can be overdriven if needed, just watch the overall volume.

I'm still experimenting with the product. Anyone else has it?
Into my 3rd week with the EBS Valvedrive.
To sum it up, The EBS Valvedrive isn't the "One" for me, but is more like a triple trick pony.
In Modern Mode, the tube's characterisitic's are not distinctive, however it gives a nice "edgy/more crisp" Overdriven sound. Without Overdriving it, it has a nice modern rock tone found in most records with a processed sound like the SansAmp w/o the coloration.
In Vintage mode, it overdrives easier than the modern mode, sounds familar like an Ibanez PD7(which i used to have) with a touch of fuzz.
It's overdriven sound sounds like a solid state OD pedal sadly. Playing with EQ didn't change a damn thing.
However, I hate that Vintage OD sound.
However the tube warmth is there(to some extent) but that's what you get when you use a single 12AX7. Thank goodness the EQ signal flow is Post-Tube Pre amp. That's where you can pump up the warmth with the Bass EQ knob without overloading the tube.
I'm not sure what will happen if you change the tube. I'm tempted to, I'm used to the sound of ECC 83/S instead of the Slventa one. Unit does not get heated easily. There's some debate how long tubes need to get warmed up before giving better results but I'm not going there.
Using it with my Bass Xciter(Aural Excier) and Punch factory(Pedal Compressor) and managed to increase its potential.
Recommended for it's Modern Overdrive/ w/o overdriving it sounds nicely processed solid state sound w/o coloration.
"Warmth" tube sound on Vintage must be pushed on EQ knob, not increasing gain which will make it overdrive too easily.
Have not used it for recording or live gigs. Slap tone is acceptable but EQ must be toggled. More on how your Bass can handle slap sounds.
Improvements: 2 channels with dedicated EQ settings, change the right to left configuration setings, run it dual tubes.
And end up copying the Mesa V-Twin Pedal. Hehe.
Will post a full complete review after I've had the unit for 3 months.
@superkicky: Wow that's really a comprehensive pedalboard.

My pedalboard only consists of a Hartke Bass Attack and a Chorus pedal. :cry: