New member
heh, just another day in here, like any of the other day i guess.

yeah, a lot of people die every day in all other countries. but they don't get much column space on newspapers.
9/11 will forever be remembered simply because it happened to the strongest nation in the world, and hit them where it hurts the most. What al-Qaeda manage to plan and carry out on this day 8 years ago will forever be remembered, for its sheer brutality and raw grande terrorismo. If it can happen to the US, then it can happen everywhere. Thanks to them, security has a beef with my muslim brothers everytime they try to catch a plane.
cue image of eagle with tear
(i can't believe I'm writing about 9/11 in the forum at 6am in the morning)
I don't believe such a powerful country with the most powerful man on earth at its helm, with hordes of intelligence and special forces, and faithful and capable allied forces from other countries like the UK and Australia, armed with the best and most advanced military technology, simply cannot capture one man that is Osama Bin Laden, after almost a decade.