Standard of music , is it going down the drain?

Shredpussy : +1

Have you all ever wondered why our chamber music friends are receiving so much sponsorship and publicity?

Seriously I don't mind paying $50 to see an orchestra perform because I know I can expect their standard of playing to be worth every cent of my money spent. In other words....I know that it will be money well spent.

Just when you thought playing barre chords all the way will make you a rockstar..... :roll:
Shred-<insert> abound huh?

But she(or is it a he?)has a point.most locals either sound alike or lack that X-Factor.Really would die to see a band that can charm my socks off.
i dunno why but i feel that the cat has been embarrased enough on soft. :D

Anyways, back to the topic, My take on it is that New bands will need their first few gigs to sorta know what they want...lespecially if the band members are young and inexperienced, their very first few gigs will help them in future.

The singapore scene has grown extremely fast only recently, so there is suddenly a wider pool of new musicians/bands, therefore overall, its only natural that we get too see more "sub par" performances than normal.

on another note...

There are some guitarists I know who played their first gigs playing barre chords songs or who were into the whole "rock star image" thing, but after a few years gigging, they have changed their outlook, tastes,etc and have concentrated more on the music as in infusing a sense of originality in their performances.

Its quite common for new bands to tread this path so i suggest we just encourage music in its raw form and be patient and hope for the best.
[Seriously I don't mind paying $50 to see an orchestra perform because I know I can expect their standard of playing to be worth every cent of my money spent. In other words....I know that it will be money well spent.

for tat kind of performance and Entertainment $50 will be more then worth it..entertainment value is there,standard is high,rather $50 anyday for classical or orchestra music then $10 or $20 to see people who think they deserve to be paid for playing yet playing sub standard or void deck standard kind of music (except for a certain few bands, hell i would pay them $20 to play under my void deck anyday!!)

If u feel like u shld b a paid performer..then act n play like a paid performer. Unless u wanna tell me pay peanuts get monkeys?
snuffleupagus dood, yea no doubt these bands might grow to something else in future..but dont forget..when the old ones go, new ones will come..with new rock image, new crap, new 'i wanna b paid to play' n etc..its a vicious cycle..the point tat the thread starter is trying to say is tat..the general standard is low n nobody wants to aim higher..the mindset of 'nvm mistakes or dont sound nice nvm..other bands also like tat' is a major factor i feel.
ppl think its alright to play at tat standard..cause they r surrounded by ppl who play the same (hence sound the same) n they feel tat its normal to sound like tat..birds of a feather flock together ya..
when u surround urself with ppl who arent any much better then u..u feel safe n comfortable, u feel like its normal wat..everybody also like tat..but but but..the audience is going..'
oh my..same crap different day'
shredcow: originality seriously lacking

i cldnt agree more..most bands when they play covers..they literally play it the same..note for note..
but..when u cover a song..even though u r a doesnt mean that YOU cant make it better. just tat sadly not many ppl wld wanna take tat chance to create tat little creative intro, solo or melody line..
well said, my point is , That is why we call them "New Bands"

If a newbie band plays badly and has no intention to improve becos they are constantly surrounded by newbies who too set low standards in their playing, eventually, the crowd attendance/behaviour will speak for itself, and eventually they will be forced to reflect upon themselves.A weeding out process of some sort i guess...

Also, Live Gigging is different from Jamming in a studio for many newbies, as stage-fright/nervousness in front of a crowd and all that will play a part..therefore if this is their first gig, the quality will definitely suffer.

I think it is unfair to judge the scene based on the new bands around here.The older bands are not that bad
I think next time when there is a gig going on we need to ask these "newbie" bands how long have they been playing together as a band. Only then will we be able to justify our claims of lack of self improvement here.....
Are we being overly harsh on, or over-generalising, or stereotyping the bands in question?

Or are we going to be complacent, closing both eyes, lenient?

I'd prefer a harsh in your face kind of thing but oh well... lets not stereotype but do our own part when we get the chance to help "educate" a friend or another band.

