Poor Attitude at Guitar Connection

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We all know Kelvin is an ass, especially after he got his cut out on the straits times and shit. Either deal with it, make him like you or don't go to his shop la.
We all know Kelvin is an ass, especially after he got his cut out on the straits times and shit. Either deal with it, make him like you or don't go to his shop la.

Now this has the makings of a flame thread. Bro, mind if you changed that word? While we know that the uncle is a pain, there's zero necessity to call him that. We can say the same thing in a nicer way
Kelvin is an uncle meh? He doesn't look tt old to me.
Unless u all talking abt a different guy.

Anyway, i don't like to visit that place.
Had tis experience too, the sales guy very yaya papaya.

Buai tahan, exact scenario

Saw Ibanez J-custom at their display & when in to ask the price, salesman give me one strange look and qoute S$3500. then, i tried asking for 2 more guitars price had to wait at least 10 minutes just to know the price.

FYI, I check out at swee lee brand new only S$3,599, wah really over price for second hand

wats ticks me was their attitude very stuck up, mayb see people no money

Come on, their shop r selling majority used items, perhap they must re think that those buying used things r not rich people or mayb for some reasons they just want it

2 things, Overprice shop or simply selling way too expensive and Stuck up attitude of the sales team

well really hope they will improve
Sharing the same experience at Guitar Connection

Two weeks ago, I went there to buy pick guard and the service was very bad. They act as though they are not interested in your business. When I asked for a certain model, their reply was " please see for yourself, whatever we have is there" pointing at the whole stack of pick guards.I am not a technical person and I may buy the wrong pick guard.The shop owner should have had assisted me.
i went in there a few times only...

first few was to try a guitar...
then to buy the guitar (kudos to the young long hair chap tat assist me)

then after tt day,i just stand outside see see
what most people in Singapore expect from a store is good customer service since that is a norm in a whole lot of places be it restaurants or service centres. However, some restaurants actually chase their customers out if they make a huge fuss over almost everything, from how hard the seat is to how sloppy the waiter dresses.

I worked for a food outlet once. If such a case arises, my boss would walk up to the customer and say: " Sir, you might be a paying customer but if you can't sit there patiently for your food, I would suggest that you head to the nearest MacDonalds to get your food " . Obviously, the customer left in a huff and the kitchen had to cancel his order.

I was asking him why he did that because that customer might spread nasty rumors regarding our restaurant. He told me that if our food is good, people will still come regardless of what he said.

Same logic applies. If the prices and services are good, people will still come back to Guitar Connection regardless of what others say. I'm one such customer. For those who are gave bad comments, when was the last time you went into Guitar Connection? You'll never know what you are missing out.
Had tis experience too, the sales guy very yaya papaya.

Buai tahan, exact scenario

Saw Ibanez J-custom at their display & when in to ask the price, salesman give me one strange look and qoute S$3500. then, i tried asking for 2 more guitars price had to wait at least 10 minutes just to know the price.

FYI, I check out at swee lee brand new only S$3,599, wah really over price for second hand

that J-Custom Brand new leh friend. Did you ask?
If the prices and services are good, people will still come back to Guitar Connection regardless of what others say

True, there's a bit of truth in saying that. Yet again, it is whether their business can survive based on such people. Every business would always have its steady customer base that would come and purchase stuff, but what about attracting new customers?
Even old customers may be drawn to other shops and be poached. A business must always know how to attract customers, be it new or old.

Yes, their prices are good, no denying it. Still, if their customer service is a little questionable, then people would be turned off.
Also, I believe many people would not mind paying a little bit more for a good customer service as well. Also, shopkeeper-customer relationships are also important in drawing back customers into your shop. If your customers like you as a salesperson, they would be more inclined to go back to your shop to purchase their equipment.
Why only at GC we get this sort of 'service'? Why at davis and beez no such things happen?

i went to davis to buy an acoustic guitar. there were no other customer. they look at me and say 'ok look around'. i went there after i rowed so i was sweaty and wet.

after i tested a takamine, there is one guy told me 'oh, its expensive. are you sure you want it?' so i said 'yeah sure. i want it'. and i told him that i want to test it. he says 'you can test only if you're sure buying'. that guit is about 1k+.

i'm not stirring up the threads but this was what i experienced. not only once but also twice when i wanted to buy an amp and straps and cables.
The uncle at Davis (looks to be late forties to early fifties) is very unfriendly, I got turned off by his attitude towards my friend who was considering one of their OLP basses. The other staff at Davis are good though. Friendly and helpful.
I head down to the store quite often. I have to say that if Kelvin gets too close to his customers, they might just take advantage of him like trying all sorts of gears just of the sake of trying & no intention of buying.

