Superband top 18

Guys ur may treat me as someone whu just pass by and say a load of shit. Ask urself do ur really think Superband is a good start for local chinese band? Or issit showing tt the chinese band era is going to be dominated by our IDOLS soon? At the 1st place let me ask ur..... Does ur noe what a band means?

Do ur noe that in a band, what most important is the quality of music, tightness and etc. For the Superband its a load of rubbish.... Just imagine that those "NEW AGE IDOLS" played wrongly, singing out of key etc got in..... What the media really care for is hw many population supporting them, their looks, their costumes, style..... Maybe Even their hairstyle is more important than what they actually perform.....

As for some bands.... they are not playing at a genre they claim to be... Some seems rock and played those smotthing love song.... If its like tt, can ur pls go visualise Metallica playing F4 songs in a F4 way!!!!

If this is the real case, it's no longer Superband.... It should be called "PRETTY FACE BAND"..... What the media may do is they just let those wif alot supporters win becos their album are mostl likely to be sold well in future.... Its about money $$$$$$....... And also just another contest to look for IDOLS... those who do nt have the style, look etc WILL BE DAMNED!!!!!!!!!

Other than that some of the songs have been change to like shit, maybe just for them to play easily to get thru.... Everyone noe one thing... If they win then the rest of the thing down the road will be v lame and easy.....

Just wondering how many of ur noe that before the Big Jam @ Suntec... alot of great band have alr out of the game.... I believe ur do know some of these bands who are out..... can ur imagine bands like LGF, Tian Di Hui all tt losing to these PRETTY BOYS/GIRLS...... Ask urself are these bands really played worst then them???? Can I exchange RUSTYNAILS to be in and drag one of the PRETTY BOY band out??? Cannot!!!!!!!!

SUperband is nt promoting band or giving good band music a chance... They are actually taking the chance away and giving them to pretty boys!!!!!!

For those who nt playing music, ur may nt noe what i say..... but for those whu play, u will noe hw sad the story is!!!!!!!!!!
Music said:
Guys ur may treat me as someone whu just pass by and say a load of shit. Ask urself do ur really think Superband is a good start for local chinese band? Or issit showing tt the chinese band era is going to be dominated by our IDOLS soon? At the 1st place let me ask ur..... Does ur noe what a band means?

Do ur noe that in a band, what most important is the quality of music, tightness and etc. For the Superband its a load of rubbish.... Just imagine that those "NEW AGE IDOLS" played wrongly, singing out of key etc got in..... What the media really care for is hw many population supporting them, their looks, their costumes, style..... Maybe Even their hairstyle is more important than what they actually perform.....

As for some bands.... they are not playing at a genre they claim to be... Some seems rock and played those smotthing love song.... If its like tt, can ur pls go visualise Metallica playing F4 songs in a F4 way!!!!

If this is the real case, it's no longer Superband.... It should be called "PRETTY FACE BAND"..... What the media may do is they just let those wif alot supporters win becos their album are mostl likely to be sold well in future.... Its about money $$$$$$....... And also just another contest to look for IDOLS... those who do nt have the style, look etc WILL BE DAMNED!!!!!!!!!

Other than that some of the songs have been change to like shit, maybe just for them to play easily to get thru.... Everyone noe one thing... If they win then the rest of the thing down the road will be v lame and easy.....

Just wondering how many of ur noe that before the Big Jam @ Suntec... alot of great band have alr out of the game.... I believe ur do know some of these bands who are out..... can ur imagine bands like LGF, Tian Di Hui all tt losing to these PRETTY BOYS/GIRLS...... Ask urself are these bands really played worst then them???? Can I exchange RUSTYNAILS to be in and drag one of the PRETTY BOY band out??? Cannot!!!!!!!!

SUperband is nt promoting band or giving good band music a chance... They are actually taking the chance away and giving them to pretty boys!!!!!!

For those who nt playing music, ur may nt noe what i say..... but for those whu play, u will noe hw sad the story is!!!!!!!!!!

I totally agree with music! The bloody fxxxing media is making bands disgrace themselves in front of PRETTY BOYS by losing to them!


There's such a simple answer to why superband is like this.

For every 1 person who listens to proper music, there are 9 kids who worship idols.
For every 1 person who headbangs at rock gigs, there are 9 kids who scream and chase after idols in taxis.
For every 1 of us who buys obsevertory's album, there are 50 kids who buy 5566's album + poster + dvd + dolls + clothes + bags + waterbottle + pencilbox.

