pete wentz overrated?

for what i know,pete's actually a businessman,you see he runs his own clothing line and doing some projects with dkny and he has his own record label too.

Decaydance Records is a vanity label under Fueled by Ramen... so in that sense, FBR is handling the production & distribution as well as the funding for Pete. It's his own, but not his own in a way ;)

okay, let's say pete wentz IS overrated, for argument's sake.

what now? what can you do about it?

whine? complain?

best way to put him down would be to become more successful then him, sell more albums than him, have more screaming fangirls than him, then use your position in society to put him down- then maybe you'd make a difference. =)
Decaydance Records is a vanity label under Fueled by Ramen... so in that sense, FBR is handling the production & distribution as well as the funding for Pete. It's his own, but not his own in a way ;)

ha,i sure know it.yeah it's just an imprint label under fbr.
+1 visa

who cares if i just play root notes or not slap and play fancy stuff? the fact that he's living like a king and touring the world playing at packed and respected venues says it all. he deserves all the credit he gets.

just because we don't like him or the music doesnt mean that you're any better. like visa said, the only way to put him down is to have your own successful band, make catchy tunes and tour the world.

I don't really fancy FOB btw, but i respect them for coming up with a unique sound. i just learn to appreciate all kinds of music for what they are and what they say. The world would be a much better place if people didnt diss other styles of music just because they purely listen to metal/blues/jazz etc. If you opened up your ears a bit more, you can learn to catch certain lines and styles that you can incorporate in your own music. I have stuff from blink 182 all the way to uzeb and i appreciate and learn from every song they produce.

how a band is so successful isn't how technical they play. compare stev vai/satch/timmons or any other guitar shredder and bands like muse/a7x/MCR. who plays better and who sells more CDs?

Pete Wentz and FOB deserve the respect they have, like it or not.
just because we don't like him or the music doesnt mean that you're any better. like visa said, the only way to put him down is to have your own successful band, make catchy tunes and tour the world.

this is where you are wrong. the best way to put him down is to stop going for their concerts, stop buying their cds, and start seeding their albums on bittorrent.

just because we don't like him doesn't mean that we are better, but it does mean that other bands are better.

don't compare apples with oranges. compare it with.... apple pie. ok if that doesnt makes sense u can ignore it :mrgreen:
this is where you are wrong. the best way to put him down is to stop going for their concerts, stop buying their cds, and start seeding their albums on bittorrent.

just because we don't like him doesn't mean that we are better, but it does mean that other bands are better.

i still dont like pete. But i think the drummer and the lead guitarist are awesome
+1 visa

who cares if i just play root notes or not slap and play fancy stuff? the fact that he's living like a king and touring the world playing at packed and respected venues says it all. he deserves all the credit he gets.

just because we don't like him or the music doesnt mean that you're any better. like visa said, the only way to put him down is to have your own successful band, make catchy tunes and tour the world.

It's not about being better than Pete Wentz,we as music listeners have the right to choose who we like or not and to rate them as overrated or not. Even if you're better,Pete Wentz is still freakin's not about skill but more about understand WHY ARE PEOPLE LIKE HIM GETTING RECOGNITION WHEN PEOPLE WHO DON'T EVEN SELL MILLIONS OF RECORDS PLAY BETTER THAN HIM? WHY? that's all
Chill guys.. so what he is overrated? Why get involved in all this nonsense, where else u guys shud be busy practicing and writing ur own music, so u can be overrated. Heheheh..

Nobody is Perfect...

the best way to put him down is to stop going for their concerts, stop buying their cds, and start seeding their albums on bittorrent.

Have you ever gone for their concerts or bought their CDs? And any artist big enough has his/her/their albums on bittorrent.

I don't think it's affecting them much.



He is getting recognition because he has sold the millions of records. That's all you need for recognition. Sell millions of anything and you will get recognition. Pete Wentz's talent is not in playing bass, and he will never claim to be a good bassist.

So what if you have a better product? You're not going to get much recognition if you don't sell much of it.

you can have a cure for cancer, but if you don't share it with the world, who are you to say that chemotherapy is overrated?
in order to be famous you have to be overrated right?

i mean, you get famous when everyone starts talking about you. and everyone talking about you = being overrated.

so does this mean that everyone famous is overrated in a way?
you can have a cure for cancer, but if you don't share it with the world, who are you to say that chemotherapy is overrated?

Sorry but music is not the same as a cure for cancer. There are such things as marketed bands and music that don't deserve being marketed. C'mon someone tell me that Busted deserved their recognition..

it's about how much a person deserves for their talent. and music isn't JUST a product to be sold.
music and medicine are both real things that help people, and they are both products that are mass produced and marketed. you can have sub-standard music and sub-standard medicine that is widely marketed, and high quality music or medicine that is relatively unknown or unnoticed. there is a distinct similarity.


what do you mean by "don't deserve to be marketed"? Busted definitely deserve their recognition because people bought their albums! You can market a technically talented band and you can market a technically inferior band just the same, and people will simply buy the album that appeals to them more. Different people are attracted to different things.

We prefer talented, technical musicianship because we are musicians ourselves. Out of 100 people who buy albums, how many people are musicians? 20%? 30%? Who are we to say that these other people don't have the right to say "I don't give a crap about how technical the music is, I just want catchy tunes and cute faces?"

At the end of the day, the industry needs to sell products to put food on it's employees tables. If you are working in a label, and how much you can bring home to your family is dependant on how many CDs the bands you market can sell, who would you rather market? Fall Out Boy or "insert unknown talented musician here"?

Talented musicians DO get recognition- from other musicians, and the few in the general public that care. Would you rather be recognized by millions as a cute face or by a couple of hundred as a talented person? You DO have a choice.

A heavy metal band, for example, gets the recognition it deserves, amongst heavy metal listeners. You can't complain that it doesn't get recognition from the general public! Look at it from both sides. Here we are, musicians, insulting Pete Wentz's musicianship. Pete Wentz doesn't get much recognition from musicians in general. Do you see him complaining? So if we don't recognize his talent, why should his crowd recognize ours?

So when you say "how much recognition you deserve" you have to realise- different people recognize different things in different people to different extents. The choice is yours to make. Impact a few people deeply, or impact the entire world, some deeply and some superficially?
people can buy what they want and like what they want. but there will always be people (ie. us) complaining about and making sure we're not the only ones. because music is totally preferance and no band is better than or worse than. so we can say what we want because, imo, falloutboy sucks. and all modern mtv bands are way overrated
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But i still believe pete wentz is not as overrated as backstreet boys or nsync. At least he play an instrument. Hehehhe..
who would you rather market? Fall Out Boy or "insert unknown talented musician here"?

Now, why would these record labels choose to market Fall Out Boy instead of a band with more in-depth technical skills? After all, Fall Out Boy WAS an unknown band before they were 'marketed'. Ho hmm...
But i still believe pete wentz is not as overrated as backstreet boys or nsync. At least he play an instrument. Hehehhe..

bsb is so much better than nsync,it's the truth.

besides that,wentz is at least a great lyricist and he's smart to know how to market himself.
hmmmm i have learnt alot frm u guys....i learnt that softys are highly opinionated(nt a bad ting)and i have come to a conclusion

(drum roll.....)

how much recognition he deserves is subjective becos different ppl have different way of determining how much recognition he deserves..and in my way of determining this,I THINK he is overrated n tat doesnt mean i hate him or i hate fall out boy

means opinion means my point of view

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