Randolf Arriola (embryo) Guitar Gear 101

This one's a long time fav of mine. A hero of mine Michael Hedges (may he rest in peace) with the one of a kind Klein Electric Harp Guitar...with the Steinberger Trans Trem system somore! Ayooooo!
Hey! Great to know that ur into Bill Frisell and David Torn too Ed. :) Well I did arrange with Gibson for the Synapse Steinbergers to be available during the last Tonequest event but u were not there I guess. Oh well, it's here in S'pore just so u know. :)

very paisey boss... there was a few events that day till blur lah.... when the next chance to caress that beauty? ;):twisted:
The Tesla has an onboard piezo pickup which senses body vibrations. Because the body is of an interesting matt finish the piezo pickup can pickup the scratches and various percussive ticks, pops, pings and taps throughout the bodywith more sensitivity than the pickups. The Tesla is unique as it's designed for "Industrial" music. The onboard selection for inciting intended "hum and feedback" is really brow raising but in the hands of a creative player can really create sounds that are just so radical. Truly a sonic twisting machine diguised within a guitar design.

Hats off to Teuffel! :)
The Tesla has an onboard piezo pickup which senses body vibrations. Because the body is of an interesting matt finish the piezo pickup can pickup the scratches and various percussive ticks, pops, pings and taps throughout the bodywith more sensitivity than the pickups. The Tesla is unique as it's designed for "Industrial" music. The onboard selection for inciting intended "hum and feedback" is really brow raising but in the hands of a creative player can really create sounds that are just so radical. Truly a sonic twisting machine diguised within a guitar design.

Hats off to Teuffel! :)

that sounds like a very awesome idea. how about installing a regular piezo and connect it to some preamp, to some synthy stuff?
woah lan dey, sounds steady siah, basically the whole body is already an instrument by itself even if dont have strings on it.

*evil grins*

should we sacrifice one of our guitars? put an acoustic piezo strip below the pickguard wired it to a preamp like a high impedance AMZ mosfet booster and then mix or have another individual output to the "synth" pedalboard.
Nice to know that. Is his with the Trans Trem or the S Trem? I'm currently using a GM series model with the S Trem which I'm happy with coz it can pull the G String up 5 frets (2+1/2 tones) without fretting out. Would want to explore converting to Trans Trem tho as that's what I'm originally going for.

I personally feel that the Steinberger tremolo designs for both the S Trem and especially the Trans Trem are the best in functionality and practicality and yet they've been around been around since the early 80's altho not as widely known among whammy bar users.

Any Trans Trem users here? :)

Fwah, when can I come over and test drive?
steady is you bro, bro! If you have monkey grip, pointy headstock ibanez to spare, i is on! For start, we chop off headstock for pseudo steinB neck mod! Put ldr in the monkey grip to vary the synth sound, one finger at a time and when all finger in it, oscillation will arise!
The Steinberger design is not so simple to replicate closely like a Strat or even a Les Paul because of several factors but mainly because of the type of non wood materials used for the neck and original GL series body. The elimination of using wood meant that the instrument was environmentally inert. That makes the instrument perfect for folks like us here in this ever humid high temp region.

The GM series used solid maple bodies. The design of the neck was groundbreaking in many aspects because the material was so strong yet toneful enough to eliminate the need for a truss rod. By incorporating a zero fret there was no need for a nut and worrying about nut slots to cater for specific string gauges and also the wearing out of the nut slots. By removing the headstock and placing the tuner mechanisms and weight at the back of the body the center of gravity was shifted. The GM model that sports a traditional wood body has incredible weight balance which is achieved by removing the chunk of body material behide the bridge area. Applying this idea to an all wood instrument however always resulted in too much detrimental tone and sustain loss. Really intresting to note how Steinberger's original ideas have been replicated by various other manufacturers along the way.
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woah lan dey, sounds steady siah, basically the whole body is already an instrument by itself even if dont have strings on it.

Absolutely! The strings is what makes the Tesla an extended "Found Sound" instrument because the strings can be tuned traditionallly or detune it to one's warped desire the main purpose is to offer the sonic painter playing the Tesla a choices of playing it traditionally or have at his her disposal more sounds and noise possibilities with the players control over the dynamics of pitch and sustain. Head spinnin possibilities for those "really out there" players. I like!!! :)
hey randolf i was wondering where i can get that epiphone amp of yours in singapore.
btw is it a blues custom tube amp?

The Epiphone amps I was using during the recent Womad 2007 event are the Valve Standard all tube combo amps. These amps are nice with a classic retro kinda vibe. Last I heard the local retailer is awaiting enuff interests/orders before ordering a shipment. Do check with the shops here.
just got this from Rosli, he's got a GM with S Trem and a GL with Transtrem...

this Rosli ah.... must sms me to tell me... post direct here lah... boomerang tengkuk kaaaaan.... :mrgreen:
Ah! An originer Transtrem GL babe! happening! Hehehe...

I love Steinberger's designs but I still just can't get used to the GL model's body shape. Totally functional design but my main issue is the missing right armrest la. Makes me feel like I'm playing a Ukulele so I end up playing very differently which makes the girls go hula hula... :)
A lil different topic here but I mean to ask folks here...

Does anyone here at soft.com have contacts, friends or relatives from Kathmandu? I recently received an interesting and rather unusual enquiry from there. Do email me if you do ya. :)
Hi randolf, ive got a MIJ Dm2 which appears to be spoilt. It works fine as the effect is there and its LED is illuminated. However, it cant seem to be put into oscillation, unlike other DM2s ive tried. The effect is rather faint too. It would appear to me that the Echo and Intensity knobs aren't working.

Could you PM/Email me a rough quote for repairs?

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