Photo (gear) gallery 2008

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he is part of the secret cult, "we like owning gear and posting pics over internet forums while being bedroom player who uses geetar as signal generator over making geetar sounding like your average geetar used in rock music"

edder: but dont you own 17 guitars?

own only mah... did i ever mention anything about playing?

Its all about owning the gear. :mrgreen: who cares about the guitars! its all about the GEAR!!!! my GEAR below.

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yeah... in fact i was about to. 22F maple with ebony fretboard WD music and another 21F Maple/Maple from a fender mexi tele with tuners.
Yah... I used one before and it was pretty hilarious actually. Like its really too much? Like overkill.


There's something abt that kind of power lah. Weird as it may seems... really makes you play in a different way - like gotta be extra careful muting, extra careful adjusting volume/gain level, enjoying the ridiculous bite - and it does split very nicely.

I use an X2N while cascading the gain on a metal muff, the tone is simply crushing. But being extra careful will make you sound extra good. So the side effect might be a good thing.
master edder: everytime you wish to use the mattress you have to move the guitars...?

hell yeah... we had a visitor last year and i had to move em all out just to get that damn mattress out. found a few dead bugs in between those nook and crannies... :mrgreen: lucky we don't get visitors often. ;)
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