Recommend me distortion pedal =)) seem to have played through a wall of Mesas. Care to share and enlighten all of us here what that experience was like?

I used one Mesa dual Rect at volume 5 and almost went deaf. I wonder what a wall of Mesa's would sound like. Probably nothing cause it'll blow your ears out.
I used one Mesa dual Rect at volume 5 and almost went deaf. I wonder what a wall of Mesa's would sound like. Probably nothing cause it'll blow your ears out.

i played one in big ears studio, in a pretty small room at volume 8.

it was actually physically painful..
Then the Trimode WILL work for you... I tried the Trimode with a Xiphos... Shiokz!!!

hey bro, my ibanez is "coincidently" a xiphos. check gear gallery 1st post. haha. yeah i cant deny the tone is great, just not sure if i need that kinda sound in my playing. haha.
furries1.gif seem to have played through a wall of Mesas. Care to share and enlighten all of us here what that experience was like?

Actually, I have. Everytime I go to Japan (which, at least, is once a year). :twisted: It was very loud, and not very defined... When you plug into the amp stack at Musicland Key in Shibuya, they run you thru 6x 4x12" cabs. I don't know how they're wired up, but it was glorious for power chords... Not so nice for leads though... Too many clashing harmonics. There, you have a choice of a H&K, a Mesa, Custom Audio or ENGL. I tried both the H&K and the Mesa. I preferred the H&K. Oddly, the stores don't mind if you're at that volume... In fact, they encourage you to turn it up if you can play. It's quite funny because they set it up, then pull your seat far far away, and ask you to sit there.... I'm sure they know how loud it is... Hahahahaha...

Must make it a point to go try the ENGL this December...

Too bad Japan voltage rating not so convenient to use back here, and I can't be bothered to go get a transformer for it. Otherwise I'd have bought one of those custom made Snake Skin covered Mesa Express 5:25s.
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yeah i cant deny the tone is great, just not sure if i need that kinda sound in my playing. haha.

what do you mean? The pickups aren;t suitable for you?

If I happen to come back with a JP7 at the end of the year, I might be highly tempted to throw DeActivator 7s in there....:twisted:
whitestrat: no its not the pickups. they're great. the pedal i mean. because from the clips i hear of the pedal, they dont actually serve the type of music i usually play.

anyway, why do u like de-activators eh? tell me something good, so i'll appreciate my guitar more. haha.
anyway, why do u like de-activators eh? tell me something good, so i'll appreciate my guitar more. haha.

Because they're creamy, and compliant... Many high powered pickups tend to have one thing to do: saturate. That's it. Nothing else. No dynamics, no headroom, nothing. The EMGs are like this, so are the X2Ns and the Invaders. What i did like about the deactivators is how they respond very well to different conditions. They don't oversaturate a TS9. They don't choke a DS1, and they don't overly exaggerate an MT2. Somehow they seem to have a very nice balance about them, and they can scream or sing depending on how you want to work them. Clean wise, they're also rather melodic. I've not come across another high powered ceramic magnet pickup that shows this kind of character. They're not overly warm either. The closest i've heard that's non-dimarzio coming from those would be the Bareknuckle Nailbombs, and even those aren't as high powered compared to the deactivators.

So you get strength in tone, at the same time, it's not so beefy that you don't have room to move around.

I wonder how they sound when split though.

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