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Farid Long is a local bandleader who’s recently been known for fronting rockin’ covers band Retro Groove, but he’s also written quite a few original songs in his day ("King And Queen For A Day" is a favourite of mine). And while recent years haven’t seen any original tunes, the good news is that that’s changing now with “The Light At The End Of The Tunnel”, the first song in a collaboration series with Mohd Fauzi “Izzy” A Rahman, the guy behind Izzy Rocks. And it’s amazing to hear Farid back with a really strong number - the song begins slow and Farid sounds, weak, dejected, wringing out the lyrics in a strongly-felt emotional appeal. But the song picks up, strengthens with great force and really moves. A blistering solo leads to a soaring chorus and that’s it. Thematically it's about our modern times, with an appeal to hope for a better future ahead. Farid's got a crackerjack band behind him, both veterans (mostly long-term collaborators) as well as some fresh faces - Stewart DeSouza, Bonita DeSouza, Yan Antonio, George Mani and Fiona Jeremiah. The production is really nice, it sort of has "hit" written all over it. Way groovy, and definitely something to listen to on repeat.