problem: Standard of music going down.
solution 1: fewer gigs. force bands to be really good to get a slot.
solution 2: implement a grading system. let bands know where they stand. let them know the route to progress.
if bands/musicians want to command the same respect as fellow professionals, they must render the kind of results expected of them.
would you want a rookie doctor to do a major operation on you? same thing for bands/musicians.
unsane, certain bands use "sloppy" as part of their image (showmanship). it work for some, not for everyone. just like william hung, it worked for him.
i am commenting from a musician's pov and i am sure we understand what musicianship is all about.
since we are all in this together, wanting to make the local musci scene better, we should get to the root of the problem. better musicians/bands in ALL genres. let say we have 400 on/off bands and about 20 of them are considered grade A. we must encourage the community to progress and have 50 grade A bands in second year. 100 in the third year.
when we have more good bands/musicians, we will have better original music. the audienceship will increase and bands/musicians will find it viable to embark on it as a career. the other related industry such as recording/jam studio, labels, record company, radio station, tv station, newspaper will increase.
right now, we see alot of coverage on local music not because of the music but because it is a fashion. as the ring leader of this SOFT community, i am very worried that once the fad pass, we will loose the 'trust, respect, commitment, support' and we will be back to ground zero.