spore local music scene..

Hey, Do you guys heard of Online/Internet Radio?

Im not sure if its illegal in Singapore. but theres a few running here. :)

So yeah. I know about the system as I was a DJ once for those Online Radio.

Better than Podcast :)
DUDE!i It's the mass media that needs the required ouput.
You can Podcast and Outcast all you want - it's niot going to do anything different.

fwah, RoRk, then we shouldn't even bother with MySpace and YouTUbe based on this arguement.

DUDE!i It's the mass media that needs the required ouput.
You can Podcast and Outcast all you want - it's niot going to do anything different.

But didn't you say this?

This girl has done wonders all by herself. The Internet has certainly given new life to music and Singapore music (those involved) should certainly leverage on the technology.

MySpace and Youtube, together can be a very powerful tool for local bands and those involved in music in their own ways.

I is very confused... We might be sexy and dangerous but we is not intelligent.
Aiyah bro, even if we is the intelligent type, we also pretend right?

Bro, when you see egg, you think ... chicken. When I see egg, I think of my ex-girlfriend. But enough of that - different forum. :lol:

MySpace and Youtube are both different from podcasts - outcast - Outcasts - etc. Theyse two have something called, 'reach'. Lots of users.

LOL shinwa.

I heard that this guys are from South Korea. And they perform at North Korea.. Ermm.....

Maybe thats why the audience didnt MOSH? or Clap? or Sing Along?

I dunno HAHAHAHA. But the reaction of the audience is super funny lah!
haiyah you all talk so much for what?

its all words... go jam at seng chai lah! haiyorrrrrrr :twisted:
hmm.i totally agree with the thing about lack of government funds and all that. I'm doing a project on the local music scene. anyone have any comments that can help? thanks(:
Stop doing those school projects about the locale music scene. Start doing something that is actually useful!

bro glissceule bro, you are soooo retro that it makes my blood boil! You should be getting a MT-2 instead!!!

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