Swee Lee End of Year Sale

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joel68 said:

Again my request to local dealers is..please give us a reasonable pricing.


And what, no sale? Aww, too bad. Was just hoping to sweep a couple of pedals. Well its off depending on second hand sales now :smt011
sadly i think there wont be sale also.... like b4 mid year sale when i ask about sale they pretend pretend say they dono... but this time when i ask bout EOY sale, they said a downright NO so that means no i guess... and if there was really a sale usually they would hav mentioned by now... its already december
i think very high chance there'll be no sale.. cuz they just restock a lot of things and i don't think they wanna clear new stock for newer stocks...

haha so... yeah but they may surprise us... maybe a 1 day thingy and they'd like announce it the day before... haha
i overheard one of the staff talking to a customer that day he said too many people wait for the sale so swee lee is losing money...maybe that's why no sale? hmm...too bad i guess... :(
yea agree that they losing money... cuz now most hav the mentality that "if i dont buy from sale i lose money"... so yea they wait for the sale

personally i dont mind SL not having a 50% sale... i just wish their prices were reasonable once u walk into the store...
how good will the sale be? (noob here)

i know theres some 40% sale normally right? but it seems weird. their pedals are more expensive, so if they give u that discount, still more expensive than other stores.

kinda weird

and im unsure if im willing to queue so long for a delay pedal

my dad went to malaysia for work. And he called me to tell me that there was a guitar shop nearby his office which was a dealer of BOSS pedals. Talk so much then never buy:( but can't wait to go there. Don't hafta wait for sweelee sale.
sweelee is close to being a monopoly, as it is the official dealer for most of major brands in sg. these brands maybe have guitars elsewhere, but the range of models arent as much as those in sweelee.

sweelee also has been established since 1946, thus gaining better reputation. they have more resources in terms of manpower, money, etc, and are easier to become dealers compared to smaller shops. but we dont see that nowadays.

my thoughts why they jack up price by lots. like in the US, they have ibanez, gibson, fender shops, instead of dealers. and there are many of these shops around, thus there's no one big shop that sells everrything.

with one large shop, ppl can only get their supplies from them, and thus they make use of it to raise price.
we as consumers want it our way. but as a business, they have their concerns also.
yes, because


haha. sorry i'm doing econs now. but business is business. i would want to get the best out of it.
newbie100 said:
Swee Lee better wake up their idea !


go Malaysia KL bentley music more variety
and cheaper at least 15% less

When was the last time you visited Bently? The prices there actually higher than in Singapore.
12 pages, and the Sweelee pple is still keeping quiet here in their own forum space. I guess some Sweelee pple must be reading this. If there's no EOY sale, why not just announce it here?

If you announce here, pple will stop waiting for the sale to happen, and your shops will see increase in customer traffic, and increase in sales perhaps?
KayCee said:
newbie100 said:
Swee Lee better wake up their idea !


go Malaysia KL bentley music more variety
and cheaper at least 15% less

When was the last time you visited Bently? The prices there actually higher than in Singapore.

all my KL friends come down singapore to BUY from SWEE LEE at NON YEAR END SALE PRICES.

that will tell you soooo much oh sooo much about KL prices.
some are actually comparing sweelee prices to US website prices. but some guitar shops in US also are priced higher than these websites (i.e. musiciansfriend). that is because they dont have showrooms to maintain, rent and pay salespeople for

some places guitars are actually cheaper like in hk and china (but isnt almost everything cheaper there?)

actually SL prices are not that bad for asia. there are some items that are priced way high maybe because they are straight imports and not locally distro'ed
napalm said:
actually SL prices are not that bad for asia. there are some items that are priced way high maybe because they are straight imports and not locally distro'ed

Assuming that SL brings it in.
I've never seen a Roland VariOS in SL during my several visits there is the last 2 years.
If we keepbuying cheap stuff, say, items at $500 below,of course we will not gain much from the 50% discount. I went to the last midyear sales and was surprised to see that very little of those premium guitars in the enclosed showroom were taken up. hey - we could all be saving big bucks, eg. JS2000 going at $1.3k. where can you find such prices? I not a frequent buyer from SL, but I have benefitted much everytime I made a purchase there. RG550Dy, JS6000, MIJ DD3, MIJ DC3, and the valbee. I am telling you guyz - no way I can find prices cheaper ELSEWHERE. You just have to be sharp to snipe for the right item, at the right time.

btw, lowjk is right about prices in US/HK/SG. I am now in SF and am gonna bring back a baby very soon.

bluddy hell the meal here is damn ex man:
one simple meal = 2 sets of string = done in half hour = faster than my guitar eat string.

dont come to US.
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