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i would have changed the pickups, but i got no money...

i swapped out the old bridge for a Gotoh 203, since the old one was giving me problems. feels nice and has a bit of mass to it. it was a retrofit, lining up perfectly with all five holes, just that there are an extra two holes to drill at the top, "giving better tone transfer" as claimed by Gotoh.

anyway, there seemed to be a change in tone, but i'm not sure what because i can't remember what it sounded like before. i think i got more mid-range out of it. sounds a bit clearer too.

yup, this was from ahkiatt's mass order. this bass listed for USD120 on the website, so that's $180. adding the shipping and GST, it came up to $240.
i'll sell this one day when i go looking for a better fretless bass, but that day will be a long, long way away...;)

by the way, expect more pictures in a couple of weeks, got something big coming in :mrgreen:
i remember seeing the ashtrays around the penin basement. you could order them online without much hassle, but i wouldn't really care much if they were genuine fender or not... unless it's the one with the 'F' embossed into the bridge cover, i don't see the justification for paying more for genuine fender parts man
yeah, the Fender accessories are quite overpriced too. just a set of genuine Fender ashtray covers will cost 40USD, even the thumbrest is 6USD. that's like $10 for a piece of plastic! it's not even too well made either, there were some rough edges around it.

i'd still get the Fender one though, i think it looks weird without the embossed F. :-|
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We need another mass order :( must hurry before those new headstocks come on....anyone knows when the new headstocks will come on?
Beautiful bass. I used to have a SX too, really liked the sound but it was quite a heavy bass.

Would love to get a SX Jazz and defret it for my very own 'Bass of Doom' project!
by the looks of how all the sold out models have disappeared from the site and not coming back, i suspect that they're preparing the next batch with the new headstock.

after bringing it out for a mini jam earlier today, i found that the bass is in desperate need of shielding, and maybe a swap of electronics. it was terribly noisy, even with both pickups fulll. closer inspection under the control plate revealed that the chinese workers were lazy enough to leave some of the plastic wrapping around the pots.

also, the pickups are microphonic, and every sound i made when hitting or even moving the bass was amplified. at least they sounded decent enough, i was quite satisfied. single coils are a nice change from humbuckers.

luckily i don't care enough for it to buy new pickups and get it shielded, i'm just got it to get the feel of a fretless. but i cared enough to make it as playable as possible, which included an amateurish nut file and neck shim made out of an AIA business card.
Nice! The next order, i'll probably get a pbass. And throw on a humbucker and a quarter pounder. Wonder how it'll sound. Probably will have to re-route everything and drill a bigger cavity for the humbucker.

Oh yea, b33r. Is there any neck dive? How's the balance on it?
no neck dive whatsoever, perfect balance, just like most jazz basses. i got a cheap $6 strap for it and it's still comfortable.
yeah, the Fender accessories are quite overpriced too. just a set of genuine Fender ashtray covers will cost 40USD, even the thumbrest is 6USD. that's like $10 for a piece of plastic! it's not even too well made either, there were some rough edges around it.

i'd still get the Fender one though, i think it looks weird without the embossed F. :-|
yeah precisely, and i've ever bought a genuine fender pickguard to put onto my genuine fender, and it still didn't line up perfectly.

i don't think all original ashtray models have the embossed f. i think it's only on one of the jazz models. precision bass covers don't have any embossing that i know of.

anyway i don't get the worry about neck dive. maybe because i use leather straps. i don't know if it helps. but usually when i play the bass there's this thing preventing the neck from 'diving', it's called my left hand which i use to press the strings against the frets.

i think the overall weight of the bass and the profile of the neck would be much bigger concerns, which aren't very big concerns at all.



Bacchus BJB-75C and SX '62 P/J :D
That was one of the SX models i was thinking of getting. But i didn't have the funds during the mass order. Anyway, the pickguard looks fine to me. I think it's because bearclaw hasn't peeled of the plastic sheet on it.
wah sicbarney, can resize ur image please.

so damn big its making everyone lag like no ones business. it took 5damn mins for ur image to load

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