Singapore Bands: READ THIS.

The_Rover wrote: "We still want to play, but do we want to do free shows for the rest of our lives?"

I like this quote :D

"Every party should walk away happy. The band finished the gig with a reasonable payment from the organiser, the organiser get a cut from the profit made, the fans have a good time at the gig. Everybody happy."

Dun really make sense. :smt120
i've read up to page two, and many points have been repeated. so here's what i have to say.

bands should get paid, it keeps things healthy. many bands have played for free in the past, and more often than not, if we as bands don't make a stand, we'll keep playing for free.

why do we need to be paid? we've forked out our own money, for our own equipment, rehearsal space, CDs, merchandise, exposure. all these things use talent and buy one isit? rubbish, money money money.

therefore, there should be a monetary respite. like i said, it keeps things healthy. organisers respect bands for the "talent, entertainment" they put out.

how much?
these are things that are settled between bands and organisers. if we don't START a culture where bands take a certain cut from the venue or organisers, it may NEVER take off. if you're playing for non-profit gigs and all, like musicforgood, its understandable. but if an independant organiser with no dosh asks bands that have made it clear where they stand on monetary renumeration, then like some of you said, politely decline, no love lost. we all do things for different reasons. sometimes a cause is enough renumeration for some bands, sometimes we're a bit more mercenary.

too idealistic for one's own good?

i might play for free at Stasis, we've played for beer at the POW, some events organisers give us 70bucks, the Esplanade is known to give out a few hundred. its a give and take scene, i help you, you help me.. we all hopefully happy. i've heard of a band who played for 50 BUCKS at the hard rock cafe! do you know how spoil market that is? now the Hard Rock thinks that all bands wanna play for 50 bucks shared among 5 people. if you don't protect your own scene, who's going to protect it for you? Electrico has perhaps set a benchmark for the asking price, but if you wanna see something take off professionally, its time to think bigger.
Maybe the 'humbleness' should apply to newer bands only?

Litford got a point there. We invest in instruments and etc. As much as we talk about passion and the love for music; wanting to be heard. But don't forget, playing free can't feed us. I guess full-time musicians wanna have a say about this?

But then again, I'm curious, is it very tough to hold auditions and stuffs? Can't we just hold auditions and judge who can/cannot play, then decide? I'm sure people will come for good bands?
Unless unless mutually understood and agreed between all parties including performers, organizers, venue providers, staging providers, crew, staff, security and sponsors coming together to host an event in the name of God, Charity or Love I say "PAY THE BANDS"
Wait a minute!! Are we confusing a "gig" where there are more than 5 bands sharing the stage that day, to an event where high-standard music is expected from one or max two bands on a stage?

The former is a gig for exposure (eg Sanitarium gig).

The latter is WORK (eg. WHAT THE FUNK @ Thumper, Jive Talking @ BarNone, guest band invited to play for an event).


i believe the thread starter meant the former.
i think a gig is a gig.
either way, like embryo said, its more beneficial and serving to the scene if bands get paid, whatever renumeration for a gig. this is how it works in australia for example:

i want to organise a gig.
i gather some other bands, maybe 2-3 more
we play a set of 30mins-45mins each for the night.
we organise with a venue, and also for a stipulated date and time.
the venue provides the bar and takes all bar tabs
the bands split the covercharge collected.

over here, we could organise with the venue or whatever, how to split certain takings.

i remember when i was playing for an organiser, they at least paid us an allowance because they know that we have to practice in studios.

over in spore, we may not need to bring our own PA backline of amplifiers and all, so its understandable if the money handed out is not that fantastic. but having some money to cover the cost of maintaining a band is ideal, save the least.

don't spoil market, don't let organisers think they can get away without paying you. UNLESS, like embryo said, the arrangement is settled between organiser and band. there are still plenty of bands who play for free, as there are many other bands who also believe in having a self-sufficient scene.
The_Rover said:
"Every party should walk away happy. The band finished the gig with a reasonable payment from the organiser, the organiser get a cut from the profit made, the fans have a good time at the gig. Everybody happy."