Or even giving sincere, truthful comments in the OM section.

That's abt it no?
I think next time when there is a gig going on we need to ask these "newbie" bands how long have they been playing together as a band

sumtimes tt q was bein ask... but haiz... one can just lie
i think the best way to go abt it mayb is to stick to the cover charge..then mayb a container or some sort for ppl to give tips where its given to selected bands..mayb a empty container for each least u do gd u get more $ u suk u get to eat air. i m sure if we can give hand outs to ppl playing music in the underpassess we can do something to support these up n coming bands as well ya
I think it is also because lately there has been a sudden outburst of gig opportunities. You can have like 2-4 gigs happening simultaneously across the island every weekend. Not only are we seeing an outburst of gigs opportunities but we are also seeing "easier access" to performing at such gigs.

Gone are the days where organisers demand you send them a demo of your band's recording for consideration into allowing your band to perform at their event. Now all it takes is for your band to sell a minimum amount of tickets or be on super friendly terms with the organiser and he'll eventually give you backdoor privilage for your sub standard band to perform at his event.

It is because of the fact that we are now seeing less and less restrictions imposed by the organisers for a band to perform so much so that sub standard bands are taking advantage of this situation to showcase their talent or lack thereof. There are so many gigging opporunities available to them and organisers are becoming imposing less and less restrictions for bands to play for whatever reasons.

You combine a mass influx of gigging opporunities with more leniant restrictions imposed by organisers and you'll get a suicide receipe for disaster for the local music scene.

However if there was an influx of gigging opportunities but the gig organisers choose to impose heavy restrictions for a band to perform , the standard of playing will be there or better still , it will indirectly egg these sub standards to strive hard to improve upon themselves in order to land themselves a gig slot.
yo wassup julius

For me i think it should be a decent balance between image , skill , Xfactor etc.

I mean as for newbie bands. if for example the lead singer does have the X factor. Even though musically wise the sound might be horrible, the crowd might still get hyped up thus serving their purpose as entertainers.

Whereas on the other hand a band that sounds really tight and original with no style could just leave people thinking. " oh, ok.. their nice. " but of course theyre not gonna go home and tell their friends. " woo last night i rocked my balls off ".

I do see your point julius. i whole heartedly agree that there should be a certain amount of discipline and quality in the musics one performs on stage so as not to tarnish our music scene. but of course we all gotta have fun up on stage but not to the extent that it ruins the performance sound wise.

Quote shredcows sig.
Some of the best guitarists that i,ve met have never been on stage and some of them that i met on stage should never allowed to be near one.
well if its a free concert then we shld just b lenient on all of them..cause nothing gd is ever free anyway..but if its something we have to pay for to 'support' the scene then definately cristism is needed where is due..n compliments (mayb in tips) shld also b given.
harsh mayb..but there isnt a band that is put in question right i guess onli general harshness n not constructive critism can b given..
when it comes to stereo typing then it cant b help..cause its too obvious that maybe 80% of these bands sound the same
ShredPusssy Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:10 pm
when it comes to stereo typing then it cant b help..cause its too obvious that maybe 80% of these bands sound the same

well shred i,m not disagreeing or anyhting but perhaps different types of gigs produce different sounds genre and skill wise
fair enough spider dood, but wat i m refering to is those gigs tat are set by an indie gig, death metal, old school rock n the end of the nite..u can hardly set any of them apart..get wat i mean?
i do agree with u tat all those factors like image, skill n x factor are important to pull of a helluva show but but but..i 'personally' feel skill which = beter music come 1st, then image i guess..after all i m 'watching' a gig, which includes looking at appearances..but i m no fashion critic though..i m there to listen to some awesome bands play n have a gd time..if they can give me all of that..they have the X factor
Pinkspider, i think you have interpreted Shredcow's intention with that quote. In fact, a parallel of what you were trying to advocate.

His sig simply meant, there are those who deserve to be on stage spreading music as opposed to some clowns who looked good and prance around with some style.

Music is to be listened with our ears, not our eyes.

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