Colarndo said:M-Pulse is actually an external switchboard for the Mesa Boggie M-Pulse 360 Power Amp. The settings are all on the Power Amp itself.
Behringer is a tube pre-Amp. I love good old tuby tones!
bluepowder said:i think the sound of a fretless bass is just about the most beautiful sound ever :lol:
slapadelic said:hey super kicky... if i am not wrong, u used to have a sansamp BDDI right? Now i see you are using the aguilar... in general can u explain the difference between them?
slapadelic said:exin,
hahaha... oh well.... damn, a singaporean man gotta do what a singaporean man have to do. haha.
5stringedsoul said:any of you guys got reviews for an EHX Big Muff Pi?
tim_1002 said:i've got the little big muff. the new one. dunno if you're interested in a review of that one.