Remembering September 11

If thats the case, then the whole world shld go to war now since the global economy is is dire straits. No doubt there is certain economic benefits to certain industries, in the long run its not exactly gd... To finance the war, US has chalked up huge debts by selling 30yr bonds n alot of ther things which i dun wanna go into, for example, who do u think buy the bonds??? So war is not confirm make $$$ one.

There are wars that go bad too, like vietnam which us didnt get anything out except shame.

Remembering Sept 11, but gotta move on from it as well. UK has endured terrorist attacks on a more often than US in the 90s from the IRA, n the not so recent tube attack as well but they are able to move on strongly from it.

On the other maintaining peace is proven to be better for businesses and trade as it encourages trade n brings in trade and business from abroad. that is one big reason why this little red dot can do so much better than its neighbours with all the resources it lack.

For world peace
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sorry mate. of course it isn't practical for countries to go to war just to supposedly improve their economy. was just trying to show that not everyone doesn't like to think.

but anyway yea. i wonder why is it that terrorism happens in many many other place i.e madrid, london, bali. but its 9/11 that people remember the most
One Actor, One Room, Seven Characters: 9/11

i know there are alot of conspiricy theory videos bout 9-11, and im not one to buy into most of that stuff (ie. photoshop'd rockets hitting towers?..i dono.) ....but seriously, this one is a bit different. its quite a well done indie film arguing the case from different points of view on the event. but inevitably uses factual info to make points....not just theories or accusations.

you can also watch it on youtube but this link is prolly better.
those who give it the time will benifit.

Although I think that the best way to respond to any kind of terrorism, coming from 'ragheads' or otherwise, is to ensure that we go on as usual.

Not pretending that nothing happened, but move on and concentrate on improving whatever situation that needs improvement, instead of letting it disrupt our lives drastically.

Because that's just what the terrorists want - to disrupt our lives and make us hate each other and fight among ourselves.

Yes, I know it's easier said than done but I think so far we've been doing relatively well.

Maintaining harmony, that is.

you got to understand that the "War On Terror" doesn't put money in everybody's pockets- just into the elite. Bankers, especially, who earn interest that governments pay back after borrowing.
yes bankers gain. and then the multiplier effect sets in where part of what the bankers gain is used on consumption and part is saved. it goes on and on where whatever part is consumed is passed down to the next person/s who then uses the money to consume and save. unless of course you're in a country like singapore where the marginal propensity to save is high. where in this case the bankers don't consume and thus only they gain.

and i do agree that terrorists have the aim of trying to disrupt our peaceful lives and that we must not give in so easily. we need to fight their cause even if its not a physical battle. we can't afford to lose the psychological battle against them terrorists
Actually, the govt dont borrow from banks, cuz they are not big enuf. The US basically issue this bonds to finance their war, but its other countries like j@p@n n many others who buy, n its abit too messy to explain here. So in a way those countries who go n purchase those bonds are also responsible in the war.

Those conspiracy theories sound v real the way they put it across, but then again its arranged n fitted nciely to suit their agenda, all spin doctors as well
Yeah, bebe.

Too bad some of us don't have the intellectual capacity to grasp the concept, thus narrowing our already narrow minds, subscribe to the stereotypes and allow our brains to washed (and spun and dried) by the propaganda.

I do understand though, that some see their lives as already been complicated, and thus do not want to be further embroiled in all this world issues shit.

Can makan our favourite food thrice a week, swear in Hokkien at least twice a day, kaypoh about other people once a day, watch a bit of Chinese drama on TV, surf SOFT don't know how many times a day, can liao.

Simplicity is great.

Just don't be a simpleton.

i'm interested to know what stereotypes and propaganda exactly are you talking about here? doesn't seem to have much link to whatever's been said here does it
I find it disturbing in a very peculiar way how we Singaporeans keep "celebrating" or "debating" anniversaries of international tragedies without realising it is the 45 anniversary of Operation Cold Store and questioning if it was the very start of a people losing their rights, even before independence.
Wah, power ah! Operation Cold Store. Well, to talk about curbing communists in Singapore in 1963, I'd say it's a totally different world back then. Back then, it was democracy vs communism.

Right now, it's terrorism vs [put in whatever you think it is]. And we're remembering September 11 because it was probably the biggest, ahem, hijack and, ahem, terrorist attack to ever happen.
we don;t even know if half the guys that went in were communists, but back to your point....

I guess with SEpt 11 being so televised and publicized, it sure is big, of cos, we all dun seem to hear much of My Lai or Hiroshima

But bottomline is, people dying, no matter who , is not good. Folks who do that kind stuff need their heads checked and their teachers spanked.
I guess putting into perspective of the Operation Coldstore next to 9/11... the magnitude of the aftermath of the attack sees the cost of thousands of lives lost in one of the most powerful countries through a man-made tragedy.


A few prominent and influential people being arrested for the sake of a merger with a federation that eventually kicked us out later on, which in effect triggered a series of actions and laws that ultimately influenced the way we are governed till this day.

Which is worse? I have no answer, but they are definitely of different parallels.
They are two different matters put together. Can't really compare.

And yes, I believe Operation CS was fraudulent. But who knows?
655,000 Iraqi's killed because of America. It's sad, really, but the whole thing was started by Mr. Bush himself.

I'm gonna say something sensitive, pardon me yea?

2,975 lost their lives in 9/11. Not a big deal. It just happens to have been blown out of proportion by a crazy American media. 2,975 IS NOTHING. Wouldn't even make a dot on the terrorism/war/disaster graph. Only because it happened in America. If this had happened in any 3rd world country you wouldn't have given a flying shit. In fact, I doubt you would have even known it had happened it's so small scale. What about new orleans? About 1500 people died there, nobody gives a shit except for political reasons. Did you know in 1976 there was an earth quake in China that killed 830,000 PEOPLE! Well, you may have but most people have no idea. 2,975 isn't a tragedy, it's a wake up call to a dieing nation. A stupid nation, who elects stupid people to govern them and takes shit the wrong way.

Sorry if I offended, but Bush is a bad president. Because of him 655,000 Iraqis are dead for NO reason other than OIL.
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THOA=Which is worse? I have no answer, but they are definitely of different parallels.

Agreed! It's apples and oranges (and not just the scale).

Ken, there's nothing wrong to commemorate/discuss both (9/11 and CS); we don't have to choose between the two.