haha hey potato! yeah went to buy strings. intended time spend there: 5mins. actual time spent: 1hr++. haha!
yeah right about the tech 21. must listen and play in person then.
yeah tried the valve dist pity it doesnt have a mids control. sounds great though its not something im looking for. the barber DD SS. proguitarshop cheat my feelings. sounds nice high gainish in the vid, didnt realise they were using slight overdriven amp. thinking of getting it for low gainish rock rhythm tone ala oasis.
pessimist: crunchbox? not enough drive for me. hehe.
yea the sc2 has no mids setting another reason why i let mine go. eh play ur amp at louder volume la free od then add the dd ss LOL. the emma?
dudelove: dirty bomb like rather harsh for me and the eq-ing is rather limited.
theunknown: i sold off my Biyang Metal End King to fund for a Hardwire SC2.
Eh Junkie... 2 completely different pedals lei... You sure you did the right thing?:mrgreen: Though I've actually not found a need for anything heavier than a SC2, Crunchbox or my all time fav, Vox Satchurator...
I keep my Hardwire Metal Distortion around mainly for days when I feel like numbing my brain on chugga chugga... Once that's released, I usually go back to the Vox. Whahahaha...
Actually, it DOES have some sort of passive by-elimination mids control. I used to think All I could get from the SC2 was just fizzly scooped crunch. Then I started trying the controls using a simple method, and I realised there are so many usable mid-heavy" tones within the SC2. And my gain isn't even on full.
What you should try with it is this: Bring the treble and bass down to 0. Bring the level up to 12 o'clock. Then bring up the bass and treble slowly. Remember that the higher you bring them, the lower your level should be, and vice versa. You'll find a very nice big warm tone there with more than enough chug even at half gain. I ended up using the pedal with the bass at 10 o'clock, treble a 11 o'clock, and level at 2 o'clock. I never got that sound when I first got it!