The Bassist's Effects Line Up

can randolf do anything to my pd-7? sounds too artificial but it's quite good for the price. can't find any good upgrade unless i go to the fulltone/ebs range...

superkicky i want to rob you! :P
bass fuzz ...brass master


read all abt it can thank me later :D
JudeWee + Iverson: if I'm not mistaken. He's also embryo on these forums. The mod removes a lot of the harshness and fills in some missing bottom end. Makes the whole thing a lot smoother :)

Tim: I dunno why don't you pop him an email and ask :P

I finally manage to get the songs up.

Go here to hear the EBS Octabass in action in a full song.

Click under music and find the track "Superheros". I think i spelt it wrongly. The hi-fi version has some kind of time shift to it .. so it sounds really sloowwww and sluggish. Horrible ... click on the low-fi version to hear the song in it's original speed. not sure whether it's my browser (safari) or the encoding. You can try the hi-fi version though, if it's really slow click on the low-fi.

The Octabass kicks in during the bridge solo part, closer to the end of the song. Happy listening!
what's the pulse thing for? .. looks like a looper .. or a compresssor or some multi-effects thingy ...

what's the behringer for? ..
M-Pulse is actually an external switchboard for the Mesa Boggie M-Pulse 360 Power Amp. The settings are all on the Power Amp itself.
Behringer is a tube pre-Amp. I love good old tuby tones!
Colarndo said:
M-Pulse is actually an external switchboard for the Mesa Boggie M-Pulse 360 Power Amp. The settings are all on the Power Amp itself.
Behringer is a tube pre-Amp. I love good old tuby tones!

very cool... i can tell you are a clean tone person .. =) ..
hey super kicky... if i am not wrong, u used to have a sansamp BDDI right? Now i see you are using the aguilar... in general can u explain the difference between them?
slapadelic said:
hey super kicky... if i am not wrong, u used to have a sansamp BDDI right? Now i see you are using the aguilar... in general can u explain the difference between them?

hur hur ... you have to wait around 2 weeks to get a reply man .. superkicky's in tekong now serving the nation .. =) ..