RayKnight Nov 29, 2009 Hi! I'm the one with the Fernandes guitar. Met you at Beez', not sure if you still remember. Anyway, nice to see you on the forum!
Hi! I'm the one with the Fernandes guitar. Met you at Beez', not sure if you still remember. Anyway, nice to see you on the forum!
RayKnight Jun 25, 2009 Are you the guy at Beez' I saw the other day with your Telecaster or have I mistaken you for someone else?
Are you the guy at Beez' I saw the other day with your Telecaster or have I mistaken you for someone else?
E E evangoh87 Apr 28, 2009 ohhh found your vocalist yet? muse tribute band eh? I've been covering time is running out... starlight... uno... recently... i'm kinda interested... what are the songs you guys gonna cover?
ohhh found your vocalist yet? muse tribute band eh? I've been covering time is running out... starlight... uno... recently... i'm kinda interested... what are the songs you guys gonna cover?