Rhythm n Groove Music Camp: Post-Mortem

because the Indonesian instructors came back with us to Spore..because instructors Addy & Fairoz work at Pump Room Clarke Quay..because we hadn't gotten enough of these guys.. there was a post-camp gathering at Pump the very next day. for those of you who didn't manage to pop by, here's what you missed..



Arya onstage with Jive Talkin'


Taufan at the drums


taking attendance!

arya has good tone BUT he was all over the mountain for 'supestitious'...really.
maybe he did not know the tune or maybe the 'instructor' in him required him to overplay.
too much unneccesary hype.....basically, NO big deal.

maybe at the camp technique was instilled day in day out BUT GROOVE & FEEL (the spaces between) were forgotten.
Ling, ignore this guy. I know him. Hey buddy, still diving? This is Matnor, your friendly neighbourhood harmonics man.

"Those who have had success in realizing their own vision have a duty to help others in their struggle to emerge" - Stanley Clarke
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ah yes ... aquanaut - the "Vinny Jones" of soft.

Another red card and 3 match suspension to add to his other trophies.... :p

Yo Matnoh - amamcam gang? Farid here lah ...
Hey Farid! Good to have a nice guy like you here in this thread. How's things with you?

"Those who have had success in realizing their own vision have a duty to help others in their struggle to emerge" - Stanley Clarke
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i noe i am a lil late posting this. but the music camp was totally totally awesome!!! although i missed all the evening jams, the morning lessons were killer. so many things to learn, especially when master shukor talks about chords! and paul talks about all that nice bluesy country approach. plus all the useful tips he gave us! thanks paul! haha. and of course, addy rasidi with that great arppegio picking technique that really work on our chops!

i would say this camp is really worth more than the price we are paying for man. we dun just learn about the instrument. but we learn about the music! Dec camp! dun miss out on it!
here are mi photo contributions, not much tho


a nice stage setup for performances


the kind of scenery and away from societiness in the resort


the guitar faculty less addy, shukor and simon lai


and of course the 7 course halal chinese lunches everyday
Hi all, if you had mistakenly took the BOSS DB-90 metronome home, it might be Din's. Jeremiah, i know you have one.

"Those who have had success in realizing their own vision have a duty to help others in their struggle to emerge" - Stanley Clarke
Hey Guys, can someone tell me how to get the photos up on this page? Am trying to get the drummers photos as well as vocalists up. Thanks!
Hey Matno,

Brandon here. The camp looks awesome man. Its a pity i was in the middle of a very hectic school schedule and couldn't make it. But looks like there is gonna be another in december it seems. Any details on that?
Hey Brandon my man.... how are you doing, Sir? Well yes, you can tell it yourself by reading this thread of post-mortem of the Camp.
What i can tell you about this camp is that all campers; students and instructors and me(being the cameraman for this time) really focus on what was being taught. They were still on stage practising till 3am, if i can still remember! and the instructors...just ask for one-to-one lesson, and off u go! They shared jokes with us, their blunders and bloopers, tips and pointers...advice...experiences...how or when they start to play music etc etc! There's even a last minute lesson for the drummers (a make-up one, i guess)during our very last lunch of the Camp. Thats when the coach already arrived waiting for us! Hahaha...man, I am beginning to miss all of you!

Oh yes! before i forgot...the next camp will be in KL, somewhere outskirt of town. This time , i believe, will be bigger. In sense that campers from Indonesia and Malaysia will be joining us. Cool huh!?
and maybe we will have a bigger line-up of instructors from this three nations.

"Those who have had success in realizing their own vision have a duty to help others in their struggle to emerge" - Stanley Clarke
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Hey guys it's David here..

For all you guys out there who are considering coming to the next camp, don't think too hard! It's a clear cut decision! Just the instructors are enough to make you drool..
Like what Din says, you don't have to look to the west to find talent.. you've got an abundant amount here in Asia (namely Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore)
Keyboardists shouldn't miss out again.. Willy and Toni will be reeeeaally bored again without any apprentices haha

MatNor kudos for convincing me to come :)
Hi all,

Thks to Ling, finally I can post some photos up.

The Drummers (Nigel, Harfis, Mel, Ridwan, Nizam, Eileen, Bryan) & our Instructors (Farios, Pak Tom & Pak Zahid Ahmad),
missed out 1 of our instructors, Taufan Goenarso (couldn't get him in time for our class photo)


Willy Rubano (Keyboardist), Maria (Vocal Instructor) & the vocalists (Nora & Nana) as well as myself


Taufan & Rihann Jamming

Some Photos on the Nite that the teachers Jam in Pump Room (Singapore)

Arya Jamming in Pump Room (In Sin)


Taufan Jamming in Pump Room (In Sin)

Hi all, was at Doug Wimbish Bass Clinic last night at Crazy Elephant, Clarke Quay. Cool Guy. Awesome bass playing! He's anti-Bush....yes! There's a song called Terrorism and he dedicated it to him. Hahaha...But the best thing of all, he remembered my name! He mentioned my name while he sings! Aw...so nice!