Service Feedback

hmm... aparantly u are one of the staff members or one of their friends and its either ur dearth of knowledge with music or drumming that makes u think scaling has something to do with drumming... i meant that ONE OF HIS FRIENDS who is a guitarist player gave a "brief" scaling lesson to the ang moh boy using some electronic guitar... not drums.. rofl! anyways what i meant by politics is that the white people with big fat tummy gets first class attention cause maybe, the motto " going the extra mile" for the white customers has been implanted in every shop in singapore.. not only on swee lee.. but thats one fine example... just my two cents, why not one of u ghee boys there visit the drums resouces place at excelsior shopping centre and see how going the extra mile motto for EVERY person is on play at that shop...
Maybe they should have mystery shoppers turning up at music stores.
If you ever go to swee lee , look for a man named Jason Magesan, he was awesome in letting me try stuff although i am a f$%^ing noob. And ignore the lady at the counter, her name is wendy and she totally disgraces the female bosses community.
Ohhhh...The female boss is called wendy. she always have that "U owe me money" look on her face. I never dare to go near her whenever I am at SL :lol:
yah lah! Wendy frankly ought to be shot

Saw her blasting the poor staff in public.

Happy Staff = Happy Customer!

She just don't get it even if she has the oub womans credit card!
hahaha soft has become a place for people to complain about bad service. James should start some bad service section :roll:

hmmm... first of all, assuming that I am the staff members or friends of them just simply because I mentioned some 'fairer and neutral' comments seems to make ya look kinda defensive with ya claims, ya? ya? The world isn't just that small. Look wider ya? ya?

Chey, you didn't mentoined 'guitarist player' earlier on wor. Now by adding them of course makes your defination of 'Scale' different lah. Furthermore, since when did I mentioned I was a 'musician with deep knowledge about music'?? hahaha.. i don't play so well lah. In fact, I don't call myself a musician anyway. Did I ever mentioned that in my post?

Oh oh.. And the word 'Scale' generally is not just in guitar theory only right? right? right?
But if you are interested, I'm actually better in playing with Sexes. PM me for more details lah.

hahahha.. can I 'assume' that you are either one of their staff or friends of them??
No offence to Drum Resources, Nigel is an angel. ;) Just Nigel, ya? ya? ya?

So Billy where's your gun?
P/S: Calling any Caucasian 'Ang Moh' sometimes sounds rather rude too, hor hor? Just like being called 'Banana' or 'Chink' in the west.. dont sound too good hor hor hor?
my experience.

actually i think the staff i met was quite friendly think name was Kamal.
i went there last yr's ibanez sales to get my stupid Ibanez GRX 20 which I just sold for a heft sum of $70 at guitar connection.

The f**ked up part was that, when i bought the guitar, i was a noob. After 3 mths of playing it, my friend told me something was wrong with my guitar, i found it to have a warped neck. Ok after 2 mths later i brought it back and they referred me to the service side.

Guess wad, the service side is super fked up, dunno how else to describe it, sweelee was not willing to change the neck for me even though it was under warranty, eventually they jus tried to adjust it for me. They claim that for electronic items (electric guitar), the neck was not covered. they say only the electronic parts were covered. the knobs and plughole blah blah.


I went back to the salesman Kamal i think, pissed and angry i was, he assured me witth a "don't worry your guitar is still playable" . when he sold it to me, he said "don't worry la! nothing will go wrong!". Right.
He promised to check out whether he could change for me but til now, no call. (about 2-3 mths) liao.

the neck cannot have warped so fsat cos it was laying at home 98% of the time and i did not drop it.

any place to recommend to buy new guitar? xD
Jqiang: laying it at home also can cause the neck to warp if you expose them constantly to sunlight and hot temperature...better keep it in your room,if got aircon at night even better....of coz nobody will insured the neck in the first place,sometimes its not the guitar fault,it may be your fault for not knowing how to prevent the guitar from warping...cheers bro
Maybe the reason the local sales scene give better service to foreigners than locals is that locals(especially Chinese..sorry but it's true) LOVE to complain complain complain over every lil lil bit, expect to be treated like deities...sometimes talk yah-yah but leave empty handed...I'm not saying all of us locals are like that tho...but these "comprain kings/queens" are spoiling the market for the rest of us...

