Remembering September 11

Bon=2,975 lost their lives in 9/11. Not a big deal. It just happens to have been blown out of proportion by a crazy American media. 2,975 IS NOTHING. Wouldn't even make a dot on the terrorism/war/disaster graph. Only because it happened in America. If this had happened in any 3rd world country you wouldn't have given a flying shit. In fact, I doubt you would have even known it had happened it's so small scale. What about new orleans? About 1500 people died there, nobody gives a shit except for political reasons. Did you know in 1976 there was an earth quake in China that killed 830,000 PEOPLE! Well, you may have but most people have no idea. 2,975 isn't a tragedy, it's a wake up call to a dieing nation. A stupid nation, who elects stupid people to govern them and takes shit the wrong way.

I don't find this sensitive. But....

Why take this line of argument? 9/11 is tragic. So is the war on Iraq. Nothing justifies the former, and so too for the latter. You can't say it's ok for us not to feel bad for 9/11 because a lot more people died in Iraq. Or that 9/11 is ok because the US is a bully/imperialist/Bush is a nut/whatever.

You are just venting. You are not making a tenable argument.
exactly, Betsybug.
anyone who doesnt feel compassion for thousands of innocent lives lost, regardless of the nationality, is just seriously screwed up inside.
Look, no matter what the circumstance, a loss of innocent life is always a reason for grief. Just because more people might have died in this or that doesn't mean that this is more justifiable than that. Yeah, less people died in 9/11. So what? Try telling the mother of the fireman who died in 9/11 or the son of the woman who was on one of the hijacked planes that their grief means less than the Iraqis' because of the numbers. It's utterly pointless and absurd to compare and contrast various disasters by using the numbers and figures. BonAparte, I don't see the point in you saying that 2975 is nothing on a global scale. Since when was this turned into some sort of significance contest? The whole point is to mourn the loss of life and take steps to ensure it never happens again. What happened in Iraq is a tragedy as well, and I don't disagree that Bush is a retard. But for you to dismiss the lives lost in 9/11 by comparing it to Iraq is just...wrong. It's not about the numbers, it's not about the figures. Its about the people out there who meant something to someone and who were tragically cut off from life. It's about that.