Skateboarders/BMX Riders/Bladers that are musicians

Reading this thread and talking to friends made me itchy to start skating again.

I started off with one of those bolang decks from royal sporting house. Had that for about a year, happily cruising around until I started learning tricks and BOOM, the bugger broke.

After that I had a birdhouse complete that a family friend brought down from the US as a birthday gift. Screwed around on it for about a year and a half, and it gave way too.

This was like, wayyy back when I was like, what, 12/13? That was the last time I hopped on a skateboard till about a week ago.

I had some spare cash lying around so I set about building a setup. I went to every major skate shop in singapore and told shopowners that I was new to a sport so they'd go through the whole motions of equipment selection and my lazy ass wouldn't have to go trolling through the mounds of internet reviews. =p

I figured that since I'd grown substantially since my last foray into skateboarding, I'd opt for a deck that was a little wider.

To my horror, when I finally decided on my specs and put everything together, I discovered that I was right back at square one. I felt awkward as hell just standing on the deck. Maybe it's because I got so much taller and heavier since then, I don't know. I've been attempting to relearn everything from scratch, just not very successfully.

Anyone wanna skate around the Bukit Panjang/CCK/Teck Whye area? I need to get practising again, and it's damn weird skating around alone like a headless chicken.

Hey I stay around CCK. How old are you? Care for late night skate sessions? Haha.
I see Shazni. Muahaha. niteblade sounds familiar to the ear too. I used to skate until I realized people can kickflip in about 1 month. Ahemahem. And I can't do anything besides the basics - ollies, popshuvits, shuvits, rock to fakie, ollie to fakie, manual etc.

It's called a lack of talent in sports.

Wahlao. Hahaha. How's vietnam? HAHHAA
They have pandas in China, not Vietnam.

Shaz could do fingerflips in like what, 2 weeks? And I can only do half a kickflip. I'm too afraid of my finger getting squashed underneath the mass of my deck and maybe mine too.
sshaz-ni: Hey man. I'm over at Phoenix. I don't mind late-night skate sessions, but not for now. Will be majorly burnt and got lots of deadlines to meet in the coming weeks.
hi guys, well im looking to get a skateboard, any shops you guys can maybe intro abit?

or maybe some local website or 2?
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Anyone selling his or her skateboard? so ex lol. I looking for a complete skateboard...any store sell any of these cheap?
lol getting a decent setup (first hand) can be quite expensive but its really a one off thing.

your trucks/wheels can last you almost forever(unless youre hardcorexxx) . however you might need to change decks once in a awhile which would set you back by around 50-100 each time

Hiez i used to skate quite abit in my primary school days...den switched to Trials. BikeTrials.
:) I'm still doing Trials as a hobby/sport...
download videos from torrent sites.

transworld skateboarding has some good tutorials.

but imo the best way to learn is by experiencing it yourself.

maybe find some friend who can skate decently and ask him to teach you the basics

once you master the ollie (pop drag level).
the possibilities to skateboarding are infinite. its all about BALLS!
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well tried ollie..i dont feel very good when i'm on the board..feel that can fall..and i fell after doing a 'ollie' i ollie but the back wheels nver up leh. Maybe i didnt do the rubbing motion?
411 has great videos.

Anyhow, you have to pop as hard as possible, love. You can't caress the deck and expect the tail to lift off.

Guys!!! Im an aggro skaters!! But nvr been skating for like 3weeks skate are beaten down to a pulp..looking for a new skate. Anybody got any aggressive skate they wan to sell of at a nice cheap value? Cos im kinda broke here