Rhythm n Groove Music Camp: Post-Mortem


New member
Hi to all participants and instructors,

Am sure everybodys' settle down by now. You know what to do now. Please post your comments

"Those who have had success in realizing their own vision have a duty to help others in their struggle to emerge" - Stanley Clarke
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the camp was awesome! so much to learn, instructors are all such brilliant musicians but down-to-earth and ever willing to help and i think i speak for all of us when i say we had fun!

a lot of materials to practise on for the next couple of months. for me personally, the best thing is coming away from the camp totally inspired to improve my playing. all teachers can provide knowledge but it's the best teachers who provide this inspiration ;)

i'm so going for the next one in KL this december. my drummer too heh. 1st success. i'm gona try psycho my whole band :D

matnor: i'll sort through the photos and see which ones to upload here. meantime pls join the facebook group for the bass players!
When i woke up on Sunday morning, i was expecting to hear the sound of nature; you know the chirping of the birds, the buzzing of the flies....the sound of people walking on stony road...but i was awakened up by the sound of the contractor drilling holes next door!! Imagine that on a sunday morning! I will definitely miss nature man!....

Good job, Ling! You managed to psycho your drummer. Thats so good of you! Now....why not your whole neighbourhood....Din will have a big headache this time around! hahahaha....

Keyboard players!...you are at a loss! Willy Rubano is really a superb player man! Truly the Asia's Herbie Hancock. From where i was standing among the crowd, recording the performance, i can see his fingers jumping on the keys just like the 'old school typewriter' Man.....this guy is an athelete on keyboard. His 16th notes.....my goodness! You are at a loss!

"Those who have had success in realizing their own vision have a duty to help others in their struggle to emerge" - Stanley Clarke
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the Theory Workshops by Big Bro Tony 'baba' touched on notation values, extended chord voicings, chord substitutions and working the magic of scales. His fluency in jazz piano made his elaborations priceless, as he explains, he would play it to show you how he'd use it in a Jazz context. the best part about his workshops, he has this old school musician humour that lightened up our nites at Music Camp. Respects.

Also, Din Safari pointed out some crucial pointers when reading scores/charts during session work.

yeah bro Matnor, Willy Rebano (teaches jazz piano in icom, malaysia's Bekerly branch) has fingers/chops to die for, the trade off solos in the blues and funk jams with him, damn i never had this much fun :D
What can i say? It was a fantastic camp, great venue (BEAUTIFUL CHALET TOILETS!), a stellar line up of instructors, (almost) endless jamming every night. My only gripe was that it was too short, and as a result too intense man!

Imagine waking up everyday and having music permeate your whole being aurally, mentally, physically, psychologically even! You wake each morning, finish your breakfast and head off for classes, break, 2nd session, lunch, next class, break, ANOTHER class, dinner, jamming till late, with a night class if you'd like ... Extra classes available upon request ...

I never slept earlier then 12am every night, there was so much to do, see, learn and experience! Am looking forward to the December camp in KL ...
After the previous posts, I'm not much sure what I can say about the camp that will sound original, but the fantastic itinerary aside, I have to say that it truly is a gathering of souls, especially for musicians. Before this camp I knew only a few musicians, being the unsocial animal that I am, but during the camp, and even now when it's over, I've found myself up to my ears with musicians, all of whom I could stand to learn something from.

As humbling as it is educational, and as much an excuse to have fun as it is a helpful push down the road that is music. My heart goes out to all the people who made it possible be it organising, helping out or participating.

Look forward to meeting ya'll in the near future~! 'Til then, keep on rockin'~! :cool::cool::cool:
ooohh sooo good huh? but only 3 ppl attended?

Hmm, I'm not sure where you're coming from with that comment, but there are 4 other people besides bassinc that gave their thoughts.:???: Show some love dude. I might be misunderstanding something, but you sound mildly aggressive with that.:confused:
R&G camp

It was a kick-ass camp.No doubt abt it!So if u dun come,ur an idiot.Seriously.U get the best advice,skills and musicianship survival face-to-face for 6 days from the cream of the crop of asia.:).

So to all who thought tat maybe it ain't gd,or maybe its too much money,Ur wrong....It was so worthwhile.I myself sacrifice alot for this camp.And i dare say i learnt things tat any other place could offer me.Guys frm the camp,doyall agree with me?Show some love ppl!?!?!

Matnor,pls pls!i wan the video and maybe u shld put it up too...ppl aren't convince yet.
wolffie: u just can't stop talking about ur precious toilets eh. now i feel a bit hard done by. our toilet nothing spectacular lei haha

jaypeek: i hope ur ankle's better already!

here are some photos of the camp..

the stage and equipment


the family photo (sadly missing guitar instructor Addy Cradle & drum instructor Fairoz)


evening performance - guitar instructor Paul Danial, bass instructor Arya Setyadi, drums instructor Tom


evening performance - guitar instructor Shukor Jalil, keyboard instructor Willy Rubano, bass instructor Barry Likumahuwa

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the bass faculty with instructors Arya and Barry


evening performance - bass student Wendy Phua jamming with drums instructor Zahid Ahmad, bass instructor Arya Setyadi


evening performance - vocal student Nana jamming with guitar instructor Paul Danial, keyboard instructor Willy Rubano, drums instructor Taufan Goenarso and bassinc Matnor


i wish we had better pictures of the performances, my camera doesn't do well in low light situations sigh.

anyway i don't have pictures of the guitar, drums and vocal faculties so those who have might wana share here? :) i could steal from Paul's facebook but he doesn't seem to have everything either.

oh and btw guys, let's all post in the spirit of sharing. we don't have to prove anything or convince anyone.
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I didnt managed to attend the camp (regrettably). However, as a little consolation, did managed to go down to pump room to sneak on the instructors invitation to perform after the camp.

