Stickers on your Guitars? (or any other instrument)

Do you paste stickers on your guitars?

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I recently got a nice plain looking guitar and i felt like plastering its virgin surface with band stickers and other images.
So I was wondering, does tha affect tone at all? And does anyone else out there do such things to their guitars? Would the stickers destroy the varnish etc.
And wheres a good place to get some?

Discuss! :)
No, it wouldn't effect tone and if the finish is a smooth glossy finish (or matt), the sticker can be removed with a little hassle.

Do note that after you stick it on, you play over it, sweat and alll, the stickers might get reallly hard to take off.

Actually, why not do some hardware swapping? :) I would never paste stickers on my guitar or any guitar for that matter.

Give us a pic of your guitar, maybe we can help suggest some things instead of stickers.
if u want the value to drop,if u want ur guitar to look like some cheap tgm and if u don't respect ur guitar then by all means paste it all over.

we're not like some big artist where they can stick and not feel heartpain bout it cause their just plain rich.treasure wat u have.don't go ruining it cause its "cool".
I do stick stickers on guitar BUT i only use Vinyl stickers...They stick really well and ALSO dont damage the surface when removed. Usually i get those vinyl stickers from Evilbay or somethin...
i treasure my guitar alot, although it's jus a cheapo. So yeah, i wouldnt want to paste stickers, like the way it looks like, plain and simple. :) Well, if you like stickers and stuffs, why not? But it's better to find those easily-remove stickers, jus incase?
legin said:
if u want the value to drop,if u want ur guitar to look like some cheap tgm and if u don't respect ur guitar then by all means paste it all over.

we're not like some big artist where they can stick and not feel heartpain bout it cause their just plain rich.treasure wat u have.don't go ruining it cause its "cool".

Nah the guitar I just got is the type of cheap but sounds damn good kind, those that you don't mind bringing to gigs and banging a few holes in em. I wanna give this guitar a personal touch, as the other one I have, a fender strat, is not for this kinda extravagances. After all, its not about the value right? Its about connecting with your instrument.

Mines the plain black kind. Thinking of pasting all the rock cliche kinda stuff on it haha.
honestly as good musicians you guys should respect your guitar.if a cheap guitar has stickers all over its fine but a gibson with stickers is just plain think wisely before "making up" your beloved.
its fun to paste stickers lah, just do what you feel. its your guitar man. :)

one of my first basses...

I think if you want to paste stickers on your guit then you go on right ahead and do it. I mean, if you intend to keep the guit for life the value decreasing aint gonna bother you none ritE?

Of course make sure that the stickers you paste on won't leave you with any regrets in the future la.
Its all up to individual...Some wouldnt want their guitar to look similar to other ppl...Stickers make the guitar have that "attitude"...Really nice sometimes...

Well...its up to individual actually...
i think stickers spoils the beauty of the guitar. well. it actually do depends what guitar youre using in the first place. if its a shit guitar, like a really shit shit guitar then i gues its alright. if youre having a gibson, its really gonna kill its value. so people. love your guitar.
neek said:
i think stickers spoils the beauty of the guitar. well. it actually do depends what guitar youre using in the first place. if its a shit guitar, like a really shit shit guitar then i gues its alright. if youre having a gibson, its really gonna kill its value. so people. love your guitar.

nah, bull shit. If you really play well, and I mean WELL, no sticker can kill your guitar value.

Stevie Ray Vaughn put those stupid 3 letter stickers on his guitar, and it's value never decrease at all. Fender even willing to do the exact replica which cost a bomb too.

Guitar looks only matters if you are a frequent buyer & seller a.k.a equpment masturbator in luther classified.
i stuck a DC sticker on my cheapo black strat lookalike around a year ago.. thot that made it look less plain. but im regreting it now.. =(