Rusty Strings

eh by durable i mean that the strings don't rust that easily?

there's a difference between 'rust' and 'dark spots'
also depending on how you maintain ur guitar
if you wipe it down everytime after you play, and wash your hands before you play, you may find that strings last alot of longer

i have sweaty palms, so usually after 20-30 min of playing, ill have to do a quick wipe
hmm go to a shop , say davis , get the strings changed for 15 bucks , pay attention . then try it yourself the next time . i change strings like every 3 weeks for my gibson and every month for my fenders

wah... how about you give me $15 I change strings for you???:mrgreen:
i use DR liquid polymer on my strings everytime i finish playing. it really helps extend stringlife by ALOT

and i've been using one bottle for more then a year. and theres plenty left. so i dont think its expensive to invest on 16 dollars for a bottle of that