My friends, we are outnumbered by far.

And there is no point talking sense to these people because they will never get it. Here I quote some posts from the official superband forum.

Racist post:
After seeing the result yesterday, I really dun Understand.. Why is there so many many malay grps inside the superband. This is a channel U show nt Suria. Although they know how to sing chinese song. But if they really make it to the 1st, u think they at taiwan or elsewhere will famous? if one grp malay still nvm,but there is more than that.this is nt some kind of racist or what..this is the fact..So mani strange grp pop out. What "Milo Peng" ( > < ) |||..Imaging they say, "Hi everyone, We Are Milo Peng" this is veri funny instead. Dont have any exciting abt the show,all is sing or band only.. only the Grp "SOUL" have a exciting part, at least something different from them. If the management is calling milk to come,i dun understand y so many malay grp inside, milk from taiwan how can listen to english, maybe milk oso thinking there is a grp like theirs as he is a Ex Energy Memeber. Now comparing SG one and TW one. There is a totally different.

Typical crazy fan post:
You mean there dont have any group is perfoming anything concern about Energy or 5566... (>< )|||

And stuff like this:
benjamin most cute le larhs... still rmb he very close to sly during s'pore idol...

which one is benjamin? =D i v blurr lehhs .. =DD
You guys have the packaging.
Just that your singing...sigh....
Hope to see a far better G-Force.
It is possible.
I know you can.
Looks first, singing second.
Fans of uglier team are jealous
usually the case with fans of uglier teams. So, don't be bothered. Just cpncentrate on improving your singing.
Your image and outfits are nice.
They are just jeaqlous because many other teams are plain ugly....I had to turn away from the TV.....

Which are further fueled by the judges comments and make me feel 50% stupiderzzzzzzzz after reading them. Even wearing the army helmet I feel smarter.

Guys, what we have here is a TV show built for THIS AUDIENCE and there are thousands and thousands of them, with more money and spending power than any of us (we're busy buying gear). There's no way you can win.

You don't watch the Teletubbies or Barney the Dinosaur expecting it to be as good as the french film March of the Penguins. Totally different target audience.

Now, who says the state of music in Singapore sucks? It's just not shown on TV or mainstream magazines. We have terrific bands playing all the time and i'm constantly blown away at gigs.

'Famous' and 'successful' do not always go hand in hand. We have plenty of succesful bands in Singapore, and we know it. It doesn't matter if the majority of Singapore doesn't know it. Heck, I actually prefer that everything is somewhat underground. It keeps the music pure and done with passion and not with dollar signs in the eyes.

Let the idiocy reign over the airwaves, magazines and tv. And occasionally, occasionally, when you notice a friend or someone you know seem to get disallusioned by commercialism, bring them to one of your gig outings.
You know something? People who listen to mainstream music don't like non-mainstream music and vice versa. So, you say, local bands ain't getting enough exposure, local bands ain't getting famous overseas, do you know why? It's because people aren't open minded enough. Example a guy from the "rock underground scene" will say," wtf? the mainstream music is not even music, it's not true music, what the crap are they playing? Those crappy boi bands that only depend on their looks and they get famous? Wtf, i play like freaking l337 and i don't get recognized at all." Firstly, he should ASK HIMSELF, instead of complaining and complaining, he should do something if he wants to get recognized by the mainstream people - change, if not, prepare to stay underground forever and complain with like-minded people. Same for the mainstream people, they follow the masses, they follow what they think is cool, what they like, they ain't gonna care about local scenes or what nout. Come to think about it, why does POP music n stuff attract the masses? Why is the music you're playing ain't attracting the masses? Maybe you think your heavy guitar riffs are like the most l337 and those pop gay shiat sounds crappy. MUSIC IS SUBJECTIVE, you can't force your opinion on others, and neither can they. Therefore, if there is no open-mindedness in people ( which there never will ), this vicious cycle will continue. Underground bands will stay underground forever and mainstream music people will never like what underground bands play.
Who knows, you definetion of true music may become mainstream one day and when that time comes, are you gonna diss it because the masses like it? .. think about it :roll:
Again, there is definetely a group out there that likes and respect all kinds of music, kudos to them :lol:
A lot of bands work hard enough and maybe have a lucky break and get some exposure on the mainstream.

