Personally, I still find it a very difficult fact to accept that our ministers and president get remuneration that amount to millions of dollars a year and self-proclaim ourselves to be a first world country when I still see homeless people, old people who can barely walk push carts of boxes and newspapers to recycle or rummage through rubbish bins for anything that can be sold.
And I see this almost daily.
Even first world countries like America and the United Kingdom HAVE homeless people. There are many reasons why people are forced onto the streets. Perhaps they have money problems, and sometimes problems with their roommates or families and they don't wish to stay under the same roof with them. Most of us as Singaporeans are thankful that we have a roof over our heads, and that we can afford staying in a house. Yes, don't deny that there are still homeless people, but this is inevitable. Besides, the homeless rate in Singapore is relatively low. Have you seen other places in the world?
As for the "garang kunis", believe me, some of them can earn a decent amount of money selling these "trash" to the recycling companies. Perhaps now economy is bad and people are turning to this as a relatively "easy" sort of income, and therefore pushes up competition.
And honestly, sometimes its not the money that motivates these old people to work as garang kunis. Once I asked a few garang kunis (school project) on why they chose this lifestyle. Very few told me it was because they desperately needed the money. Some told me it was for extra income so that they can live a more comfortable life (Note: They already draw a decent allowance from their children), some say is to pass time instead of rotting at home, some said they do it to keep themselves active, etc.
You mean that there are that many businesses in Singapore that specifically deal with companies in China only?
China is a rising economy. Many businesses will tell you its common sense that, by investing in developing countries, the returns are quite profitable. Add in the fact that China is one of the largest countries in the world, with over 6 billion people to tap into as resources, and you'll find many business oppotunities there.
Yes, I'm equally as cheesed about job advertisments that require "Chinese-speaking people" (cause I'm exceptionally bad in my mother tongue)
Honestly speaking, I don't see what's the aim of the facebook group. Each countries have their own flaws that other countries cannot stand. So what if we're politically apethetic? Must we bother and bury our noses into every single part of the government's intentions before we're considered politcally correct? I'm sorry, but as far as I'm concerned this is the western way of thinking, and we are Asians, part of Asia, which is deemed as the East. Honestly, if what the government does is still relatively sound and doesn't affect you much, why bother so much?
I notice that a lot of people commenting are Austrailians. How would THEY like it if someone did a facebook group titled "Australia sucks because...?" I can think of many grouses I have against the Australians and make a facebook group about it, but what is the point? I'm not a citizen of Australia, I have no obligations to the country, and making such a group won't be of any use, because they won't bother about my senseless bitching anyway.
So exactly what is the creator of this "Singapore sucks" group trying to achieve? Nothing. The government isn't going to do away with whatever he's complaining because he's mindlessly bashing the givernment without seeing the other side of the coin