New member
i've been playing on LP for 1 yr plus
very very used to it already, literally tried all the tricks on it.
not bored of it of cos, but cos spent $$$ on it dun realli dare to abuse it ..
also wanna try something new.
i was thinking of getting a cheaper guitar i can literally (abuse) maybe an ibanez RG350dx
beautiful guitar, and also the thin neck compared to a LP. but not sure tone wise.
would it be feasible to giv it an overhaul on the pups (changing to dimarzio evos for example) beautiful guitars giv ma fingers more mojo
or maybe get a strat, single coils, different tones to my LP.. i was a strat copy user when i jus started on electric guitar, thou i have never laid my hands on a fender. so am wondering...
which one has more variety potential tone wise, and shreddability (if theres such a word), and which one is more significantly different from the LP im so used to playing.
i wil try my hands on both if i have the chance, but would like to see what the general comments are, note that im not trying to compare orange to apple (albeit both are fruits
is a matter of which can i realli feel the difference or help me improve my skill more.
pls dun flame me if u guys feel im wasting ur time
i did my homework reading up but i thought it'll be good to hear from the more experienced ppl here especially ppl who have played both RGs and strats and maybe LPs too
very very used to it already, literally tried all the tricks on it.
not bored of it of cos, but cos spent $$$ on it dun realli dare to abuse it ..
also wanna try something new.
i was thinking of getting a cheaper guitar i can literally (abuse) maybe an ibanez RG350dx
beautiful guitar, and also the thin neck compared to a LP. but not sure tone wise.
would it be feasible to giv it an overhaul on the pups (changing to dimarzio evos for example) beautiful guitars giv ma fingers more mojo

or maybe get a strat, single coils, different tones to my LP.. i was a strat copy user when i jus started on electric guitar, thou i have never laid my hands on a fender. so am wondering...
which one has more variety potential tone wise, and shreddability (if theres such a word), and which one is more significantly different from the LP im so used to playing.
i wil try my hands on both if i have the chance, but would like to see what the general comments are, note that im not trying to compare orange to apple (albeit both are fruits

is a matter of which can i realli feel the difference or help me improve my skill more.
pls dun flame me if u guys feel im wasting ur time
i did my homework reading up but i thought it'll be good to hear from the more experienced ppl here especially ppl who have played both RGs and strats and maybe LPs too