In my opinion, there's more to being a musician than being able to play an instrument. i'm taking about gigging musicians not just bedroomers.
how many times have you seen people who can play guitar/bass get up on a stage and stone while playing.
all too often. just go on youtube and take a look at some of the non-pro covers.
i may be making a sweeping statement here, but the point i'd like to bring across is this.
pete wentz is over-rated? i agree.
however he does posses some sort of charisma which enables him to work up crowds, he has showmanship and he has a million dollar smile which makes teenyboopers all over the world chant his name during concerts.
he may not be the best bassist, but he has charisma and talent, something so often we little flamers on forums forget to see.
sure we sit here and flame him, saying how he's gay and plays root notes.
like i've said in my previous post, he's living it up as a rockstar, while we criticize him in our tiny red dot.
what he lacks in talent, he makes up with his song writing ability, charm and apparent good lucks.
that's why he's on a world tour and we're not.
this is just my opinion