I am guilty of such a crime. Not in Guitar Connection but in Swee Lee. When I was in Secondary School, I couldn't afford even an Epiphone Les Paul Standard. Almost everyday after school, I would head straight down to Swee Lee Sims Ave and fiddle around with their guitars. The salesman approached me countless times to see if I needed any help. If you have no intention to buy a guitar, the answer is obviously a no.

When it came down to buying my first guitar, I went to the same place to try guitars. This time, I asked for help.

" $300 can get a good acoustic guitar or not? can plug in one better. "

he replied

" with $300, how to buy good acoustic guitar? I don't think we have what you are looking for " and left.

I left buying an Epiphone Acoustic package set ( the one that came with an amp ) for about $300++. It was a good guitar & exactly what I was looking for ( plug in plus amp ). he didnt tell me about the promo they were having with regards to this package. I was pissed off for quite a while. I only realised that I was partially at fault only after a few years.

I've concluded that if you have no money to buy expensive gear, why waste other people's time to let you try and walk off saying " oh sorry, I didnt know it was so expensive. I save up money come back again ok? " .

How many times does that actually happen? Thats why guitar shops now INSIST that you lay down a deposit.

Imagine a person like Kelvin who has dealt with people like these for more than 20 years. Its hard to think in other people's shoes when all you care about is the fact that you did not get treated the way you wanted to. Kelvin's grouchy attitude probably came from all this, this much I can understand.
I head down to the store quite often. I have to say that if Kelvin gets too close to his customers, they might just take advantage of him like trying all sorts of gears just of the sake of trying & no intention of buying.

I am guilty of such a crime. Not in Guitar Connection but in Swee Lee. When I was in Secondary School, I couldn't afford even an Epiphone Les Paul Standard. Almost everyday after school, I would head straight down to Swee Lee Sims Ave and fiddle around with their guitars. The salesman approached me countless times to see if I needed any help. If you have no intention to buy a guitar, the answer is obviously a no.

When it came down to buying my first guitar, I went to the same place to try guitars. This time, I asked for help.

" $300 can get a good acoustic guitar or not? can plug in one better. "

he replied

" with $300, how to buy good acoustic guitar? I don't think we have what you are looking for " and left.

I left buying an Epiphone Acoustic package set ( the one that came with an amp ) for about $300++. It was a good guitar & exactly what I was looking for ( plug in plus amp ). he didnt tell me about the promo they were having with regards to this package. I was pissed off for quite a while. I only realised that I was partially at fault only after a few years.

I've concluded that if you have no money to buy expensive gear, why waste other people's time to let you try and walk off saying " oh sorry, I didnt know it was so expensive. I save up money come back again ok? " .

How many times does that actually happen? Thats why guitar shops now INSIST that you lay down a deposit.

Imagine a person like Kelvin who has dealt with people like these for more than 20 years. Its hard to think in other people's shoes when all you care about is the fact that you did not get treated the way you wanted to. Kelvin's grouchy attitude probably came from all this, this much I can understand.

I think you've missed the point. When you buy something from a shop, his service ought to be expected because that is the profit he makes. That compensates him for the effort, and opportunity costs involved in being in the profession. Grouchy attitude is something that we, as consumers, should not have to put up with. I think that's just the basic standard we expect, afterall, we are PAYING for it.

Let me provide a paradigm example of traveling.. with the advent of the internet and its countless possibilities, why do we still turn to travel agents - are they really cheaper? For many, when you pay a slight premium in going to a shop/agent/middle-man, we do so for the service, peace of mind and for convenience. I'd pay a little bit more if I can physically inspect the guitar i'm choosing, get some advice from the salesperson who would presumably be more experienced, etc. The premium I have to fork out as a result ought to cover these expectations. However, when these basic expectations, so basic even to that of just mere civility, of course we are going to get upset.

