Remembering September 11

heh, just another day in here, like any of the other day i guess.
yeah, a lot of people die every day in all other countries. but they don't get much column space on newspapers.

9/11 will forever be remembered simply because it happened to the strongest nation in the world, and hit them where it hurts the most. What al-Qaeda manage to plan and carry out on this day 8 years ago will forever be remembered, for its sheer brutality and raw grande terrorismo. If it can happen to the US, then it can happen everywhere. Thanks to them, security has a beef with my muslim brothers everytime they try to catch a plane.

cue image of eagle with tear

(i can't believe I'm writing about 9/11 in the forum at 6am in the morning)

well doubt the al-qaeda did such a thing...

the reasons are pretty clear... it's all furthering the governments agenda, it's all about money and power...

this is definately a crime of high treason and i hope one day the perpetrators gets their punishment for what they did on their own soil and people...

It's quite sad that all this is pointed and blamed to the muslim terrorists al-qaeda but yeah i guess God's knows best..

RIP to all those innocent people who perished.
That's the thing, THOA - some people seem to have difficulties separating the event from the cause/perpetrators/results/etc.

9/11 was a man-made tragedy of epic proportions (simply put yourself in the shoes of one of the victims, or a relative of the victims, or one of the firemen or policemen who got killed if that helps to clarify perspectives).

Whatever you may feel of the US pre-event, or of its actions post-event, the fact of 9/11 as an evil deed cannot be rationalised away.

You can be a US supporter and condemn 9/11, or you can be anti-US and condemn 9/11, or you can be simply neutral about the US and condemn 9/11. But if you say that all those people deserved to die, well then, I would be keen to know how you came to have the set of values you have.
marcdrummer=the reasons are pretty clear... it's all furthering the governments agenda, it's all about money and power...

So, are you saying:
9/11 (abt 3,000 dead, 6,000 injured) was carried out by the US government, and
Madrid train bombings (nearly 200 dead, 2,000 injured) was carried out by the Spanish government, and
London underground bombings (about 50 dead, 700 injured) was carried out by the UK government?
terrorism |ˈterəˌrizəm|
the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

POLITICAL AIMS... what politics does the al-qaeda have?

*taken from my macbook dictionary*
oh and here's an excerpt on the documentary billy mentioned...

"On 7/7/2005: london. Three trains and a bus were bombed killing 56 people. That morning, an "Anti-Terror Excersise" just happened to be taking place as well dealing with, The exact same bombing scenario, at the exact same train stations at the exact same time."

terrorism? oh yeah...
our mind can be easily manipulated if we allow it to be and having access to the source of it.

truth or not, prolly no one will knows, at least what we can, is to accept the possibilities of things, but not totally jump right into it, according to how others want us to believe.

conspiracy theory is like hollywood movies with wonderful cgi, trashy enough for entertainment. But whether is it the absolute reflection of life, hehe, thats prolly another different thing

marcdrummer=POLITICAL AIMS... what politics does the al-qaeda have?

I see. Al-Qaeda is a ladies' social and recreation club?

Just one of the their stated objectives is to drive out all Westerners from countries like Saudi Arabia. That's a political aim by any measure. I'm sure your googling skills are good enough to list out their various other goals as outlined in umpteenth numbers of audio and video recordings, and documents.

You haven't answered my question on 9/11, Madrid, and 7/7.
I think like what someone said above, our mind is easily manipulated.
Of course if you watch a documentary that shows a completely one-sided view you would be somewhat convinced.

It might be true, but think about it, the people who make these documentaries are ordinary people, who probably have nothing better to do with their time. They can twist anything around to make it sound like something else, and even lie to you, but would you know?

Probably not, because you're so convinced that everything this guy is saying is right, that anything that comes out of his mouth would be truth to you.
I'm just waiting for the day the media starts cashing in on this crap, just like they did with the entire "Moon landing was a HOAX" thing.
Speaking about the moon landing, I believe it's a hoax.

Speaking about 9/11, c'mon. We'll never know the truth. The "glorious" Al-Qaeda was responsible and we never really know if 1) they're just happy that something happened to the US and stupidly decided to be responsible for it, 2) they really maliciously crafted such a devious act, 3) they actually knew nothing about it and was instead blamed by others.

So let's forget about it and just think about the people who perished. Lives were taken for granted and to whoever that commissioned the shit, I hope your conscience will haunt you for the rest of your life.

And the aftermath was crazy though. I pitied Afghanistan and Iraq. Although Iraq wasn't exactly related, a total invasion was still uncalled for.

Let's not think that the US are bullies. Instead, focus on the administration. :/ I'm sure the US citizens didn't want the war.
ahha i liked watching the moon landing conspiracy theory show! damn cool stuff they bring up.

anyhow yea 9/11 was without a doubt a terrible incident that most will not forget. its definitely insane to say that those who died on that day, deserved to die. but will anyone ever remember the people in the middle-east who died post-9/11? you can't say they deserved to die just cause they live in the country where the supposed plotters of 9/11 were residing ):

george bush is as much of a terrorist as he claims osama to be. it's just a vicious cycle that went on.. a sad vicious one
I don't believe such a powerful country with the most powerful man on earth at its helm, with hordes of intelligence and special forces, and faithful and capable allied forces from other countries like the UK and Australia, armed with the best and most advanced military technology, simply cannot capture one man that is Osama Bin Laden, after almost a decade.
i'm quite sure al qaeda wanted the war. they were highly successful in their attacks

such that they destabilised the US and the rest of the world politically, socially and economically

they caused george bush to wage war against the middle east, not to mention commit all kinds of atrocities, including guantanamo bay, things they knew would be disapproved by the american public, created divisions within society

the war also affected the US economy. war isn't cheap

in essence, they wanted too see whether the response of the US suited their own agenda, and succeeded in exposing the incompetence of the bush administration.

which is why it is not possible to end the war on terror as long as george bush is still in power. it would involve a u-turn on the many failed policies of the bush administration, primarily in their foreign policy. to do this would be to admit that these policies had failed, and undermine the credibility of the party
well they may have had their agenda. but i don't think the response that the US govt carried out was appropriate. killing innocents there just cause innocents in your country got killed doesnt make the world any more fair.

an eye for an eye, and the whole world would go blind
I don't believe such a powerful country with the most powerful man on earth at its helm, with hordes of intelligence and special forces, and faithful and capable allied forces from other countries like the UK and Australia, armed with the best and most advanced military technology, simply cannot capture one man that is Osama Bin Laden, after almost a decade.

which gives rise to a conspiracy theory- they probably don't want to find him, because all the expenditure on security and the removal of civil rights is in their interest.
maybe the US govt planning for a budget deficit that's why keep spending on 'security'. whatever it may be. haha =p
If you ask some economists, they will tell you that war reflates the economy, re-ignites the economic engine, generates employment, increases consumption, innovation and modernization.

The fact that most politicians in the US are somehow connected (thus will gain financially) to the defense contractors and suppliers, already makes you think hard about the business side of war.

Unless you don't like to think lah.
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hoho who ever said there wasn't a business side to war. buying arms selling arms recruiting soldiers recruiting personnels giving incentives to those who sign up to the army plans for attacks. all those involve spending and are part and parcel of war business and defence of a country is a public good a non-rivalrous and non-excludable good hence the government provides all this and it goes under government spending which then stimulates a country's aggregate demand/aggregate expenditure and increases the country's national income. so supposedly not only is it good for them politicians but its good for the whole country yknow. everyone likes to think hard aye ;)
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