Hehehe... Willy, this beautiful line said to me by Ah Seng when we were drinking coffee at Bukit Batok coffeeshop! Even boss Grain likes it! You is the best!

Siang si Boss Grain? Why coffee only? Basket!

I is not the best. You is the best lah! (Macam some public 69 thing on a public internet forum). I rikes the video Caveman Pictures did for B-Quartet. Good stuff. Hey, you wanna shoot videos for Spread The Love? E-mail me cuz I need to submit the names and sign some video clearance thing soon.

Siang si Robert Fernando?

There's this line which I got from the local drum'n'bass collective, Guerilla which I loved to death:

"Confucius says: Talk does not cook rice."

Instead of wasting so much time talking about how much you can get paid and how you can get sucked off at backstage, better time could be spent on how to present yourself (and your band) better to the outside world.

1) Better songwriting.
2) Better musicianship.
3) Better band image.
4) Fer f.uck's sake, please get a band bio (complete with fucken photos and a short history) - dun tell me you dunno how to use MicroSoft Word. Please run a spellcheck on it, btw., a tech rider (Edder will tell you to Google it if you dunno what a tech rider is) and a demo (live demos - akin to live performances can be recorded at studios like SoundMix or Beat Merchants for a price slightly higher than your usual jamming fee.)

I mentioned to GrimBrody b4 that I'm sick and tired of ppl not helping themselves and blaming others for it. Please do up the 3 items. You dun walk into a job interview without your resume and CV, even if it's for part-time work at McDonald's. All 3 items are like your fucken CV.

Even in the worst scenario, no one wants to take you up for a gig. Organise one your-fucken-self. Share the costs with other bands. Work smarter, not harder lah.
Viruz said:
"Every party should walk away happy. The band finished the gig with a reasonable payment from the organiser, the organiser get a cut from the profit made, the fans have a good time at the gig. Everybody happy."

Dun really make sense. :smt120

Which part of it dun you understand, dear?
Eh Hello Aging Youth ah! Aiyoh, You arh! Where is da form for I think is non discrosure agreement to pray pray for da upcomeeng geeg arh?

For you (in da name of Lurve) I pray for Tau Huey Chui and Bus Fare Hor.

Ok seriously mate...where's the form dey?!
AgingYouth wrote:

Instead of wasting so much time talking about how much you can get paid and how you can get sucked off at backstage, better time could be spent on how to present yourself (and your band) better to the outside world.

1) Better songwriting.
2) Better musicianship.
3) Better band image.
4) Fer f.uck's sake, please get a band bio (complete with fucken photos and a short history) - dun tell me you dunno how to use MicroSoft Word. Please run a spellcheck on it, btw., a tech rider (Edder will tell you to Google it if you dunno what a tech rider is) and a demo (live demos - akin to live performances can be recorded at studios like SoundMix or Beat Merchants for a price slightly higher than your usual jamming fee.)

Finally. An answer that I've been waiting for. New bands should start improving on their trade rather than spoiling their reputation first.
azlyjacaz said:
Finally. An answer that I've been waiting for. New bands should start improving on their trade rather than spoiling their reputation first.

Brother, tell us how long have you been around and what are the gigs you have played on.
I didn't call others new and inexperience lah. In fact if I was some bigshot, i'd have told you what's the bands that I'm referring to. I'm just pointing out something that everyone can learn and yeah debate on and no i'm not like the others cos i dont ask for money when i know i'm not yet to the level of doing that.
no... you should... since you have an opinion on everything everybody says..... and you started the thread after all....
azlan said:
no... you should... since you have an opinion on everything everybody says..... and you started the thread after all....

So you are implying that only those with a band can start such thread. Yeah I do give my opinions but if you learn how to read I don't disagree with all the posts.

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