the tone isn't bad, but i feel that it doesn't have enough "mwah". might possibly be because i can't get the action low enough, or the fretboard wood, or even the pickups. still sounds quite nice, though.
my brother's D90, haha. he took some of the pictures, if not all. if it's not on rondo's site, it's probably been sold out. i couldn't find it either shortly after ordering mine.
seems even enough. not the best quality of wood though, it's got this ugly discoloured grain running down in. i would get the fretboard epoxied, but i don't care enough.
got it shipped in along with the thumbrest. no other way. apparently TYMC brings in the bridge pickup ashtray covers for both precision and jazz now, but they don't have the neck pickup covers and they're not genuine Fender ones either. i just checked this afternoon, they're $15 a piece.