Recommend me distortion pedal =))

I'm not sure but how about the M.I Audio Crunchbox Distortion? I'm eyeing that baby. check out YouTube for demo by ProGuitarShop.
dudelove: dirty bomb like rather harsh for me and the eq-ing is rather limited. but the tech 21 is damn nice, the solo demo, wow. may consider that pedal though its not what im looking for now. haha!

pessimist: crunchbox? not enough drive for me. hehe.
yo unknown been to beez lately? hahah

tech 21 stuff sound great through interfaces nt sure in person how they sound though. Just a heads up on that.

Hmm have you tried stuff like : Emma reezafretziz wadever the hell u spell it/ Hardwire sc2 valve distortion/barber direct drive SS/Catalinbread super charged overdrive?

Just some suggestions of pedals that have caught my attention or have occupie my board before :)
haha hey potato! yeah went to buy strings. intended time spend there: 5mins. actual time spent: 1hr++. haha!

yeah right about the tech 21. must listen and play in person then.

yeah tried the valve dist pity it doesnt have a mids control. sounds great though its not something im looking for. the barber DD SS. proguitarshop cheat my feelings. sounds nice high gainish in the vid, didnt realise they were using slight overdriven amp. thinking of getting it for low gainish rock rhythm tone ala oasis.
haha hey potato! yeah went to buy strings. intended time spend there: 5mins. actual time spent: 1hr++. haha!

yeah right about the tech 21. must listen and play in person then.

yeah tried the valve dist pity it doesnt have a mids control. sounds great though its not something im looking for. the barber DD SS. proguitarshop cheat my feelings. sounds nice high gainish in the vid, didnt realise they were using slight overdriven amp. thinking of getting it for low gainish rock rhythm tone ala oasis.

yea the sc2 has no mids setting another reason why i let mine go. eh play ur amp at louder volume la free od then add the dd ss LOL. the emma?
can you state what type of drive are you looking for? clearly its not a marshall sound right?

the crunchbox has more than enough gain imho. its one of the units i'd recommend to save your pocket... does well at what it does.
if ur looking into metal stuff.. yes the metal muff would do good:)
pessimist: crunchbox? not enough drive for me. hehe.

Then I actually think you're not looking for more drive, but more compression. The CB has more than enough drive. Just doesn't compress the way you want it to like a big high-gain pedal.

I actually think the best for you would be an Openhaus, but it's way above your budget. How about the Blackstar HT Dual? I tried ShredCow's and I liked it AFTER he changed the tubes.

Better yet: Radial Tonebone Trimode. This one will eat your amp alive. Also above budget, but if it delivers exactly what you want, why not just save for it?
yea the sc2 has no mids setting another reason why i let mine go. eh play ur amp at louder volume la free od then add the dd ss LOL. the emma?

Actually, it DOES have some sort of passive by-elimination mids control. I used to think All I could get from the SC2 was just fizzly scooped crunch. Then I started trying the controls using a simple method, and I realised there are so many usable mid-heavy" tones within the SC2. And my gain isn't even on full.

What you should try with it is this: Bring the treble and bass down to 0. Bring the level up to 12 o'clock. Then bring up the bass and treble slowly. Remember that the higher you bring them, the lower your level should be, and vice versa. You'll find a very nice big warm tone there with more than enough chug even at half gain. I ended up using the pedal with the bass at 10 o'clock, treble a 11 o'clock, and level at 2 o'clock. I never got that sound when I first got it!
yes, The SC2 has a lack of a mid control knob


on the sc2, the mids can be brought out by playing around with the bass, hi's and gain . it's like a balancing act to get different tones on the SC2 and not a straight forward "if i want mids, i'll dial in on the mids knob to get some mids"

The SC2 is not bad yah..
You just have to know how to go about tweaking it
have you tried the Boss MD-2? Try playing and tweaking with it, i'm sure you can find what you're looking for.
Since you mentioned Oasis, I would put a TS-type pedal before a Marshall type distortion to get that smooth yet crunchy OD, which is what I am doing now. I use a TS-7 as a booster into a Zvex Distortron. They don't have the knobs and stuff that you require but the sound is something I really like and compares to the Oasis tone. Very tweakable too IMO. But nothing beats a TS into a real Marshall head and into a Vox AC30 combo like Noel used to use I guess. :)
keith: i dont know my fren, i tried the crunchbox some time ago, and i just couldnt get that chugg. well, i guess i am looking for a sort of marshall distortion, but HOT ROD. heh. if i remember correctly, something like Kerry King? he uses a jcm800 modded if im not mistaken. that chugg but minus the "heaviness". nah metal muff not my thing. =))

whitestrat: yeah i passed through woodworks, but i was late and the shop was closing. will give the blackstar pedals a try. but rather scared with tube equipped pedals. cause i'm not very careful. heh.