Just my observations regarding "biased" service...:p

Don't like their service? Don't buy frm them. Like that other poster said, go in expecting no service is the best way to go. :lol:

not another one of these...

ok I'll come in from an objective and unbiased point of view yeah?

when we go into an extablishment and expect good service, we may not receive it, due to:

1. the staff not having a good day

I know it is a lack of professionalism on their part, but they're only human

2. (only in obvious cases) they are busy or have something else to do

I think it needs little or no explanation.

With all due respect, I'd suggest for softies to try out part-time service line jobs and see if you can live up to a consumers' expectations of consistant good service.

Think about it, because threads like this often come to no conclusion. Maybe it's time to conclude it once and for all.

hey reyrey,
thanks for the info. But i left it in the gig bag in my room at room temperature ,hidden behind a cupboard.

if necks will warp in room temperature then its a little too sad cos all ppl who dun have aircons at their home would have their guitars having warped necks.

btw, I didn't say the service was bad, it was only on the repair centre, the sales side was friendly.
It's just that I felt cheated about the guitar even though its a cheap one, and about their warranty policy.

wad is a warranty for if it does not cover the guitar but only the electrical parts?
comeon, its kinda funny isn't it.

maybe only expensive guitars would have different warranty policies.

I don't think any shops would give warranty on wood in Singapore, considering the sad fact of our humidity level. On of my friend bought an ovation that cost almost 3k plus and likewise, it warped, not on the neck but on the guitar's body and faces with no solution from the retailer.

Try getting a dehumifier if you don have an aircon, it might helps. :)
And also, try not to lean your guitar on anyting, eg. wall, cardbord etc.. there are some good guitar stands that holds by the body without adding any pressure to the guitar neck.

Hope my 2cents worth helps. :)
The key here is actually humidity stability. Meaning if our average humidity is 80%, you should let the guitar stabilise for a while (maybe 2weeks to 2months) Then get it setup to the stabilised humidity.

Possibility 1 - The guitar has being hanging in the air-con store for 3 months and the relative humidity in the store is 40%. You decide to buy it and ask them to setup for you (that is assuming that they do it as part of selling a new guitar, or you pay for it). You bring it home and put it at a safe corner, but your home is open air, relative humidity is 80%. 2 weeks later, the wood in the guitar absorbed moisture to its new surrounding. And it expand or contract accorddingly. Your guitar neck becomes more bowed than first bought it, action completely out.

Possibility 2 - Complete opposite, same end. Shop open air 80% and home central air con 40%.

Possibility 3 - Guitar is factory resetted (truss rod nut loose), shop does not practise setup for sale guitar.

Possibility 4 - Guitar is a lemon. Depends on your luck, a few are just lemons, that all.

Remember wood comes from nature and was alive once. It is not synthetic material (man made), where factory process will make the chemical and processing the same all the time. So some wood are more susseptable to changes than others.

Thats why cannot give warranty on wood in that sense.

hey hellcat and mike, thats some really useful information there, really appreciated it. :)

but my neck warp was like kinda zigzag. funny. anyways im over and done with it.

main thing is to not like moisture get in the wood right?
is it a good way to place it in a hard case then put alot of the moisture sucking things?

Cheers xD
you can get those dehumidifiers packs at hardware stores... some supermarket should have those also... THIRSTY HIPPO!
Jqiang: sometimes its the guitar fault also,why easily warped?coz they dry the wood for few years,some factory never dry the wood properly and send to production,to cut cost,and the result is neck that can warp anytime anywhere =) thats one of many reason why some of the brand have extra '0' on the price tag

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