The 2nd Soft Drummer Meet-Up - 21/4/2007

Bro plainsman: .....please do drop by this Saturday....we book the place from 12pm to 4pm..... see you

Bro chewy: 5.30pm we not there liao lah - time I book is only 12pm to 4pm mah......try to come if you can ok.
Ok then RD. Next time then exchange snares to try :)

I will still come with lots of barang barang though. Have to rush off for jamming after this lah :lol:

I can bring my Pearl Eliminators along if you guys need :)
Committee Members: - James (Soft), RD, rla, drum_hobbist, Reuben, Weckl, caijunlong, jimmyplaydrums.

(0) James
(1) RD ( Pearl Reference Series & 1969 Ludwig SuperSEnsitive Snare)
(2) rla
(3) drum_hobbyist
(4) Reuben
(5) Weckl
(5) caijunlong
(6) jimmyplaydrums
(7) rengaw
(8') smildrumez
(9) danial (Tama Artwood Snare)
(10) DullTheater
(11) Frummer
(12) mel80 ( Omar Hakim snare )
(13) Marcdadrummer
(14) drummar-buah
(15) rong

removed meself from the list :( can't go. got something on~ argh! cya next meetup guys~ have fun ^^
Committee Members: - James (Soft), RD, rla, drum_hobbist, Reuben, Weckl, caijunlong, jimmyplaydrums.

(0) James
(1) RD ( Pearl Reference Series & 1969 Ludwig SuperSEnsitive Snare)
(2) rla
(3) drum_hobbyist
(4) Reuben
(5) Weckl
(5) caijunlong
(6) jimmyplaydrums
(7) rengaw
(8') smildrumez
(9) danial (Tama Artwood Snare)
(10) Frummer
(11) mel80 ( Omar Hakim snare )
(12) Marcdadrummer
(13) drummar-buah
(14) rong

i'm afraid i also....
cant go ah.. gotta werk last min....
sori bros
( A ) A Welcome to bro robsg as a Committee Member here.

Hi dear Bros of Soft...Bro robsg had volunteer to be as one of our Committee Member in our "Drum-Meetups"......The Committee now stand as: -

Committee Members: - James (Soft), RD, rla, drum_hobyist, reuben, Weckl, caijunlong, jimmyplaydrums & robsg.

Bro robsg is kind enough to offer his Recording Studio to us (in our meetup) for free from 12pm to 4pm (3rd week Saturday of a month) - the studio can house 25 people comfortably I would say - and I will be organising a trip there with the current Committee to pay Bro robsg place a visit (we shall discuss this tomorrow at the meetup).

I figure that - in the future, Members here wanting to participate in the monthly meetup - please put up their names - so we (the committee) can then decide which venue to choose - depending on the number of people going....thank you for your understanding and help here to better organise all future events.

I also believed that many of our fellow drummers here do have their own bands and if you want to do some recording for your band - see Bro robsg - I'm sure he will give Soft Members here - some special prices for this......I will probably be doing it very soon with my New Jazz Band (Kekekeke if they don't kick me out of the band). :lol:

Latest Update Of Those Attending - some names are not here

(0) James
(1) RD ( Pearl Reference Series & 1969 Ludwig SuperSEnsitive Snare)
(2) rla
(3) drum_hobbyist
(4) Reuben
(5) Weckl
(5) caijunlong
(6) jimmyplaydrums
(7) rengaw
(8') smildrumez
(9) danial (Tama Artwood Snare)
(10) Frummer
(11) mel80 ( Omar Hakim snare )
(12) Marcdadrummer
(13) drummar-buah
(14) rong

( C ) Who Should Attend

Everyone if possible would be best if you can make it tomorrow to meetup Bros here and TCSS. However, my own personal opinion would be that - - This kind of Meetups are especially beneficial for Very New Drummers and who are Self-Taught and find that progress are slow and you have no one to consult on how to improve yourself further or things like (am I doing it correctly).

I came to know some young drummers recently - they play ok I would say (for someone who never had an Instructors -and he was good and creative), but they would be excellent in years to come - if only - they have someone who can share with them - "The Basics Of Drumming".....once they get these Basics Correct and they practice well - they will be very good based on their own talent (I know cause I personally see how they drum) - till such time when they are ready and they want to get an Instructor by then. At least the basic is there already....or else

It would be like me and many of my other friends who had been drumming for years and still a Half-Past-Six Drummers, wasted so many damn years and effort...........The meetup is for us to share and improve ourself as we help one another in our passion to be a better drummer soneday ..... of course there is a limit we can only all help - "Just The Basics" - to be really good - one need to go for lessons with a proper instructor, jam, gig oneday etc. etc....but for now....

Let us all share, meetup, chat and be merry...Happy Drumming Bros !
Wah you MIA liao har reuben so long - nevermind lah go 2morrow - we see if we change the Venue next month.....c u there.

Hey 2night me going "Jazz At South Bridge" with my BandMates listen Jazz want to come along.
Softy Drummers

Hi all!

I am no drummer! But I like the idea what RD and the rest is doing! Great job guys! That's the spirit to share!

Thanks Blurred.

You can google to check the meaning. Are a drummer too? Well, this would be good for you if you're one! I'd love just to attend, though not playing drums anymore as I've got work to do.

wait did u actually watch equilibrium?

yah i play drums, yah i wld love to go. maybe in july if they have one.

gun kata baby!
Posting on behalf of Eric (RD) who's access is down requesting to those who are able to bring down their snares, to do so. He will be bringing his Reference, so we gota share share also. :lol:
sorry guys...smth crope up at work which change my scedule wif a guy!! so sorry i cant make it there..i'll definately go on the 3rd meeting :(