Problems in the MRT


Recently I was sitting down on a seat in the train when this lady walked in.

Well, seeing that she was 'pregnant', I tried to offer her my seat.
Turns out she wasn't pregnant, but fat, and she gave me a stare ._.

Hm, has anyone had the same experience as this? :(
Nope but I've seen this pregnant lady about 4-5 mths into the term coming on board the train and walking straight right up to this young boy demanding the seat from him. The startled young boy had no choice but to comply to this demanding lady. Poor chap.

if they're just plain fat, the effects are often non fatal and harmless.
singaporeans can be very unreasonable, especially when they are in certain conditions (pregnant/ elderly/ etc); they think they have certain rights that others must adhere to- rubbish...

with regards to pregnant ladies, there was this once when a pregnant lady kept pointing to this corner seat where there's a 'give up your seat to those who need them more' sticker. the person in that seat was genuinely sound asleep, with his mouth agaped but the lady kept grumbling that the seat was 'reserved' for pregnant people so it goes to show the individual's understanding of her rights.

pertaining to the original post, the lesson learned here would be, if you see ladies with protruding tummies, ask if they are pregnant: Excuse me madam, are you pregnant? Would like to have my seat? if she gets offended because she's fat & that's her belly jiggling while the train's moving, then it's not your fault. feel good because you are being civic minded.
So far I have never witnessed any demanding passenger asking for a seat.

As a gentleman, I always give up my seat for old folks, pregnant ladies & young kids.

Pity many other people DONT! I guess their parents never thought them.It's up to the individual but this is my "policy"

I find many "sleeping" ppl on the train - tend to sleep esp when the above mentioned minority group is around in the cabin.

I have seen a few fights which had to be broken up by MRT staff after someone pressed the mergency button, seen a few ppl collapse (fits & other things) and seen many a drunk ... not plesant but I guess its part & parcel of public transport.

As a side note = i see a lot of other crazy shytte on trains / underground in many European cities during my travels .
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my experience was that , i was sitting down and an old woman came in the sliding doors of the MRT . i kinda pitied her cuz she hasnt got any sits . and i told my friend " eh, i'll offer the seat to the old lady " i think she heard me .then she gave me that stare and sat down . after she sat , she stared at me for awhile more and said " Im not old okay ! " . and gave me the 'HMPH!' face . like i just insulted her family to death . then i was like , regretting . sometimes u jus have to get it for being kind. ah well. unpredictable country.
The fat lady story is funny! she needs to loose some weight so ppl wont think she's pregnant!hahahaha
and the "im not old okay" lady very action siaaa. hahaha
because of ppl like this, i think less ppl would be nice to others.
I hate taking the mrt coz it shows how ugly singaporeans can get.
Like, when wanting to enter the train, you obviously have to wait
for people to get out first right? Singaporeans, being singaporeans,
will push their way in even though others are still exiting.
Usually when this happens I'd be like " OMG. HOW TYPICAL!"
but it doesn't work coz they all act like they're deaf.
It annoys me like crazy.
The seats issue is another story all by itself.
aiya, that day. i was getting ont the bus at bugis village's bustop. then as you all know, how kancheong singaporeans can get. then this lady pushed a pregnant lady :( she fell buttom first. we helped her up. she was alright. no serious injury. and then when she got on the bus, everyone act asleep when she walked pass them.
then this lady pushed a pregnant lady :( she fell buttom first. we helped her up. she was alright. no serious injury.

if i were you, i'd settle the pregnant lady then go up to the culprit & just snapped a pic with my h/p. tell her in the face if something happened to the lady/ baby, you got evidence- this should scare her. people like this, despite being adult & blessed with a brain, need to be taught a lesson.

regarding the rush-into-train-never mind-if-i-have-to-push people, i did shout at a lady once before: Let me out first, what's wrong with you?!

tis will always

wat i normally do is just step out of the train wif my shoulders banging on them... hard and on purpose.
there's once tat my shoulder kena sum1's face then an auntie was like -
"wah!!! tis guy so rude!!!!!" (referring to me)

i smiled and raised a finger at them.
i rather be rude, seriously i do.
wat if i missed my stop or kena stampede due to irresponsible masses trying to get in the train without letting ppl out 1st.
at times i think tat God gave human brains is such a waste if its unused.

as rough i can be, i still let ppl out b4 i come in!!!
and i do give up my seat to an elderly, pregnant ladies and parents of good looking lady.