pete wentz overrated?

mtv sucks nowdays , what happened to the good metal they used to play ;)

yeah... they used to have headbangers' ball... nowadays, their "so-called rock show", amplified, are playing the same set of songs everyday... it just gets sickening...

and they're showing too many reality tv series (boiling points was nice though). shouldnt they just change their name to RTV?
^totally agree, MTV use to be my fav channel for alternative its jus full of crappy reality tv and hip hop youtube is my best friend..haha
Pete Wentz<<<overrated>>> 100% yeah..

his not goodlooking people...he acted like a small emo-kid..Since you people know...some people are still "hardcore" fans of FOB<<<<????>>>>>>

we can dis him all we want behind our little computer screens.

at the end of the day, he's in a 'rocking' band and touring the world living it up as a rockstar.

it must take some skill to be able to live that lifestyle, in this guys case, he found himself a some good band mates and they wrote some catchy tunes and look where they are now.

and all he does is play root notes.

not that there's anything wrong there, i just don't see him improvising and slapping.
jupzones is right

i think if im bad at guitar but i'm making loads of money

i wouldn't care what people think about me. cause at the end of the day, the rockstars are like the kings and the fans are peasants. lol. bad analogy!
hahah u wanna talk abt technical skills of pete wentz?i can start a new thread man....he's nothing special of a bassist to deserve such recognition,if flea frm red hot chilli peppers as popular as him,than i cant blame him cos he's gd!but pete?.....jus like someone said,end of the day a rockstar is a rockstar,just his luck to land such big 'lobangs' to get such talented members

p.s i tink all of them are gd and have somthin to offer accept him..the guitarist can shred if u didnt know,patrick can sing n shred at the same time!andy is one of the most professional drummer ive seen

luck has nothing to do with it. If Fall Out Boy could get a better bassist, don't you think they would have already? They keep Pete Wentz because Pete Wentz IS Fall Out Boy, he is indispensible and invaluable to them. He writes the songs and lyrics, he mantains the band's image and persona, marketing front and business side.

As long as that is the case, luck has nothing to do with it.
yah its true that pete writes most of FOB's lyrics and i think without him they cant go far, its all becos of his looks and charisma..
who are we to judge about who deserves more fans than who?

what do you have to do to deserve a fan?
lol Someone likes pete very much.

as for me .. i really dont like him .. its my personal choice , some ppl like him some ppl dont.

i just think that he cant play bass well lol
IMO Pete writes some of the best lyrics and who gives a shit if he cant play his bass REALLY REALLY well.They still make good music at the end of the day . Their songs are not for everyone . so by calling him "overrated" is dumb. Everyone is famous for a reason.
yeah headbangers ball and alternative nation. man those were the good days. pete is alright. i wont doubt that fall out boy has alot of catchy radio friendly songs. so yeah thats a degree of success in a way. but sometimes it just seems more like a pretty face sorta thing.

On a side note. i dont see why people call falloutboy emo. really? how are they emo.
No point arguing about this kind of stuff. You know what time will do to bands like theirs. Gravity and maturity will get the better of them soon.
im a big fan of fob and i run a fan blog for them for more than a year which has some kind of reputation already.
for what i know,pete's actually a businessman,you see he runs his own clothing line and doing some projects with dkny and he has his own record label too.
well it's true that pete speaks alot during the interviews but nowadays patrick steps out more to the spotlight.
i just dont like teenies only care about fob for what pete looks like or what he does.
he's kinda overrated but i dont think it's the way he wants things to be.
and i found it funny when he got selected as one of the most beautiful 2007 and one of the sexy male in 2007 by people's really..amuszing.he's not that hot or good looking actually.
but for one thing,he's really smart,and he writes nice stuff,not only the lyrics but all over his blogs.yeah he blogs alot.
i just hope andy and joe get more attention,esp andy,he's a solid drummer imo.
speaking of fall out boy getting overrated,it's not what they can control it's becoz of the media,the weird thing.
IMO Pete writes some of the best lyrics and who gives a shit if he cant play his bass REALLY REALLY well.They still make good music at the end of the day . Their songs are not for everyone . so by calling him "overrated" is dumb. Everyone is famous for a reason.

true say.haha
so by calling him "overrated" is dumb. Everyone is famous for a reason.

the definition of overrated is getting too much recognition for wad its worth..well isnt he?frm a musician context he's not much (unless wad u ppl say he writes songs is true) how much recognition is dat deserving of?
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again, who are you to say how much recognition somebody deserves? there are millions and millions of people who've had bad days turned around listening to pete wentz's lyrics.

you deserve all the recognition you get. if you don't deserve it, you won't get it. fall out boy is not a one-hit wonder or a forgotten band, they're still selling full house shows to this day.

just because you don't like somebody doesn't mean other people aren't allowed to. =)

In my opinion, there's more to being a musician than being able to play an instrument. i'm taking about gigging musicians not just bedroomers.

how many times have you seen people who can play guitar/bass get up on a stage and stone while playing.

all too often. just go on youtube and take a look at some of the non-pro covers.

i may be making a sweeping statement here, but the point i'd like to bring across is this.

pete wentz is over-rated? i agree.

however he does posses some sort of charisma which enables him to work up crowds, he has showmanship and he has a million dollar smile which makes teenyboopers all over the world chant his name during concerts.

he may not be the best bassist, but he has charisma and talent, something so often we little flamers on forums forget to see.

sure we sit here and flame him, saying how he's gay and plays root notes.

like i've said in my previous post, he's living it up as a rockstar, while we criticize him in our tiny red dot.

what he lacks in talent, he makes up with his song writing ability, charm and apparent good lucks.

that's why he's on a world tour and we're not.

this is just my opinion :)
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