Service Feedback

Personally, I'd rather have no sales person attend to me. Don't you just hate it when you enter any store, be it music or other whatnot, and some bugger comes up to you and keeps hassling you. I'd rather ask for service when I need it than have it all the time when most of the time I don't need it.

I had this friend who got so pissed with sales people bugging him all the time he actually replied "Can I not have your help?" when the sales person asked him if he needed help.

Just my 2 cents. :) hee.
Years ago, i first went to SL at Sims Dr to try a les paul. But the tall skinny indian salesman, said NO and say tht i must play like slash before i can try the guitar. Then he start testing me on my knowledge on les paul. He allowed me to try the guitar anyway. Oh please i go there to try guitar, not get tested like a noob. Thank god i have not seen him in SL since.