The Aftermath of Bras Basah Swee Lee Year End Sale!

I got a SZ320BK . . . The sustain is cool . . .

Man, what's wrong with ur JEM555? Something wrong with the setup? or electronics?

Roland SRX07 ultimate keys exp. board
2 10ft MIDI cables gold plated
Yamaha DX7II book
R&B keyboard book
Blues, jazz and rock riffs book
Czerny School of Velocity book
Czerny School of Virtuoso book
Brahms Piano book
Brahms Hungarian Dance book

... will it happen again next year ???
i didn't ton with you neuro, but see-ing so many ppl protect you must me good, haha but i saw you there, i'm itachi's friend
ya thats the one mick has...damn it...i wanna play her man...but sadly i dun own one yet....hope they merchandise that custom model he plays...
all of you have forgotten. we're not only humans, but true, blue Singaporeans. to those who's queue got cut and are bitchin about it n zeroin onto pple like neuro and that 'jackass' in the white singlet (i made friends wit him btw), im sure u guys wld know what wld definitely happen durin a sale involvin Singaporeans right. like, comon, how long have u been stayin here. i really doubt that u wldnt know there wld be anyone cuttin queue alright. u wanna talk about intergrity, im sorry mr-oh-so-high-and-mighty-fella-with-an-intergrity-frm-another-country but dont forget which country ur in. so quit bitchin n go suck on a thumb.
I don't understand why people are defending q-cutters.
Just because it's common doesn't mean it's right.

Does character count for nothing?
Vaiyen said:
Does character count for nothing?

"Let the person without any sin to cast the 1st stone."

I myself admit that cutting queue is wrong & I have apologized. So dudes, let it go. Enter the new year with joy & peace :lol:

May the new year rock hard for each & everyone of u here in SOFT . . .

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :smt026
Vaiyen said:
I don't understand why people are defending q-cutters.
Just because it's common doesn't mean it's right.

Does character count for nothing?
noe y? cuz agnusyoung guy n neuro are the q cutters
i dunno about you guys, i knew shiite like this was gonna happen, so why bother going for the sale(unless you are really high on GAS)

take for example a DS1
list $120
normal price $72
sale price $60

i'd rather come into sweelee some other day and pay the extra $12, and take my time to shop

also i get cranky in crowds and i start to yell at people, so imo its not worth it

maybe some of you found it adventurous to ton overnight, or something

or some anuses as ive heard, go there to buy stuff to start a business(stacks of boss pedals and cymbal sets, i don't think your gonna run all the pedals in 1 setup or have a drumset with that many cymbals, or ur that kind hearted to donate those stuff to an orphanage)

well the new years in less than 24hrs time, so happy new year all softies in advance
finrod said:
noe y? cuz agnusyoung guy n neuro are the q cutters

yes . . . den u notice the flaming is targetted on me alone :) how cool?

if its personal, pm me. if not, just let it go . . . get it? i hope i dun need to repeat myself.
OMG!!! u all relax!!!!! sale over liao!!! bitching doesn't change the past!!!
neuro182 said:
if its personal, pm me. if not, just let it go . . . get it? i hope i dun need to repeat myself.

i guess finrod is not getting personal he is juz trying to let ppl know or warn ppl out there.....