Photo (gear) gallery 2008

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Yeah man. I agree. I duntink a person will play rough with his vintage/VOS kinda guitar lo.. Maybe frame it up and appreciate it everyday by stoning at it... Haha.
what i got at city music yesterday..
VOX Valvetronix AD15VT-XL



the amp came with the coiley vox cable and three picks..

bad thing bout the amp is that its 2-pin, so i gotta change it, but im lazy.. haha!
i always hear about grounding and changing the 2pin to a 3pin but does it really matter?
my amp comes with a 2pin plug but i get no problems :O
vicko: if got no problem then its okay.. i think.

from what i read, 2-pin plugs will (usually) result in unwanted noise from the amp.. hissing and stuff..

edit: as per dudelove said, i faced the hissing when i changed my pickup selection to the single coils.
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yeah....i took a module in my mass comm course for that.

I just seem to notice almost every other idiot there is into photography... for me i just wanted to get it over with. hahahhaha. did a couple of interesting "sexy" fashion shoots that got me an A :D

Don't ask me for sample shots though, donno if i'll be breaking forum regulations by posting them here :mrgreen:
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