Superband top 18

How many times have you guys voted for them?

How many times do you think the crazy 15 year old screaming girls with giant banners voted?

If you are making a tv show like that would you want money?

If you want money which groups would you keep?

It's sometimes frustrating that people don't see what you see, but that's life for you.

I appluad RN and Defuse. It doesn't matter if they got in or out of this silly show, and I think they probably know that too. It's a lot more satisfying knowing that other musicians respect you, than if you won cos 15 year olds dig your looks. And that satisfaction can't be won or bought.
the mix for most of the groups was 'too dry'.. heck, they should have put up a couple of ambience mics and fed that into the mix.. would have ended up with a much richer sound... it just sounded so dry on tv. yuck.
Even a bit of reverb would have helped. :lol:
Maybe the audio engineers in MediaCorp doesn't know what is reverb...Haha...Or maybe they want some bands they don't like to get out and did a bad mix on their performance...Who knows...Its the dark side in this industry... :twisted:
I somehow think they purposely did it... so that the audience will think they suck and vote them out, leaving behind the gay boi bands.. or well.. this competition was a mistake right from the start!
In this type of SMS voting competitions, those that vote crazily are most probably ur prepubscent teenage girls. And they probably be more concern how handsome u look and how cool ur dance moves are, or how sentimental u sound when u sing those syrupy love songs. In fact the using of Milk as a host is an obvious sign what type of audience channel u wants to attract.

The sound mixing may suck and so forth, probably due to lack of experience. lets jus hope they will improve if such an event will be held again. I think if u really feel strongly that the sound mixing sucks, u should really email them to let them noe. for all u noe, they may think they have done a good job.

BUT at least superband is a good exposure for the rock bands, as I think some of the local audience will be quite surprise that are talented chinese rock bands out there. We have all been complaining that there is a lack of media support for our local music talents, and finally there is one, although it may be a bit biased, but at least its better than none. I mean how many of us have the chance to perfom to a TV audience. And its still early in the competition to judge if the competition is going to be biased.
yup agree with mobius. Apart from the poor sound, i quite enjoyed the show. A nice showcase of local talent. Actually i think the general public watching TV may not even be aware that the mixing was ****. Its only the musicians and sound mixing people who watch the show who will cringe cause they know how it should really sound like. :lol:
I heard from source that those top 18 bands are tie down by MediaCorp that they are not allow to perform in gigs and do their own indie album even if they are out from the competition. Is that true?
i tyhink performing is not an issue... but cutting album and participating in other mediacorp competitions may have issue.
I think for mediacorp, they wouldn't want other company or agency to benifit from what they do. I mean they promote the show in the same time promoted the musicians/bands/artiste. if they see some money making chances during the period of one years, It still cover them. :) that's why professional bands doesn't actually join these kinda competition due to all this cause it would make them lost out alot of chances to better market themself. :)
I have some points to highlight to let everyone to know.

I personally feel that the mixing really got some problems. But what i know is that Superband is a competition, is not a performance. The engineer shld not help them to give good sound or else the 'judges' will not know who is good or better.

Why i 'judges' put in this way becos one of our softies here they are right. Score judging is not only determined by the vocalist. Team coordinations, instruments techniques which i am refering music are much more important also. I do not agree with one of the judges said 'vocalist is the main judgement of the band'. That clearly show that he is not qualified to become the judge. I guess he never be in a band before.
shawn040 said:
I do not agree with one of the judges said 'vocalist is the main judgement of the band'. That clearly show that he is not qualified to become the judge. I guess he never be in a band before.

I think most or even all the judges never been in a band before...Maybe those judges are more famous then employing someone like Jonathan Koh (Xu Hua Qiang), Terrence Goh, Goh Kheng Loong(Wu Qing Long), Adam Lee or even Jamie Wilson to be judges...Even though I feel they are better judges than those SuperBand judges but I guess majority of the public will have question marks all over their head who are these people...Just like why they rather ask Milk to be the host rather than ask Beyond Paul Wong to be host...Most of the teenage fans won't know who is Paul... :P
i tink some bands may be gd, but their genres may not appeal to e audience, which may not be fair to them...coz most of e audience in spore do not listen 2 really rock music, those not played on radio stations...

anw nth is fair so ya...
For su-per-band, it's a commercialise game, perhaps to stay on you must play it the commercialise way. Is it better to play originals or covers? Unless if your original is so good that's able to gain mass supports after listening to 1 time? Or perhaps for the chinese pop music listeners, it's better to play something that they like to listen to? Who are the people that will actually call/sms to vote for them? One point to note: Bands who play covers doesn't mean that they don't have creativity or unable to compose music.. Do most people think that musicians are as important as the vocal? There's people out there who thinks why not make it supergroup instead.. since rock music is so noisy to them.. I notice that the judges doesn't mention anything about how is the guitar, bass, drum play.. however they did mention about song arrangement, speed, mood and singing.. Is the majority of singaporeans ready to accept rock band music? Does most people just go for looks and singing of the vocal?
i tink majority of e ppl in spore are not really into rock music, mayb into e pop kinda music dat is played mostly on chinese radio stations maybe...mayb e judges are more interested in e whole sound & feel of e band, rather than individuals...

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