Similarly, I do not expect to be ill-treated when I step into a guitar shop.. I don't expect to be fawned by the salespeople, but I certainly expect respect and courtesy on part of the salespeople. If you're rude, I think the consequence you ought to bear is to lose a customer and possibly have your reputation dented - that is the consequence one ought to have foreseen when he chose to adopt a high horse and stuck up attitude to service isn't it?
I believe what goes around comes around.

This is the service industry and this is how things work in the service industry. Treat all customers well and one day your efforts will pay off. They might not purchase anything but should they decide to one day, you'll be the first they think of. They'll spread the good word around. Opposite happens by being mean.

Of course if you're big and have bargaining power, it gives u the power to treat customers in whatever way u want. But it'll come back to haunt u.

It's a tough job and like all jobs, sometimes u just have to suck it in and think of the bigger picture.
When your boss scolds you inside outside frontside backside just to vent his/her frustrations on you, don't you think its a little rude too? I would get offended sometimes but even so, there are 2 options to go from here. Either send him the letter of resignation or bear with it. I believe that most would choose the latter though.

For those who bear with it, why can't you bear with the same nonsense?

However, have you thought about the fact that someone being rude is just a matter of interpretation? Some people might seem rude to others but there are a number of people who have concluded that those people are just like that and accept them for who they are.

Got something to say with regards to the store owner's attitude, talk to him about it. Fight for your opinions and not lovelovelovelovelove about it here when you know that he is not reading. Not to the extent of picking up a real fight with fists of course.

You could explain to him your intentions and that you are sincere in doing business with him instead of just walking off with the assumption that you have made within 5 minutes or less.

With regards to paying, has anyone bought anything yet? If you paid for something but it ends up faulty and the shop does not want to do anything about it, of course you would be angry because you paid good money for it. If you say you are paying for the service, how much have you forked out so far?
It is really funny world when u go to Music Outlets, many tend to be very friendly and many also prefer prioritizing on better "dressed, look like pro, got money, or rich" customers. Sometimes we just have to be as normal as we are, we should refrain from asking about their prices(makes u look like a cheapskate), unless you can ask in a rather indirect way by asking how good or bad the specific equipment is than asku the price.

Seriously I think its what you where that makes you presentable and attractive in Music Outlets. Hah, my friend who dressed up in football shorts, flip flops and a smelly jersey was rejected instantly when he asked to play an Epiphone Les Paul at Swee Lee. Sometimes when you're in school uniform is also a bad idea. Just be normal and be like a gentleman, people will respect you.

The worse encounter i had was SYNWIN at Tanjong Katong Complex, another one was Davis, but i love Davis guitar, made friends with some of their sales staff.... it's just the old uncle, so rude.
All in all the shop has already given itself a bad reputation even if any representatives try to redeem the shop's reputation by stating their real intentions.

Service goes a long way.Its the first impression.You cant choose your customers.So if their bad attitude persist which I myself have seen when my friend bought a guitar,I have to say that beginners could try avoiding this shop so they wont fall into a trap.

Hope that the shop can change its service and so on so that we can expect better from the shop.Maybe sooner we'll be talking positives about GC.
I actually find all this shop bashing a bit strange. you have expectations when you walk into any situation. if it doesn't meet your expectations, you get upset.

But in the first place, why would you have any expectations if you've never been to a shop and have no intention of buying anyways?

Sure, the proprieter might by grouchy or nonchalant. Then, the simple response should be "then don't go there". Grumbling about it is a waste of time, for me, and for anyone else I grumble to. That's why i usually bother to grumble only to friends, and even then, very seldomly.

Courtesy is common respect. But having lived this long, i've come to unfortunate terms with the reality that not everyone has common courtesy. if you drive, you will know what I mean.

I learnt a long time ago that if I let these things affect my life, I'll live a lot shorter.

Are you going to let one grouchy store owner deprive you of that precious time?

Leave it be lah.

And honestly, i find it a bit strange that the threadstarter deliberately registered a nick in this forum JUST to lodge a complaint. go count it. Every post Yuki has made in this forum is on this thread.

some people just too free.
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