But there are also many groups which are shit and getting on only on their looks. A quick look on their fan forums will confirm that even their fans will say this. Things like "Who cares about their singing, singing can learn later, looks more important"

I believe these are the groups we are talking about.
i wonder when the day will come where mainstream and underground will merge and we'll be one big happy family so to speak.

but will it ever happen?
it won't: that's why the underground is CALLED underground to begin with =)

and we have to remember that SINGAPORE is SMALL, we can't have everyone playing on stage can we? if you live in the US, a 4 piece band can play for a 4,000 strong audience, but o'er here u'll probably only get 400. furthermore, over the years, the entry bar into the music industry has dipped, now anyone with good marketing can sell out.
Tera has made his point and very good ones at that.

theblueark said:
But there are also many groups which are shit and getting on only on their looks. A quick look on their fan forums will confirm that even their fans will say this. Things like "Who cares about their singing, singing can learn later, looks more important"

I believe these are the groups we are talking about.

Music is a passion and an art. People keep thinking, oh... singapore's not big enough, forget about it. But thats not true, put ur heart to it and you will succeeed. Focus on ur goal and never falter. Hasn't anyone noticed, the need for music in singapore has been increasing as the years go by. In the past, there weren't even bands to speak of. Now we have a few bands under our belts, namely electrico, ronin, and many others to speak of. It growing, just wait and watch what music has in store for us. Never say die, it music, and its life
I say the following with due respect and in a constructive manner:

Given that we have been discussing about what is wrong with the local Chinese band scene, what can we do about it? How can we improve it?

Without any action on our part, the situation will remain as crappy as ever. We can only react and accept to whatever is thrown at us if do nothing about it. But if we choose to take the initiative and do something about it, then perhaps we can influence the way things are. We may not succeed, but at least we'll have a shot. And compared to doing nothing at all, at least the possibility is there.

It seems like there are quite a few people who feels strongly about this. Can we harness the discontent into action and do something about it? I am sure that there will be people (including myself) who will be willing to chip in and help bring up the scene again.
Yeah....... We should have the spirit of real band.... !!!! We have to show the media that we chinese bands are nt weaklings.... not for them to be make fun of..... not for them to be used as stepping stones as pretty boys.... if possible we should all be united to maybe hold a gig or smthing... to show the media or those PRETTY BOYS wat is a real chinese band.... Playing gd anot is not so important sometime.... but please discipline and principle is important. !!!!!!!!! WE HAVE TO SHOW THE PRETTY BOYS WAT IS REAL BAND..... WE HAVE TO SHOW THE MEDIA WHAT WE CAN DO WITHOUT THEM.... IF ITS POSSIBLE I WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST FOR A GIG WE ALL PLAY TO SHOW THE MEDIA..... TO SHOW THE REAL UNITY OF CHINESE BANDS.... WE ARE NOT CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE NT ASHAMED IN FRONT OF PRETTY BOYS.....
Music said:

We will be doing it soon...But alot of planning need to be done...Would people willing to pay for entrance fee to watch home-grown Chinese bands play? Would we able to get sponsors if we want to do it outside public with no entrance fees? For me. I am quite sick of playing indoor coz no one actually will buy tickets from you and the bands sometimes also had a hard time selling tickets. We need to cover rentals and equipments, if we always make a loss no point doing gigs where nobody will come. I believe most of the Chinese bands here are quite unite and willing to build up and promote the scene but it's the media that doesn't bother to help us. Unlike the Engilsh scene, you can see that The Straits Times did at least one interviews or reports on the English bands in their Life! page. We Chinese rock bands are definately not clowns or puppets being control by the media. I salute to Rusty Nailz for being true to themselves and to their directions and not easily control by MediaCorp to change their style and musical direction by playing covers.

Is it so difficult to put together a gig with all Chinese bands?
Has it not done before?

I have attended several Project Playground gigs...very well organized!

Tiet, Rusty Nailz..some of my favourite bands.

I do not think Tiet is all out against media per se. Even if you see how ST writes about local bands, you also want to know why they write.
I agree HeartRockSingapore...they are not 100% against them...but at lease they are somehow the very 1st band who dares to tell the media off with a song...salute to TIET!

Like what the others say why should we be controlled by the god damn media...right??? Chinese! Lets gig!

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