Singapore Idols 2006 Season 2

the F*CKING IRONY! i almost up-chucked when i saw the three best singers standing together in the most un-safe group LIKE WTF!!!
chester277 said:
the F*CKING IRONY! i almost up-chucked when i saw the three best singers standing together in the most un-safe group LIKE huh!!!

voting aside, another thing that really bugged me was the guest artist. for crying out loud, it was bloody Rock Week; by default English Rock Week, and they got some fellas doing a chinese rap!?!?!?
uh. yeah.

I bet everyone(excluding those hormones-on-rage fans) were thinking the 2nd group was unsafe. Then when Gurmit said the 1st group was unsafe, everyone must have think, "WTF!"

haha. but really, I think sweet boy Joakim feels guilty for the past few ousted idol contestants cause he knows they're better than him. But he'll work on it and keep trying. He looks uncomfortable with the whole "This is a singing competition" thing. And his face was like, "DAMN!" when their group was announced safe.

But I guess the fault lies in the voting. Everyone had the rights the vote for their "FAVOURITE IDOL". And that means they vote for their FAVOURITE, not caring if singing's not good or not.

everytime after they perform for the Spectaculars show, when the judges give them comments, they would always say, "I'll work on it." HUR.
strats said:
SherT said:
Scott Weiland is probably hyperventilating right now.

sape tu?

why is mathilda out!!!!!!!

Scott Weiland is the vocalist for Velvet Revolver bro...

Well, its a matter of time b4 Joakim gets his ass kicked out of the competition. He knows he's not as good as the other contestants. Look at the expression on his face everytime Gurmit says he's safe. Its one of those I-dont believe-i'm-still-in kinda looks. He can't sing for nuts.

And Mathilda. She probably has the best voice of the lot. And she's out. Tt clearly explains how S'poreans think.

Basically it's a popularity contest. Mathilda, i pity u. Joekim, u don't have a chance. Open ur ears and close ur eyes S'poreans. Then, mayb better outcomes can be made out of this competition. Peace.
Singapore girls mah...aiyoh Joakim so cute so i vote for him. That half singaporean korean thing also all girls sure like. The name Joakim Gomez, wah sounds so eurasion "ang-moish" also. All this factors that make singapore girls like him...who cares if he can sing? he looks cute! thats the mentality man! the worst thing is that he doesn't even have the BASIC ability of singing in key, so flat....
Taylorboy87 said:
Singapore girls mah...aiyoh Joakim so cute so i vote for him....quote]

Damn it the guy has his eyes too close too each other. It looks like he's cross-eyed! :lol:

Well like i said, close ur eyes, open/dig ur ears.
joakim can't keep key. can't keep key= can't sing. so why the heck are the girls still keeping him?
sg idol given to guy who can't sing? shame on sg.
yourgrandpa said:
voting aside, another thing that really bugged me was the guest artist. for crying out loud, it was bloody Rock Week; by default English Rock Week, and they got some fellas doing a chinese rap!?!?!?
yeah,it was really funny..way too funny...
i even cant catch what he sang though im chinese....
too bad my mandarin?
BrainFailure said:
so shocked when Group 1 was announced UNSAFE..i was like Damn,why Joakim's still in?!!!
it's really a Joke...Joakim=joking...

lool joakim=joking... no la... joakim= joke

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