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Murder is defined as, "the unlawful and malicious or premeditated killing of one human being by another". This definition cannot be applied to the death penalty, because the death penalty is lawful, non-malicious, and is not carried out by an individual but by the government.

"Kill," "murder," and "execute" are not interchangeable terms. Death penalty opponents would like us to believe otherwise. Just because two actions result in the same end does not make them morally equivalent. If it were so, legal incarceration would be equated with kidnapping, lovemaking with rape, self-defense with battery, etc.

loopholes, yeap.
^ Of course. Singapore's standard of living and quality of life are NOT as marvelous as what the PAP government wants its people to believe.
"It is believed among many forward-thinking Singaporeans that their control-freak government has hindered creativity and cultural progress. For that Singapore needs a liberal government... and for that to happen Singaporeans have to change and have to start asking for a change."

Kinda agreeable..

"Government agencies have been known to use or threaten to use litigation against bloggers and other Internet content providers. The Internet in Singapore is almost devoid of political discussion and dissent only occurs on websites and discussion forums run from outside the country."

If it was true,this group would have been banned..

This group seems to take quite a questionable path..although i do agree with the person who wrote this on the wall:
"I think as a nation, it is time now for us to be more liberal, and stop sticking to the rather old fashioned and outdated way of doing things. I believe, if we do make enough changes, our society can progress to that of the level of S.Korea and Australia where everyday life is much more exciting and the people have their fair share of chances which is not only based on education. I'm looking forward to that day.
Lets stop saying about, the good or positive points we possessed, rather, look on our negative and bad point so that we can change it and make even further progress towards a true free nation. You see, people improve from their mistakes and we can do that too! Stringent control is not the right way, frustration will be kept in the heart and eventually grows bigger by the day.
Onwards Singapore !"
But some of the law is singapore IS rather crappy,like "No Smoking In Pubs" is a stupid rule to me personally.
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the government is comprised of rich elites. this is a fact based on the salaries and lifestyles of local politicians. it is not even a critique because it is true.

it will get worse in the future as the cabinet becomes progressively a club for government scholars with no industry experience.

furthermore, it is not representative of the people. many GRCs go unopposed during elections, and as such a mere fraction of the population who are eligible to vote actually do get the opportunity to vote. by the way, when are the next elections?

MM LKY will NOT live forever. this is also a mere fact. and for all the criticism some people give him, be it justified or not, i personally believe that the political stability of the country will get worse once he is no longer around.

but that's not the point. the point is, there is no value being a 'singaporean'.

this is clearly proven by the fact that singapore is a better place for foreigners than for singaporeans. people believe that citizenship is of some value to employers, making it advantages to work here and disadvantageous to work overseas. on the contrary, this country welcomes foreign workers. the indifference between foreign and local workers implies that citizenship is of no value.

i rather be treated like a foreigner overseas, than be treated like a foreigner in my own country.

as for racism and discrimination, it is easier to claim that it is not a problem in this country if you are chinese. according to PM, it is an issue that will not go away soon.

in all, there is too much emphasis on 'singapore' and not enough emphasis on the people to whom this country belongs. it doesn't matter is singaporeans don't succeed as long as singapore does. just look at our national sports.

the fault lies squarely at the people. if you do not take responsibility of your personal happiness and welfare, then you yourself are to blame.
shinobi, you have highlighted a few 'problems', do you happen to have any suggestions/solutions to them?
i've lived here for a long while already, and i can truthfully sumpah and tell u that Singapore isn't perfect, but at least it isn't bad. It's different cultures and viewpoints talking here, maybe Singaporeans did not do enough to make them feel welcome, to explain to them why things are like that in Singapore.

And as Asians we tend to have a different view of each individual's place in society. Unlike in the West, or what we have been educated in the media to believe. I'm not saying those beliefs are wrong, just that by nature Asians have a better inkling of their place in the societal hierarchy and we are content with a prosperous existence, trading off some 'freedoms and rights' just so we can all get on with life.

I'm really sorry if this doesn't conform to Western beliefs but if everyone HAS to conform to Western beliefs the whole world would look like Iraq a year or two ago, or even now. Would you want that? I'd take the PAP as my godparents anyday. At least in Singapore I know I'm secure, it won't flood (trust me, what you have in Singapore isn't considered flooding), if I fall sick I can trust the doctors to handle everything, and I can get most of the material things I want so long as I have the money.

There isn't another place in the world where things like that are a near guarantee. So if we have to trade off the 'rights' side of life why the hell would you complain?

Like what many people on this thread are already saying, if you got such a big problem, don't be part of it, and try to solve it. Quit whining and pouting because you just look like more of an idiot. Other foreigners, think what you would do, and how you would react if WE came to your countries and insulted everything about your way of life. You'd find that we react much more peacefully than you'd ever do.
I cant believe you Singaporeans being given so much yet all you know is to complain. Before you start opening your mouth and criticize, think about what have you given to the society. or are you only up to complain. It is not as if we are born in Africa and are starving ourselves to eat, we are given so many choices in our environment yet the only weapon we know is to complain, seriously next thing you think your 50 cents rice sucks, think about those people who have less priviledge than us, they can be right now living in the LongKang in Singapore digging for food for you never know. I know I might be a little exaggerating with the above example but before you ask of the society, what have you given to the society?
exactly doggieshaman, most people do not understand the distinction between collectivistic and individualistic societies, conveniently assumes western individualistic societies as the ideal.

another rather interesting article , http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking+News/Singapore/Story/STIStory_368360.html

'In that address, he reportedly said of Singapore: 'A lot of people are not like those in USA and Japan who voluntarily have self-respect. When you don't have self-respect, the government will have to control you'

It had some truth in it doesnt it?
^ too true, to quite a large extent. the large majority of singaporeans tend to go too wild when the government does not put its foot down on certain things. that is why chewing gum got banned in singapore, cause idiots were sticking them to everything they could see.

and the list goes on...

looks i have to reilliterate what i said earlier.

no country is perfect. period, full stop. for every bad point you might want to say about singapore, there will be a good point that you WILL be thankful for, believe me. each country have their own good points and their own faults, and this what makes a country unique compared to others.

my friend in the US isn't allowed to be out of the house after dark unless she's accompanied by a few people, despite her being 18 this year. Her father literally has a few guns in his house JUST IN CASE he needs to use it.
My girlfriend still can return at 1 am in the morning and nothing happens to her at all.

my friends studying in australia is paid $8 an hour to work in Mac, but has to fork out $15 to $20 for a simple meal.
my friends in singapore work for $5 and pay about $3 to $10 for a meal

I know a lot of people have been slamming Singapore for a lot of faults, but I feel that they fail to think about the benefits that Singapore offers. A lot of people also posted about Singapore being bad compared to other countries, but how many of them have really stayed overseas for a few years and seen how life is?
My parents stayed in Australia for 10 years before they came back to Singapore, and they have no intention of going back there.
I'm comfortable with how Singapore is.
It's not perfect. I constantly read people pointing out faults with Singapore and I agree that yes, that this country has its faults.
But so do other countries.
And I'm relatively contented staying in Singapore, although I'm not too fond of the PAP myself. Still, they've done a good job in making Singapore as it is today.

Look at the coups in Thailand, politics of Taiwan, etc.
And at least I'm glad and contented that Singapore isn't like that
ha. I totally agree with Jackie Chan. If only we had self-respect, self-control, manners and all... e.g. Not littering, not abusing freedom.
You know, as long as society is unable to mature, all forms of governance will fail and all countries will be as bad as good as they can be.

So, no point dwelling on what's bad and what's good.