Skateboarders/BMX Riders/Bladers that are musicians

Yeh I used to ride BMX. Back in the UK I had a customed Haro 540. LOL. With everything else custom. Only the frame was the 540. Played for 5 years until I came to singapore. Got a new bike but only ride for 1 more year and then gave up cus in singapore it got really boring.

Recently had a Wethepeople 'The Omen' frame with everythin la. Cost me $3500 and I sold it last year for like $400 cause I really needed to get ride of it. It was just catching dust.
street culture in singapore really aint strong. if wanna do street skating in sg 5secs later get bang by car :lol: :lol: :lol:
gsonique, i didnt know skaters usually beat up wussy bladers.

are u a blader yourself? you kena beat up ah?
haha actually its a stereotype that skaters are bad and stuff

maybe some of them are

but if you try talking to them; they're quite friendly imo
omg.. dang.. finally see this thread.. hi kevin
still skating.. almost every saturday in town
so how? soft/skaters meetup?
great to know some bmx-ers here! so where do you all usually ride?been to the tampines bike track???

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
haha yes sunset trails! woo finally found someone here who's a tampines rider too!!!
i usually bike there on weekends....great place man.... 8)

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
used to skate around my estate, could do some ollies and stuff
had a plain deck with independent trucks.

hurt my ass too much, so i gave up