junkiemanxl: yeah the sc-2 is in a quite deep consideration. but i'm just the guy that say "i need more mids, therefore i dial up the mids knob!". haha.

kave: hey sound neat. but im not sure if that is what i looking for.

worldwithoute: hi bro, i did mention about that but its not exactly the topic of this thread. but i've always thought that the rhythm would need a low gain pedal and the solo boost needs a medium gain one. not otherwise.

guess what? after hearing the recommendations so far, i still think the Biyang Metal End stands the closes to my requirement now. heh.
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theunknown: i sold off my Biyang Metal End King to fund for a Hardwire SC2.

That BMEK really heavy and nice but not too organic. Colours your tone a lot too...
But if those factors don't really bother you, It's one heck of a fierce pedal.
theunknown: i sold off my Biyang Metal End King to fund for a Hardwire SC2.

Eh Junkie... 2 completely different pedals lei... You sure you did the right thing?:mrgreen: Though I've actually not found a need for anything heavier than a SC2, Crunchbox or my all time fav, Vox Satchurator...

I keep my Hardwire Metal Distortion around mainly for days when I feel like numbing my brain on chugga chugga... Once that's released, I usually go back to the Vox. Whahahaha...
I think the Biyang sounds really really harsh.. I simply couldn't dial a good sound out of it, and I was one of the first few to try it out, before the 'hype' kicked in and people started buying it..

Well.. I've been using an SD-1 (MIJ) for my Oasis stuff and it has been more than perfect.. Like I said, a 3-band EQ only limits your options.. If there's too much tweaking, there ain't gonna be much playing!

Those beyond your budget I would recommend is a Menatone King of the Britains..
Eh Junkie... 2 completely different pedals lei... You sure you did the right thing?:mrgreen: Though I've actually not found a need for anything heavier than a SC2, Crunchbox or my all time fav, Vox Satchurator...

I keep my Hardwire Metal Distortion around mainly for days when I feel like numbing my brain on chugga chugga... Once that's released, I usually go back to the Vox. Whahahaha...

bro, like godspeed siad loh.. the bugger one kind of harsh. I think i'm growing older by the day and insane amounts of gain just don't work for me much nowadays. heehhe :D
i was looking for a pedal that can be a little more versatile.
Actually, it DOES have some sort of passive by-elimination mids control. I used to think All I could get from the SC2 was just fizzly scooped crunch. Then I started trying the controls using a simple method, and I realised there are so many usable mid-heavy" tones within the SC2. And my gain isn't even on full.

What you should try with it is this: Bring the treble and bass down to 0. Bring the level up to 12 o'clock. Then bring up the bass and treble slowly. Remember that the higher you bring them, the lower your level should be, and vice versa. You'll find a very nice big warm tone there with more than enough chug even at half gain. I ended up using the pedal with the bass at 10 o'clock, treble a 11 o'clock, and level at 2 o'clock. I never got that sound when I first got it!


i remembered i set everything about 1 0 clk except level man. gain 1 o clk treble and bass 1 0 clk.. yea. could get some sweet tones.
agggghhh that post really made me miss my sc2 HAHA.

was a great pedal, but i wanted something thicker. as for me the sc2 felt alittle.... 'digital' and 'plastic' for me. my other friends didnt feel that it was. so i guess its just me.

but now im using the jekyll & hyde.
i like how it has both an overdrive and dist channel put together. when im playing some rhythm i'll just use the overdrive, then when it comes to a solo, i'll kick in the distortion for some extra boost. sounds real sexy when set correctly. i'd love to have 3 eq knobs for the distortion, but im contented with the sound it makes already. inside the pedal it has a small bass pot and also a noise supressor, so thats a plus for me coz i usually turn my gain to max when it comes to metal.

very versatile pedal yea. but i had to sit down and really get to know how to tame it cos sometimes it gets harsh when it comes to scooped mids. i started from using one of the samples given on the manual and started messing around with it. and yea i can go from the metallica scoooped mids or to some chunky chugga chugga.

playing with both the od and dist on is quite a good idea too. the sound comes out very thick and pleasant. not muddy.

for the biyang metal end, i tried it once and its really an easy pedal to use HAHA. i didnt really bothered much with the switches but i mainly messed with the eq. very nice range, from scooped to nice chunky mids. and when it gets a little harsh or dull, i'd just set it accordingly. simple.

haha but still, i prefer the jekyll & hyde for its od & distortion put together.

hoped i made sense, cos im quite like half asleep HAHA