Skateboarders/BMX Riders/Bladers that are musicians


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i wanna get back to skateboarding after my o lvls this month. haha my skater friends all quit the sport so i've got nobody to skate with with. i know a couple of nice places to skate around these areas. i dont mind if you're just starting out or doing 360 kickflips with your eyes closed! just wanna have fun!

oh yeah even better if youre a musician! then we can talk crap about music while resting! :D
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anyway what do you guys think about the recent NIKE ADS popping up all around

kudos to nike for showing our local skate scene. thought it was pretty cool
i just started taking up skateboarding. i suck at it so bad, i cant even ollie =(
i used to play bmx for a few months but i was too prone to injury
i stay cck. can skate sometime soon. i suck worse. recently just snapped my deck doing a boneless down 5. DAMN!
Let's skate. I suck. :(
Gonna steal some attention. =)

I've got Blade-Runner blades, a skateboard and a pair of Salomon wrist guards for sale. Condition of wrist guards is 10/10.
I used to skate, broke ma left pinky, and the forth finger, cant play guitar well as i use to be.. Hehe.. Now i Dj/Turntablist.. Hehe..
I used to ride(BMX) last year but I gave it up for guitar. Now I'm looking to buy a new bike, but I dunno what to get first. New guitar or new bike ;x
gave up skating abt 4 years ago, kept on landing on mi ass until got swollen tailbone, was so retarded, i started learnin how to sk8 1 month after mi fractured foot healed, so was uber crappy, anw guitar now way more important
Want a scooter!
Someone stole mine when my brother left it at a tamiya shop at a very young age.
I've always wanted a scooter, or my scooter back but never got it.
My rollerblades buckles broke because, I don't know why.
And I really want a scooter badly.
Have been watching few videos on scooters and tricks.
Skating also bit sian, keep gettin injured, always cant land the trick, damn dulan =\....Haven't been skating since like.. june??!.. ah O's!
Ah chem paper tmr!
i love skateboarding!jus don skate if u have gigs upcoming la...stupid o's..

i use to do hardcore tricks on a blade runner...bunny hops....ollie ups,tailwhip..its much easier to do it on a scooter as compared to skateboard

heheh 2005 picture!

cmon guys, post your skate pics up too :D
Reading this thread and talking to friends made me itchy to start skating again.

I started off with one of those bolang decks from royal sporting house. Had that for about a year, happily cruising around until I started learning tricks and BOOM, the bugger broke.

After that I had a birdhouse complete that a family friend brought down from the US as a birthday gift. Screwed around on it for about a year and a half, and it gave way too.

This was like, wayyy back when I was like, what, 12/13? That was the last time I hopped on a skateboard till about a week ago.

I had some spare cash lying around so I set about building a setup. I went to every major skate shop in singapore and told shopowners that I was new to a sport so they'd go through the whole motions of equipment selection and my lazy ass wouldn't have to go trolling through the mounds of internet reviews. =p

I figured that since I'd grown substantially since my last foray into skateboarding, I'd opt for a deck that was a little wider.

To my horror, when I finally decided on my specs and put everything together, I discovered that I was right back at square one. I felt awkward as hell just standing on the deck. Maybe it's because I got so much taller and heavier since then, I don't know. I've been attempting to relearn everything from scratch, just not very successfully.

Anyone wanna skate around the Bukit Panjang/CCK/Teck Whye area? I need to get practising again, and it's damn weird skating around alone like a headless chicken.
I see Shazni. Muahaha. niteblade sounds familiar to the ear too. I used to skate until I realized people can kickflip in about 1 month. Ahemahem. And I can't do anything besides the basics - ollies, popshuvits, shuvits, rock to fakie, ollie to fakie, manual etc.

It's called a lack of talent in sports.

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