Although every instructor had just a few bars long of solo and feature, It was reason enough for me to attend the next one. Guess it doesn't take more than a few bars to tell what's good and what's not eh. :mrgreen:

Like Ling mentioned, hell yea I'm definitely gonna attend the next one at KL.
What really touched me was Barry's lesson. This guy is so young and yet he can touched your heart just by playing less notes....to me this wasn't a music camp....this is a pilgrimage camp! They changed you in just couple of days. Remember when he asked you guys to play the D minor groove? WOW!...the bass lines still playing in my head.

"Those who have had success in realizing their own vision have a duty to help others in their struggle to emerge" - Stanley Clarke
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Guys n Gals, FYI, Stanley Clarke, Marcus Miller and Victor Wooten will be coming to SIngapore this september 19th for a ONE night show only at Esplanade. Check your calendar, guys! Because the GIANTS are coming!

"Those who have had success in realizing their own vision have a duty to help others in their struggle to emerge" - Stanley Clarke
That's awesome man. I think an arranged outing is in order :D What say you?

@momorockstar: Its on the up & up, thanks X3 I just hope I'll have the strength to go for the auditions this saturday and not screw up. Don't wanna let my band down.

@wolffie: Check around, see if anyone got a shot of the toilets. XD Seeing is believing~:mrgreen:
theres juz so many things i wanna say abt e camp but i can't put it into words, loved it, and will definitely be going for the follow up camp in KL in dec
Music Camp '08

It's my first time in a music camp. With my poor drumming skills, I had great advices from all instructors and teachers. I would like to thank them for all the encouragements as well as advices during camp. I feel it is a very good environment in learning music as all musicians are gathered around. It gives us motivation and strength to play from morning till night (tiring thou, hehe) but really enjoyable. Truly enjoyed the jamming sessions, even the practices which we had extras lessons from our drum instructors just from our pads and sticks without the set as well as sharing of individual experiences in music.

I really hope I will be able to make it for the KL trip...
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WOWZ ... didn't know there's a actual forum discussing on the music camp, stumbled upon this SOFT forum while trying to kill time duing work. :)
Saw someone quoted "ooohh sooo good huh? but only 3 ppl attended?", that made me signed up with this forum and posting now. >.<

My 2nd time to the music camp and at the end, I still did not have enough of it, ARGHH due to work I got to leave the camp on Weds (I forgot to take my heart and soul back with me to SG!!! Left them in Kulai I believe :))
Missed the student performance on the last night. Darn ....

Gosh ... u can practically eat, talk, sleep music anywhere and with everyone in the camp, but now when back in the office.. nothing but work work work... :D zzzz

Lessons, excercises and tips from the instructors (Mr Paul, Addy, Shukor) were superb and very informative, ranging from finger excercises, kewl licks and de most stressful for me "Mutated Chords" (Da guitarists from the camp will know what I mean) :)

Sincerely appreciate Mr Shukor and Tony's late nite extended playing and theory sharing with the guitarist in our bunks till 3am+ before we all finally knocked out and start to snore away.

Gained so much thru this camp, I believe the outcome for such a camp will eventually turn out to be something great and big, becoming like a religous thingy, making us worshippers hungrying for more and following the camp where ever it goes? KL, USA, even NORTH POLE? Too exagerating? U guys tell me ... hahahaa

Lastly, met alot kewl, nice, friendly, young aspiring musicians in the camp, you guys rox man! Trying to put the nicks who posted here to a face.... hmmmm only figured out a few:

Bassinc: Matnor
Jeremiah: The kewl looking long hair bassists?? Wears a black spec? Right or no?
jeremyrozario: Jeremy himself of course.

To Mr J.Rozario, I love your avartar pic man ... you Rox!! Kewlz!!
Reminds me of John Travolta from one of his old movies, Sat nite fever ~~ wEEE~~
Jeremiah: The kewl looking long hair bassists?? Wears a black spec? Right or no?

Hahaha! Dude, Jeremiah is the Indian bassist, I'm the one you're referring too. I've never thought me-self as cool, but thanks a billion for the complement! Hope to see you in KL!

Jeremy: No offence meant, but granted that you've been awarded a scholarship to KL, it would be beyond stupid NOT to go for the KL camp! Hahaha!

JayPeeK: My greatest regret is that i didn't take any photos of the toilets and i don't think anybody did either...
Hahaha! Dude, Jeremiah is the Indian bassist, I'm the one you're referring too. I've never thought me-self as cool, but thanks a billion for the complement! Hope to see you in KL!

Hey Wolffie, sorry for the mixed up ;) And yes you are darn cool~ fun to hang around with :D Hope that I can take leave for the KL camp in DEC. No dropping out half way tis time around. Tat's y I did not get any cert!! :mrgreen:

Jeremy: No offence meant, but granted that you've been awarded a scholarship to KL, it would be beyond stupid NOT to go for the KL camp! Hahaha!

wat? He got scholarship?? Lucky Travolta ENVY~~:twisted:
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