Look at how the concerns of the TS are digressed by you guys, and the redundant video of that retard making a fool of himself, is there really a need for that?
I personally understand TS's concerns, and yes, i am guilty of not seating in a reserved seat myself, why? i almost certainly would get ugly singaporean stares which ensues when a long hair-ed teenager like me takes a seat in a so called reserved seat.
I do agree with my bro funktastic that these measures carried out to ensure those who need the seats more get them, are plain stupid. Why? Because i believe that courtesy comes from the heart, and not because some signs tell you to.
The signs and different seat colours are awfully disgusting, it highlights how singaporeans are stereotyped as ungracious. Personally, all seats are the same, and all seats should be given up to someone who needs it more, simple.
Perhaps education on courtesy would help salvage the already pathetic and ugly typical singaporean image, where courtesy and graciousness is almost non existant. However, i strongly do not believe that what is being done now is even going to help create a better singapore for the future.
I do see guys my age giving up their seats voluntarily, but i do see middle aged aunties hogging every seat, with one seat for their belongings, maybe education for their age group would help? and please, no PCK