dude nice pitbull.. how much?
This is my contribution due to my hopeless addiction to Gibsons even though I play the bass =p
Head n Cabs about 5 solid G's new.
nice lp classic man .. killer top. if only it had a 50s neck!!! if only!!!
lol edder no idea ..
yes, I have one as well. The silver floorboard item is a TC g-system.
My Goodness,
Singaporean guitarists have great gears!!!
This is my contribution due to my hopeless addiction to Gibsons even though I play the bass =p
wooot!!!i see who my good ol' sg is hanging out with now...haha...so thats the firebird u were talking about...sweet!
NAz.... business very good for you hor??? so much nice gear.
i vote that you replace one of the ibanez halfstacks with the pitbull in your studio!!