The Aftermath of Bras Basah Swee Lee Year End Sale!

COOL..i was at tt "pop" word ..tonning below it...since 7pm on 28th=)) cheers!dont quarel here la u guys...whats done is done...
I was there this afternoon to pick up a secret pedal and I was shocked to see...

59 Fender Bassman reissue.

Nobody want??
My god. If I had the cash I would snatch it up in a second!
wa got a PAB actually post that kinda stuff on luthers aimed at neuro? just cus he din get the sz320?

let me tell you something scumbag...i went in after this RG but it was just grabbed b4 i reached the not knowing what to get..i grabbed onto a epi gothic flying V just as a safety net..then i went walking around looking for something i could then neuro already grabbed the 1st SZ which is black...then i called up a few people to get some advice and recommendations and they told me about the SZ...but i dunno where it is cus i never took note about that guitar i was lost and wondering around when i bumped into neuro and he asked about my RG..i said it was taken..he told me to get an SZ cus its good too..and he showed me where it i went over there and stood by it and called my contacts again to confirm about this guitar and then i took it off...

about 15mins passed since i entered the store and neuro would be in around the same time as me if i rmb correctly or just before or after... + - 1 if think he cut the Que to get it...thats ur problem...but since u claim he cut ur Que, i suppose u were in the front as well...cus or else how would he even cut ur Que in the 1st place when i saw him sit down there since 7pm the previous night....hifi and sub n angus saw him too...also if u were already behind him, then u got no reason to let me ask you u lil PSB...what the hell were you doing for the next 15mins since neuro entered? if u were at the front u could have gone straight and gotten the gold SZ if it meant so much to u...i know they let ppl in in batches...but still 15mins im sure u could have made it in yes??

but if u werent and u wanna make an excuse for ur pathetic self for ur loss, then i wanna tell you 2 things...ur blaming the wrong guy...and your just a fag hiding behind ur monitor
just tired of hearing complains man...Neuro and I both din get the guitars we were aiming for...and others i know as well...and we just got something else within our range instead of goin around bitchin..Pfft!
I can testify that Neuro deserved to be in that part of the queue. He was there through the whole night tonning with the rest of us. I was there. Don't believe, ask the rest. ItAcHi, JackassX, fade[2]b14ck, angus and others..
hey dark knight...i agree totally wif u man...some PEOPLE must aim neuro..its lyk wtf?y outta so many aim neuro??just cos he's 'infamous'??!! wad the hell goes on..nothing much we can do abt things...btw dark_knight who are u???i was the innocent boy sitting very near neuro...hearing his jokes all night..CHEERS=))
yup yup... seth is rite... i was in e queue wif seth... we came arnd 10pm n neuro was already there... angus n his fren can justify. can say he was e nicest guy in e queue... gave pple advice on guitars n pickups, joked arnd a lot. if he was already there at 7pm, does he even need 2 cut yr queue? n wats sad is dat he didnt even get wat he wanted...

so stop whining.
yeah man...i was the one cutting queue alright...wanna pick..den pick it on me..left my bro alone man...he is good enough to book a place for me as i cant ton wif him...
Hey brothers :lol: Really glad that u guys stood by me :wink:

Anyway, don't bother about those negative comments they post la . . . I mean if I did something wrong, I wld apologize. But if I din, why wld I be afraid of anything rite?

It's realli nice to ton with people like Angus, his fren Adam, BlackMoo (altho u came late.. haha look! my ball is laughing :lol:) + his 2 frens & 1 more who had e same RG350DX as me!! keiith & also that new dude who was asking me abt epiphone lps + all ur gang of frens (u noe who u r) + the drummer guy who was so freaked dat somebody wld buy his drum parts + his group of funky frens (incl. 1 dat looked quite lyk a gurl). :lol:

Hopefully mid year got 1 more, I will camp 2 days in advance to avoid people calling me names again :lol: :supz:
wah ... whats all the drama about the cutting que and stuff... i went there around.. 2.30pm .. place was swarming with people... went to try some stuff and ended up buying a ibanez EP7 ( the green vai acoustic ) *nice*

what did you guys get?
neuro, wat axe did u get in e end? btw, my jem555 isnt working rite, gonna bring it back later 2day n hope they'll gimme a new 1...