spore sucks facebook

I'm a foreigner,been here many years, like living in Singapore and feel privileged to be afforded the opportunity to do so!

I like the fact that my 4 year old girl can sit in front of the TV and not hear Gordon Ramsey saying f&^k 50 times an hour! I like we can walk about at night and not worry about being mugged or, as when I lived in Sydney, my car being broken into and my guitars stolen for drug money. I like the fact that when my girl grows up she wont be confronted with the dilemma of peer pressure making her take Ecstacy or whatever!

The point about Singlish is stupid. The idea of having a Facebook page is stupid too!

Sure, some things pi$$ me off but thats the same living everywhere......
regardless of the facebook group, singaporeans are always complaining about singaporeans. singaporeans are always saying singaporeans cmi, singaporeans are always saying typical singaporeans this typical singaporeans that. they dont come to realise that they are talking about themselves. so what do we really expect.
who gives a shit really, singaporean or malaysian or bangledashi, people are people. this country is just a piece of land that we live and sleep on. its not so much about showing respect and being proud of your own country that matters, but showing respect and being proud of the world and people in general.
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aiyah some people are bitchy so they b*tch about their frustrations on the internet. So they have the right to be bitchy la. you all have a problem with it? you can't do nothing about it. i dont see any point discussing about this thread. Some ppl will just think singapore sucks coz its their own personal taste. Not everyone likes the same thing u know. Some ppl like it here, some ppl dont. Different people have different experiences in Singapore. end of story.

And i think the picture is quite cool. Good effort in expressing their hatred haha. It looks terrorist-like but im sure they dont mean it that way.
If only Singapore had the country-side.

^ Lol, would Punggol be considered as countryside? It's kinda ulu...

Aiyoh these facebook group is so boliao.. Singapore that bad meh? See I'm speaking
Singlish but who cares?? It's like an ice-breaker... At least if you consider a true blue
Singaporean. I think the government did what they did because it was probably the
best decision at that time or whatever. At least it's more or less safe living here. I
was so scared to walk alone at night when I was in China... The people look like they
wanna just jump on you and rob you man! We as Singaporeans should be thankful as
citizens coz' our life here is way better than other nations...
If those foreigners who are fronting the group are so pissed with the gov
and the Singaporean lifestyle, then they should just move away. Period.
The pic was from an ad made by the government. That should disturb you guys even more, haha.

BTW guys dont let this make you stereotype foreigners. Cos you'll only end up getting the same thing in return. Civilisation sucks that way.
I don't see what is completely wrong with the death penalty. I have to agree that some crimes are not worthy of the death penalty, and a extremely long time in jail would be sufficient. But for other cases, the death penalty can be justifiable.

The most obvious would be intended, planned murder

So death penalty is not wrong? We all are playing god now huh
and doesnt death penalty put us on the same spot as them? as murderers?

Well, everything is spelt out very clearly, as in, crimes that carries the capital punishment. If people still choose to commit, its the same as just asking the govt to shoot them in the head. Well but that's just my point of view:D Of course some would beg to differ...
I wonder if Singapore politics will undergo any notable change once LKY dies. Many people say there will be but really, will there be?
The group was probably created with good intentions - some of the arguements put forth are actually undeniable facts, but the display picture leaves a lot to be desired.

How would Americans like it if I placed a picture of the WTC, post-911, as my display picture?

How would PRC Chinese folks like it if I placed a photo of Tibet with the words "Free Tibet" on it?

It's just provocative.

However, the group does have its merits. As quasi-perfect as Singapore is, there're multiple faults in policies implemented, as well as in the society itself. The HOTA (human organ transplant act) may seem to be a policy that will potentially benefit people who need an organ transplant, but there's always this possibility that unethical doctors might abuse the system and encourage family members to remove terminal patients off life support, or to cease treatment (removal of life support does not warrant euthanasia per se... so yeah its legal.)

In my opinion, the clowns who're posting abusive messages on the group are just proving the stereotype painted by the creators. Singaporeans are criticizing the government for being unable to accept criticism put across by the common citizens on the street, but are we capable of receiving criticism ourselves? It would be downright illogical to demand that from our government when we are guilty of the very same sin
I also agree that the picture is unnecessary. It depicts the city being destroyed, and of course, citizens will be killed too. If they like to see the country destroyed, I think the below statement they wrote is bogus.

"Disclaimer: It does not intend to attack the citizens of Singapore, and any aspects of the group that could be construed as threatening, such as the group picture, are strictly tongue-in-cheek."
after browsing through the thread, i still think that we ought question some of the policies our government put into place. like when they say the GST increase is to bridge the gap between the poor and rich.. or something like that.

or when they cheapen our citizenship. basically any foreigner who plays ping pong or is able to juggle a soccer ball more than 15 times with each foot is eligible to become a singaporean without staying here for 15 years.

Or when some town council decides to spend 10k SGD to paint the monsoon drain at dover area.

i happy to be singaporean, not proud. For me, pride is reserved for something i achieved, not by some genetic accident.

And because i'm singaporean(same goes to any other counties' citizen), we shouldn't be bought off(GST package, pre-election packages) by the nation and just 'roll-over' like they expect us to..