The Bass Picture Gallery

Since this thread has died down a little, here is my bid to revive it ! = )



My current basses.
Yamaha BB414( My first ever bass !), Fender 60's RI MIJ P-Bass and a Fretless Yamaha Attitude.

Previous bass owned : Epiphone Jack cassidy Signature bass.
Sold it off. Was digging the tone. But did not like the feel of the neck and carrying the hardcase around was a real irritating. =)
Thanks, heh my next acquisition will definitely be a Jazz style bass. My P-bass is waiting to be outfitted with Nordstrand NP4 pups. The yammy Attitude has been fitted with Dimarzio PJ pups.

My future jazz bass will look something like this beauties:


dude, score one on the ishibashi u-box man :) fender japan is very cheap there, plus they are willing to ship used ones outside japan