How many of you changed your playing when you pick up different guitars?

I salute you in advance if you can make your strat sound like my Jackson Warrior loaded with SD Blackouts just by 'playing differently'. Different playing field brother.

If by sound you mean vibe, then yes, it can be done. If you mean tone, then obviously it's not possible.
If by sound you mean vibe, then yes, it can be done. If you mean tone, then obviously it's not possible.

I agree.

Actually, honestly, with digital modeling - we can have obscene amounts of distortion (throw in a good dose of compression) that really brings this gap closer, don't you think?
I agree.

Actually, honestly, with digital modeling - we can have obscene amounts of distortion (throw in a good dose of compression) that really brings this gap closer, don't you think?

I actually think it's less about the pickups and more about the actual construction blueprint of the guitar. Would a Les Paul with 3 single coils make you play it like a strat?

Ask yourself this: How would you play on a Variax?
That kind of what I thought when I first got my USACG superstrat. The main reason why I think I was struggling so much was due to the pups. I mean, all else was superstrat-ised... its MADE to be easy to play.

I do think an LP with 3 single coils will force you to handle it in a more SSS-strat-like manner.

As for a variax - I guess I would play depending on how it sounded, and felt. Which relates to pups primarily.
I play according to what the guitar feels and sounds like. So yes, playing different guitars alters my playing style. But I still sound like myself ie sounds like shit.
I do think an LP with 3 single coils will force you to handle it in a more SSS-strat-like manner.

As for a variax - I guess I would play depending on how it sounded, and felt. Which relates to pups primarily.

Then why do I play my Strat and my LP differently UNPLUGGED? Would you play your 8 string like a Strat if it had only single coils?

waitamminit... Can YOU play a strat in the first place? :twisted:

But I still sound like myself ie sounds like shit.

See my signature.
Then why do I play my Strat and my LP differently UNPLUGGED? Would you play your 8 string like a Strat if it had only single coils?

waitamminit... Can YOU play a strat in the first place? :twisted:

Different construction no? Different scale length, different shapes.

Just boils down to how the thing feels and sounds in the end. Construction plays a part but methinks the pickups play a big part too - its tough playing extreme metal with classic pickups, and it could be frustrating playing classic rock with EMGs.

I can play a strat... but before I had my usacg, I think I wouldn't have been able to play it very well. Anyway, I don't know blues and stuff, I'll just wank aimlessly on a strat... or banjo.
Different construction no? Different scale length, different shapes.

Just boils down to how the thing feels and sounds in the end. Construction plays a part but methinks the pickups play a big part too - its tough playing extreme metal with classic pickups, and it could be frustrating playing classic rock with EMGs.

Classic Rock with EMGs? Can lah... Gary Moore used EMGs for blues!

But that's my point... The different construction DOEs play a strong part. and yes, so do pups. But that's why i brought up the point about the Variax. the strat one would be played acoustically like a strat. But plug it in, switch it to humbuckers, and you'd still catch me grooving away on it like a strat. I had a Silo Spec with a HH Satriani configuration. I play those humbuckers the same way I play single coils, though less funky.
Hehehehe... if played a guitar shaped like a flying saucer or something out of this world!

Would I play like none other!? :P
Hehehehe... if played a guitar shaped like a flying saucer or something out of this world!

Would I play like none other!? :P

I did. Some Jackson thing with a odd moon shape and some alien inlays. Can't be played sitting down. No where to rest arm. I played like crap on it...

No one would want to sound like me playing that thing... So yeah... Like none other, it was.:mrgreen:
To address the original question, no, I consistently suck no matter which of my guitars I pick up. :mrgreen:

I notice I tend to play clean more on single coils, and dirtier tones when on humbuckers.
Haha. I prefer to play high gain with single coils. I really love that special characteristic of the single coils in high gain. :)